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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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.. i shall post a picture of when i get home, but....


.. on the way home from voting early at the courthouse (hated to leave my camera outside on the ground , thankfully none sniped it), i walked by a good neighbor thrift shop (which i took a picture of so i'd remember the name if i posted it, which the shop, btw, is only open on two days a week.)... there, i managed to find a green stuffed toy elephant, a little doll, a small toy table, and a genesis for $2.25 total just as the shop closed for lunch.. and i'd suspect, for the day.


real shame it wasn't open longer.. well, maybe tomorrow it'll open up for a while. and i can go by, if fridays' the day paying the bills will be possible.


i won't say anything about how i voted for the president, directly, while i was there..


but here's a hint.. it wasnt' the party that green toy elephant... would have gotten involved in.


a picture to come of the day's finds, as soon as i leave the library (preferably when my feet stop killing me.. the left one more than the right one, anyway.)

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..save for the doctor pug and the pilgrim girl doll's hat, of course.


that's a nice genesis. maybe this weekend i'll find a power supply and rf converter. maybe.


or carts for the same.


still no word on whether i can get to those atari carts at the thrift i visit once in a while, yet. but hope springs eternal.


.. and i do know , if they're still behind all those bags of plush animals.. that a few great ones do exist.


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this tale to tell is a horror story.


and this tale below is being told elsewhere as well..


i tell of a tale of a giant junkyard, a distant one, where giant demons wander and hold living, but tiny, humans hostage and animals hostage, until some of the demons carry them off in transports far from their dark hell.


one day, a gator found sixteen demon coints and a ticket of passage to go on those transports, and seeing he had escape, took with him two sleeping humans (one apparently a baby), a rabbit who was shifty, and a sleeping female lion in his break for freedom.


as he made a break for it, some of the demon coins he tossed in the air, and wandered off from the exit. to elude the guards, he used 5 of the demon coins to get him a entertainment device looking much like one of our world's n64s, a nice deal.


to further not arouse suspicion, he took the entertainment device to one who sold others like it, and had it tested.. but it was broken, so he sadly left the device behind, and saundered forth. then he picked up some long pieces of what we'd think was thread and a tiny pair of scissors, for one demon coin, and made it to the place where the giant transports took the demons away with their ill-gotten gains.


as he waited , the lion awoke and attacked, but with the scissors the gator defended his new 'friends'.. ending the lions's life with a beheading, one lion usually sold for a nice slice of demon coin. he then was stared at, and muttered something about using the skin of the slain lion to clothe the baby, but wasn't that good. at it. he then tied the lion's head (after removing the skull and body) on the more adult human so she couldn't see too well where the gator was going.


after that, with three demon coins he tried to find at a large place with crane machines holding horrors that month hostage, something to cloth the baby other than the lions skin (which didn't fit.) he found foil which didn't work, he found a blood-colored tornado which gave him a sugar rush, and then he resorted as the transport neared, to using a small jellyfish to cover the baby's front like teens used a bandana back in the early 00's in our world.. he also found cloth in checkered and plastic without arousing too much suspicion before he had the idea about the jellyfish.


then the rabbit, admitted he was an asprin dealer, and felt sorry for the baby, so he destroyed himself and with his dying breathe, offered the skin off his butt as some sort of diaper for the baby, which the gator used. he then dumped the asprins and boarded the bus.


with the survivors in tow, he almost made it himself to a promised land where good food was suddenly being served for the first time ever. which once was campaign headquarters for two others.. earlier. but he ran off from some border patrol guards, smelling the blood on the gator's hands and vanishing.


he hid out for a while , as the humans

found companionship, and then sought shelter among his people.. barely managing to escape the masked gaze of a woman completely clad by spandex greener than his hide.. alternating in stripes who's blackness was darker than his heart..

and seeking shelter among his own people, now utterly devoid of demon coins.. but hoping to earn some soon.


not long after .. the below picture took place with a much funnier ending to this story.. than the story itself.


happy halloween, everybody. good hunting tomorrow in your places full of carts and stuff. . me, i want to hunt for pumpkins, food, candy.. and maybe , well,


places in our world.. that could have been, in a shadowy world behind reflecting our world.. both creepier.. and cooler. in both ways.


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finally some game finds after some fruitless times..


also found a load of neat plushies and nice stuff, at two runs to both alamo, texas and mercedes, texas fleas ....


two towns near mine which have pretty good flea markets.. if not all that far from some medium sized cities..


, plus also found for the 2600 the following.. for about 4 bucks, which hopefully i'll soon get another trip in november to get more of..


thunderground, no escape, sky jinks, wizard of war, brain games, sky.. di... ver.....




get those carts off the injured rabbit! they're crushing HER!!!




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On Sunday I found a mini NES that says NA*SA on the front lid. It came with two controlers, power plug and rf switch. It was also on a foam box but no outer box. :( $20.00


I also found a boxed Link to the Past for $8.00

and a few NES boxed games. One being the yellow Metroid.

There were also a few other things.

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Finally some xe carts, all boxed with manuals


desert falcon

ball blazer

food fight




barnyard blaster


crime buster

star raiders 2

ace of aces


rescue from fractulas?

one on one

flight simulator 2


Im getting hooked with xe

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I found a Memorex VIS console with wireless controller (with battery door!) for $10, an Odyssey 2000 pong console without a power supply, $9.88, and yet another Epyx 500XJ joystick (I have three now! Sweet!) for $2.92, and a complete in box copy of Aliens vs. Predator for the Jaguar, $2.92.

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On Sunday I found a mini NES that says NA*SA on the front lid. It came with two controlers, power plug and rf switch. It was also on a foam box but no outer box. :(  $20.00


A mini NES? That sounds kind of interesting, you got any pictures?


Go here:



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On Sunday I found a mini NES that says NA*SA on the front lid. It came with two controlers, power plug and rf switch. It was also on a foam box but no outer box. :(  $20.00


A mini NES? That sounds kind of interesting, you got any pictures?


Go here:



Dude! I have so seen pictures of those before... That is one NES clone I would love to have.

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This is not a thrift find, nore are these games... but I still think it's rather cool... I recently found a bulk disk phone order service that sells both DS/DD 3.5" floppies and DS/DD 5.25" floppies unformatted or formatted..... I bought like 200 unformatted DS/DD 3.5" floppies from them at 29 cents each... Anyway, enough of that... I have a *few* game disk images to write to new floppies on my Apple IIgs right now... :ponder: :D

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Two garfield books. One I already have but it is currently at my dads house. The other I didn't have. .75 cents each. Both really good condition. Next was a damaged label defently was a rental loose Guantlent IV for the genesis. What type of mutiport type do I need for this? notice it will have up to 4 players. Oh price of that was $1.99. Not to bad. Not to good.





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well, found the most horrible thing any thrifter could find ever. which of course i did not buy, because even i'm not that disturbed.






.. but the genesis cart i have for my genesis (and not to be the last) was cool. as well as the plushies depicted and the little manhattan toys dollie (one of the prototypes of their groovy girls line, i'd say), who will probably play dress up as a faceless flower in a flowerly dress for a while. at least wearing that, any person, would be cooler than wearing a barney suit.. especially on a sunny day.


anyway, if you see the barney outfit at any flea in the years to come i'm showing you (even scarier than that elephant thing i showed you for halloween, and genuinely so), don't buy it. DON'T BE IN IT.


you have been warned.




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of course i know, shep. in fact , i've known a lot of people who've come to hate barney and his narrow vision of the world, especially in light of terrorism's real grip on the world. i've seen him punched, kicked , murdered mk style, in lots of threads and sites during my long time on this internet. i know that he's been hated and dissed by those old enough to know better.


' i love you, you love me?'.. sometimes in this world.. that's never the case, shep good sir. sometimes.. that never is the case.


i know that up about until 2001 or so, barney was produced in richardson, texas(somewhere near stevew's thrifting grounds, btw) .. and very much defiled in texas monthly as well, in one of their 'bum steer awards' issues that showcases a lot of texas shames. and that the show they produce, is utter drivel for children who think the world isn't full of terrorists and security cameras and spyware and politicians and lawyers and sleazes and telemarketers.. but they'll find out someday, the hard way, not everyone loves you .


and the feeling.. for the sake of your sanity.. must be mutual.

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