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The Official "Thrift finds" Thread


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dont think I posted my finds on here recetly.yay, dad finally sent pics. Got all this stuff from a friend. theres a few things not included in the pic, mainly jsut a few more TMNT items. (Its the same person I got Mario rpg, megaman x, kirby dream corse, megaman soccer, and kirby avalanche from for 8 bucks)



Doubled my gameboy collection with this one. 33 game boy games most with manuals, a gameboy cleaner, one box, a carrier, a light/magnifier, and a few inserts.



Bunch of great random things: some nintendo comics, few random nes manuals, copmlete cleaning kit, some TMNT things including the shirt maker, and a contra handheld game.



Finally got some good n64 games. All the games in the cases have the manual and cart. I had a bunch of orphan boxes and now almost all those games are complete.



The snes stuff. Just a few boxes that a few of the games I got from him go to. And another system, and many inserts/posters. Earthbound with guide and the mario rpg guide to go with the game I got from him last month. (too bad he threw away most of his SNES boxes :( )


Well I havent got games in a month or so but this made me happy. :D oh how much did I spend.... it was from a friend... a very nice friend. :D

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after a long time of not finding video games at the town's new goodwill, at last it coughed up something cool..


.. namely one of the best preserved oddysey systems, with power supply and joysticks and maybe even a connector.. just no carts or rf switch boxes.. for $5.99 ... and as a added bonus, they were playing 80's songs in there, so i guess that was a lucky sign..


... still haven't got a whole system going though i've got a genesis and a 7800 and apparently an oddysey as well.. and i may have to root at

the radio shack for a switchbox.. and still, as of yet, i've not seen perhaps any of those games at the goodwill and i'm sure that's about the only other thrift store i know of in town.


but it was a good find. along with some stuffed animals and about 3 more of those groovy girls stuffed dolls from manhattan toys (one of which bears a resemblance to one i got and mended last weekend, maybe she can get a government subsidy for stunt doubles :?) ... at the town's other known major thrift place that i still can't get the management to let me buy just a big stack of classic 2600 games from. and god.. it's lucky i got those dolls got out of there or the barneys would have i loved your little clothy existences straight to perdition. not to mention any ebayers that might, even in the backwaters of south texas, just be roaming about like sharks who don't know humans should be nonfood for their own good..


i'll post the pictureafter i take it of today's finds... and when i get home....right now i'm resting my feet in the local library because i walked a lot today.


btw, i have plans for those manhattan toys groovy girls. which doesn't involve ebay, firing out of a cannon, or permitting named anything purple, dinosaur, or going 'hyuk' ever again. they could be useful in creating 3d rendered images of humans for pinball games i'm creating for elsewhere.. mostly virtual ones.


there's no pics of any of the barneys in that thrift store i got the groovy girls from, btw, to be put in the picture i'll take in a while... but they were there.. the horrid.. things.


.. the horrid things.


purple is for grape soda, not dinosaurs from richardson,



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and here's a picture of my finds, save for one of the doll's dresses , about two of the gorillas...


and one of the dolls i found saturday meeting up with one i found just today..


.. whoa, they look alike. she must be one of the 'common' ones, oh ho.


this picture is free of barneys. but there's no guarantee , if i can make the flea market next weekend.. that there won't be as much freedom of barneys the next one.


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My best deal came last summer 2003. I hit a Yard Sale and found a Nes System with the Plastic Storage Case and 50 Games lady sold it to me for $10 her husband wanted $20 but she said she already told me $10 so I could have it for that. Either way I would it still would have been a great deal at either price. What also was great was before I left I thought I would walk around and just see if there might be any other gaming stuff. I also found and bought for $2 a SNES and 5 games. They said they had a Atari 2600 and some games in there attic but I stopped back 2 times but no luck oh well I still made out. That was my best gaming day ever maybe some day I'll get lucky and have another day like that again. One can only hope. :)

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I didn't find much today. Bought a copy of Bible Adventures for the NES for $2.98, which was odd, considering they were charging $3.49 for Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt! I also bought an old NES for $6.99, and an NES Max controller for $2.49. I also bought an old 70's style woodgrain coaxial selector box called "Aim Video Control Center". It doesn't have a scratch on it, and lets you select from a load of different coaxial inputs, along with an RCA jack for a videogame console! $2.99. This thing will be great for me to hook up all my old game systems up to.


Another thing I bought was an odd computer called a Commodore Colt. I don't recall ever hearing of it before. I'm assuming that it's a Commodore PC compatible. It has an RGB cable attached to it, the same kind of plug that's on my Commodore RGB monitor. And it also has TV output, too. I only paid $7.99 for it, just for the oddness of it. I need to look it up online and get some info on it.

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Not really a thrift find, however my roommate has a buddy over last night and he sees me playing GTA SA and watches for a bit and sees my vader and asks "is that an atari...." and so on. and he says he has an NES he'll give me. So I go to get it this morning of his front porch. and he left me:


1 NES (toaster, blinks no biggy)




a pile o' controllers including power glove and light zapper


32 Nes games not including dupes


3 SNES games


NES & SNES game genies


all for my favorite price "FREE". I think I show everyone my collection from now on.

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well.. the o2 i got works somewhat.. though i had to tinker with the insides a bit..


all it needs apparently is a cart, and maybe it will work.


had to go out and get a switchbox (about $9 at radio shack, i remember when they were so much less... ) to get it to run, but it was worth the cost.


i'll see what i can find tomorrow.. don't expect a lot of finds from me , because i still think i need to get a cable for the genesis i bought earlier.. to see if it would work.


and if it doesn't at least maybe i'll have a small supply of nice parts.


behind a couple of prior thrift store finds in the plushies department of prior thrift runs ... (one of which has another with a freaky attenna like hairdo in a headlock, being punished for apparently , from what you can see, making the two with seeming bathrobes think it was going to 'work'..) is the oddysey in question running on a tv screen in my room..


.. would it need carts to be plugged in for anything to display other than the garbage you see? because i didn't have any o2 carts to put in the thing. at least.. not this decade , anyway.


i hope this is a good sign that i could return to the collecting thing like i did back in the 80's and the 90's and the early 00's.


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Yep, that O2 needs a cart ;)


I just picked one up myself, and it does that whenever the cart doesn't make contact just right.


Fun system though. Pick up 'Pick Axe Pete' and any of the K.C. Munchkin games. Good fun. A lot more so than I was expecting, actually.


As to thrift finds, I found a box of 35 Intelliviosion games with all manuals, overllays, boxes etc. that included one of ther rarest games on the system: Stadium Mud Buggies. For 10$. One of the few really good finds up here.

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I've only seen one PS2 in the wild so far, and it was pretty well busted.  I think that it was marked $30.  Do you mind if I ask what you paid for yours?  I'm curious, since PS1's are still a little on the expensive side around here...

Yeah, $30 for the busted one (won't read discs)

$150 for the good one. (from a pawn shop, I don't think you'll ever find a working PS/2 at a thrift)



I plan on fixing and selling the broken one

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well, let's first state, i forgot my camera.. and didn't get any pics of barneys being owned this time.. no some of them hired stuffed santas and robots to protect their lives (dumb santas, indeed...)


.. though the green dino got owned.. and whatever that yellow dino that hangs with barney is named.. well, she was close to ownage by a bigger version of a stuffed angelica doll , who had owned a barney in her truck last week.


what i did find was a colecovision atari centipede (atarisoft, perhaps).. my first colecovision find in a long time.


also , i skipped some of the genny stuff to get a toy pinball game .. because i like pinball.. about $4 it set me back, financially.


and picked up the record 'wichita lineman' by glen campbell.. because i like electric poles and galveston.. and glen kinda sang about both of those subjects ,somewhat.


also, it's apparent i keep running into a certain manhattan toys stuffed dollie with orange hair, because i ran into what must be her triplet... whom as you might see in this picture, got owned by the healthiest of the three (the first one needed repairs to her back barely a week ago, btw.) she joins her two ' alternate selves' wearing pyjamas .. and she had to have her hair cut a bit, not just to be able to be told apart.. but it was kinda... burned.


though i was pretty cash strapped at the end of all the thrifting, i did manage to sweep by and pick up 2 n64 carts for a buck at a garage sale, on the way home.. 007 and 1080... not the best shape, but still, hey, they are n64 games.


also of note was a toy sewing machine that played freresu jaqkues or something...... though, with batteries, it might be able to actually sew some things... just not the backs of injured dolls. that was worth a buck because the biggest real sewing machine needs.. eh, repair.


hopefully the post-thanksgiving shopping season will turn up some finds. as well as the january searches.. some of which will probably not just be bolstered by the wares of both migrant farm workers coming down, but also winter texans who cleaned out their closets up in the northern reaches of america...


and maybe, just maybe, brought their goods to texas with them to say 'adios, amigo' to them forever.


strange i should find 3 almost identical orange haired dollies.. they're probably ultracommons in the doll collecting biz.. but like i'd sell anything like that, even if i was broke utterly.. just too. well,....


.. cute.


once, twice, three times a headache,




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i did make sure one barney got owned, though.


in that picture i took , is perhaps the most bizarre thrift store in the universe.


.. unbuyable 2600 classic games, shelves of strange , strange junk..


.. and the biggest pile of plushies ever, of which barney somehow managed to invade just in time for the season, as well as that other girl dino who's yellow and probably his suck up.


you should be so lucky you don't have to thrift in south texas, my newer pals.


closed captioned for the imagination impaired,




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Pretty slow weekend for me. I went to the local flea market and got these 6 2600 games for $10. (all Atari text labels)



Video Chess (dead)

Indy 500


and Swordquest Earthworld (obviously not text)


I also got an Odyssey2 and 8 games for $30.

No RF switch though, don't even know if it works.

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i think i have a better song to sing to you than 'i love me, i love you'..


or 'i like to say i'd love you, in a song'.


.. i dunno if anyone will get after me for the lyrics, but at this

one thrift store which had these carts behind a mountain of dolls entombed in plastic bags....


....the spirit of xmas finally made those bags go away...


and i finally got the carts i wanted so badly.


i hope i can get more if i go thrifting tomorrow..


..because i do kinda know where the rest of those carts they had hidden for years..


.. live.


and have known, for a long time.



survival run, math gran prix, superman , and a variant of real sports soccer called 'football' (maybe a english cart) now bolster my small collection.


accompanied to the tune of a barney being owned,


... let's hit the music.


and the barney with a nice little santa's sleigh.


a one , and a two..


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