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Now this is just bad...


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eBay Auction -- Item Number: 1905347476041?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=190534747604&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


And the worst part is, he went through the trouble of having it shrinkwrapped. :roll:


Wow, just wow...

Was that one of the homebrew boxes you had produced? I'm not trying to be funny, I just know that you had a bunch of full size boxes produced for your own collection.


Look exactly like the same as the one that was on ebay some months ago....


Luc, how many of these boxes have you sold? ..... or this's simply reproductions of your boxes?

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Was that one of the homebrew boxes you had produced? I'm not trying to be funny, I just know that you had a bunch of full size boxes produced for your own collection.

Yeah, it's one of the boxes I created, for my own personal use/collection.


Luc, how many of these boxes have you sold? ..... or this's simply reproductions of your boxes?

I never sold any boxes of that type, as far as I can remember. My M.O. was to have one box printed for myself, and one printed for the author of the game (in this case, PkK). I may have sold a spare copy to someone some years ago (because I always have one or two extra boxes printed, just in case I mess up while I glue them together) but I honestly don't recall it.


Question is, did I allow Marc Oberhauser (who printed my custom boxes for me) to print more boxes and sell them to other people? I also don't recall that, but it's not impossible...


* ignorance on *


Why is this a bad thing?

The box is a custom creation of mine. I made it for myself first and foremost, to have a nice regular-sized box to go with my copy of the game. So yes, I'm puzzled as to how an exemplary of the box got into the hands of this seller. But as I said, the worst part is the shrinkwrapping. That's just dishonest, given that the auction description makes it look like it's a "brand new, sealed/unopened product". Pfff... :roll:


The copy I still have of this game came from GoodDealGames and I'm pretty sure it was shrinkwrapped as well. Anyway, PkK games came in tiny boxes about the size of a regular cartridge.

I don't recall any of PkK's releases to have even been shrinkwrapped, but I could be wrong about that.


What an excellent deal. Must be one of those low print run late releases. Probably 1986 right?


;) :D :thumbsup:

Did you notice the seller's location? Auda City indeed! :P

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Sorry if he pilfered your work, Pixelboy. I've seen his auctions before, and he's selling a handful of other homebrews right now, too.


On a side note, are my eyes deceiving me, or are those stubby shells on the Coleco games? I don't believe I've ever seen those! They look Genesis sized. :)

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The copy I still have of this game came from GoodDealGames and I'm pretty sure it was shrinkwrapped as well. Anyway, PkK games came in tiny boxes about the size of a regular cartridge.


I didn't shrinkwrap them. Maybe GDG did.


Three games came in the tiny boxes. Later ones came in bigger, black boxes, like this one:




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Was that one of the homebrew boxes you had produced? I'm not trying to be funny, I just know that you had a bunch of full size boxes produced for your own collection.

Yeah, it's one of the boxes I created, for my own personal use/collection.


Luc, how many of these boxes have you sold? ..... or this's simply reproductions of your boxes?

I never sold any boxes of that type, as far as I can remember. My M.O. was to have one box printed for myself, and one printed for the author of the game (in this case, PkK). I may have sold a spare copy to someone some years ago (because I always have one or two extra boxes printed, just in case I mess up while I glue them together) but I honestly don't recall it.


Question is, did I allow Marc Oberhauser (who printed my custom boxes for me) to print more boxes and sell them to other people? I also don't recall that, but it's not impossible...


* ignorance on *


Why is this a bad thing?

The box is a custom creation of mine. I made it for myself first and foremost, to have a nice regular-sized box to go with my copy of the game. So yes, I'm puzzled as to how an exemplary of the box got into the hands of this seller. But as I said, the worst part is the shrinkwrapping. That's just dishonest, given that the auction description makes it look like it's a "brand new, sealed/unopened product". Pfff... :roll:


Well, I still have my box (unless someone stole it from my home in the last few days, which I consider highly unlikely).

I have no idea where he got the box from or who could have shrinkwrapped it. 'Could be that he wants to pass a played game as new (or he bought it from someone who did, or similar somewhere up the chain).

The price seems rather high, especially considering that AFAIK GDG still have them in stock and offer them at half the price (in the original, smaller box though).



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I never sold any boxes of that type, as far as I can remember. My M.O. was to have one box printed for myself, and one printed for the author of the game (in this case, PkK). I may have sold a spare copy to someone some years ago (because I always have one or two extra boxes printed, just in case I mess up while I glue them together) but I honestly don't recall it.


I haven't sold boxes of this game to anyone but to you and the people you told me to. More details by PM :)

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I never sold any boxes of that type, as far as I can remember. My M.O. was to have one box printed for myself, and one printed for the author of the game (in this case, PkK). I may have sold a spare copy to someone some years ago (because I always have one or two extra boxes printed, just in case I mess up while I glue them together) but I honestly don't recall it.


I haven't sold boxes of this game to anyone but to you and the people you told me to. More details by PM :)

Okay, I think we've solved the mystery: In addition to myself and Philipp, copies of the box were also sent to a third guy who lives in the US. The seller is either the guy himself, or someone who bought a box from him.


Many thanks for Marc for keeping such detailled sales records. :)

Edited by Pixelboy
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