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so i got a kinect....


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as a wedding present. i stood there alone at 2am playing kinect adventures and having a blast. im not usually easily impressed but i was impressed at how well it actually worked in my tiny apartment.



anyway, i know that star wars and whatnot is coming eventually but im just curious whats out there now that would be worth playing. im really not picky, i'll pretty much play any genre so it doesnt need to be a "hardcore" title.

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as a wedding present. i stood there alone at 2am playing kinect adventures and having a blast. im not usually easily impressed but i was impressed at how well it actually worked in my tiny apartment.



anyway, i know that star wars and whatnot is coming eventually but im just curious whats out there now that would be worth playing. im really not picky, i'll pretty much play any genre so it doesnt need to be a "hardcore" title.

surprisingly Kinectamils has gotten some good scores, game Informer even as far as to say that it has a story line.

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Also Dance central seems fun and really well done. Should be a new game from Capcom soon done by some the original people that did Panzer Dragoon and surprise you control a person riding a dragon trying to save his home land. Am actually looking forward to how the controls will work.

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My Kinect is unfortunately collecting dust. icon_frown.gif


I bought it on the release day and got it home to find that I do not have enough room in my living room to play it properly...unless I move the couch into another room. Seeing as I don't particularly enjoy moving furniture, I've only played it 3 or 4 times.


That said, it is truly an amazing piece of hardware. I have two games and they are both fun: Kinect Adventures and Kinect Sports. I would say that these are both a lot of fun.

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So far, there are just a bunch of wii-style shovelware games out. It's like Microsoft released the hardware early, without enough time for game developers to get on board.. There are some games that look like they will be good on the horizon. Child of Eden will be the first to be released, starting in June. Just youtube them to see the trailer for each game.


Child of Eden

Project Draco

Rise of Nightmares


Codename D

Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor

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So far, there are just a bunch of wii-style shovelware games out. It's like Microsoft released the hardware early, without enough time for game developers to get on board.. There are some games that look like they will be good on the horizon. Child of Eden will be the first to be released, starting in June. Just youtube them to see the trailer for each game.


Child of Eden

Project Draco

Rise of Nightmares


Codename D

Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor


Going to be keeping my eye on these.

The way I see it, these will either tank and the Kinect will be all but abandoned. (Perfect time to snag one from the bargain bin) Or they will do great and kick the Kinect into high gear and I'll have to go buy one full price. I don't expect the latter to happen, but what do I know. I personally didn't think it would sell near as well as it did last season.

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supposedly star wars will be shown at e3 so i'll be keeping my eyes peeled for that and other games.


i saw that theres a rumor that mass effect 3 may have some optional kinect features too.





edit-just found this. i'll have to at least gamefly it-



Edited by xg4bx
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My jiu jitsu teacher has one, and he loves it. Him and his wife does Dance Central as a workout, then they go out Sat nights to the clubs and dance away. :)


I haven't personally tried it... but someone hacked one to work with stepmania, an open source dance dance revolution for pc.





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as a wedding present. i stood there alone at 2am playing kinect adventures and having a blast. im not usually easily impressed but i was impressed at how well it actually worked in my tiny apartment.



anyway, i know that star wars and whatnot is coming eventually but im just curious whats out there now that would be worth playing. im really not picky, i'll pretty much play any genre so it doesnt need to be a "hardcore" title.



Just think.. almost a year ago exactly you were ranting on and on about how much of an "epic failure" the Kinect was. Now you've got one and love it.



Congrats on getting married!

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  • 2 months later...

the kinect games that I'm looking forward to that are coming out soon are Forza 4, Rise of Nightmares, The Gunstringer/Fruit Ninja combo, Kinect Sports season 2, Dance Central 2, and Leedmees. Otherwise, this fall/winter, it's Halo Anniversary, Ace Combat Assault Horizon, MW3, BF3, Gears of War 3, etc.


if you have kinect sports, add me as a friend and I'll take you on!

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I like the sports games, and the carnival game (but can't remember the name of either) They're both appropriate to the kinect too. Of course, they can both be had in a similar form on the Wii too, but I like how the Kinect gets your whole body in the game.


I'm interested in a few games coming, but the release rate for the kinect is to low and I don't use it much. Great party system though.

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  • 1 month later...

Had a Dance Central 2 party last night and everyone loved it so much more than DC1 (though they loved DC1 way back in the day).


The best new feature to them was the fact that you can sign into 4 profiles and you can rotate through profiles easily (had each of them go through KinectID so that there was facial recognition). Just step up and bam, the Kinect recognizes the person and provides scoring for that unique individual. In DC1, everyone pretty much played together under 1 profile. You can also set up different difficulty levels for different people so the great dancer doesn't have to do easy steps or the average dancer doesn't have to feel under duress with difficult steps.


The soundtrack is just awesome this time. They all mentioned how they liked this soundtrack more and I agree. Did the song import as well so people like all your Dance Central songs in one place, using 1 disc.


The other great new feature they liked but caused us minor problems some time was the automatic drop-in/drop-out feature. If there are 2 people playing and one person sits down, he drops out and there's only single player dancing. If a second player stands in the frame, he joins in and the players are dancing side by side on the screen. But in the beginning (since this was a new game to us), when we had people switching, we weren't quick in switching people so it would drop to single player and then back to multiplayer. That was a little disorienting on the screen so this time we made sure people didn't drop out during a song or we made sure people switched fast (no indecisiveness!).


And the tutorials section is better as well. Now you can practice just the moves you are having problems with, without having to go through the entire tutorial.

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