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A Jaguar game with Parallax scrolling

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Hey, I just wanted to write a game, I didn't expect the Spanish inquisition :P



My girlfriend is always asking me why I do this stuff - I'm used to the Spanish inquisition :)


anyhooo... anything happened game or code-wise?

Edited by sack-c0s
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Hey, I just wanted to write a game, I didn't expect the Spanish inquisition :P





Good idea for the game. Because it makes it easier to create the colours for the protagonist.






The goodies could be crosses, and after completing the level, he encounters the big antichrist down in hell ;)

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can't we just ignore Emkay and write the bloody game?


I mean seriously! you guys are *so* close to having a decent looking and fun game that is *finished* as a result of a collaboration. Don't let him derail you now.


I'm looking at the game now and trying to think of a direction I want to be taking the C64 version in and to be honest here I don't think I've got much scope for getting one over you folks on a technical level ;) so I'm looking at extending it with a couple of different game modes.


This shows an idea I'm toying with at the moment:



I'm thinking of calling the original game play mode 'infinite mode' and taking that platform coverage mechanic and applying it to the game, so in this mode ('challenge mode'?) you have a limited amount of play area which is generated upfront and the objective is to cover as much of the platform as possible, so you have the risk vs reward of falling or being crushed against running that little bit further down a platform for the extra points. Of course to balance this you might want to revisit platforms, so randomly appearing speed and direction switches might be a good idea so you can go up instead of down.


Then I started thinking that this might also lend itself to a good 2-player game where you can ram the other player off platforms, or jump on them to stun them (slowing their escape from falling off the screen), or just outright screw them by flipping the direction at a really bad moment for them.


These are ideas I have in mind for a C64 or SMS version I'd like to get around to, but if any of them were to somehow end up in the Atari version I wouldn't object :)



I know this Game for years.

It was one of first and not many really coded by portuguese guys for the ZX.

They send it to England Elite or Gremlin but they don't think if was up to spend money of lincense the Arcade version.

These guys get some minutes of fame in a Market just at the begining where here was all pirated and people just want Games and just know doing 'Load""'


ON the Portuguese T.V. on the Eighties

These T.V. Program on The Friday's Afternoons was amazing... We were all in front of T.Vs. to see the new games and stuffs for computer games, specially from England software houses... good memories, sadly that I think they never show any A8 game and 800Xl was the second selling here, Zx the first.

Only later C64 and I think that only were shown here on this T.V. program was Last Ninja and armalyte. First time I saw a C64 Game running...)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Did this game ever happen? Do we have Downfall for the 8-bit ???



When I start this Thread for me it was just another one...

I didn't even think that all these nº of Vertical Paralax could be possible on A8.


But so quickly someone start the coding and another one did the gfxs.

The coder is the person to answer your question but I just can say that I am very happy that finally one of my ideas are been coding (and what a looking!...) ;)




José Pereira.

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When I start this Thread for me it was just another one...

I didn't even think that all these nº of Vertical Paralax could be possible on A8.



Vertical scrolling the the biggest strength of the A8 ;)



But so quickly someone start the coding and another one did the gfxs.

The coder is the person to answer your question but I just can say that I am very happy that finally one of my ideas are been coding (and what a looking!...) ;)


We have 3 chances now:




1. Just like many other projects on the A8, we may all die before it is finished


2. We get a game , based on the idea of "Downfall"


3. We get an A8 version of Downfall




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When I start this Thread for me it was just another one...

I didn't even think that all these nº of Vertical Paralax could be possible on A8.



Vertical scrolling the the biggest strength of the A8 ;)



But so quickly someone start the coding and another one did the gfxs.

The coder is the person to answer your question but I just can say that I am very happy that finally one of my ideas are been coding (and what a looking!...) ;)


We have 3 chances now:




1. Just like many other projects on the A8, we may all die before it is finished


2. We get a game , based on the idea of "Downfall"


3. We get an A8 version of Downfall







Emkay, NO!

Please don't re-start.

Downfall but with other Rocks or Cannyon or Terrain or wathever you can call it!...

We would also never get the looking of the Jaguar version even if just for the pixels ratio ;)

Probably what's there it's the best solution for a 2:1ratio Machine.

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  • 2 months later...

I don't know how to design Rocks. Irgendwer also or don't want to... Simonl probably isn't good at Paint/Brush/Design Gfxs...

Where's the Rocks Gfxs. like in the Jaguar version?


Still not there ;)




I also use the ' ;) ' but you are abusing it...

Why I and probably all the others don't understand.

Isn't because of English Language for sure...

You're Posts are always 'incomplete', always something more to say...

We always try to think what's in your Mind.

Like in Warner Bros: "What's up duck?"

But we probably begin not to waste our time thinking in what you are really thinking.

I agree with you many times and know or can see if you're wrong or not... at least in the way I see things.

everyone have their own Ideas.

Why not post something to prove?

Like you do with the 'Sounds' but concrete Things.

I don't have a G2F that it's really a Chars/Tile Editor and Game Mapping creator... but I continue and the coders have something mine...

We discuss eachones ideas freely.



José Pereira.


Sorry to jump in here, but I saw your quote above and HAD to say something; the Warner Bros. saying is NOT "what's up duck?" IT's "what's up DOC?" as in, short for DOCTOR, It was Bug's Bunny's "hello" to everyone (not just Daffy Duck). Again, sorry, but that is such a classic line I could not let it be quoted incorrectly!

Edited by Gunstar
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Reading back on this thread it looks like Yak actually had an idea along the lines of what I was trying to get across and built it for the iPhone:



That's kind of what I had in mind, only in the other direction, and I hadn't thought of the nebulus/tower topper viewpoint.

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  • 3 years later...

It's in progress, I'll post an update when it's completed. Also, remind me to stop clicking + on random posts when I'm trying to reply icon_wink.gif





I hope Simon will be back on AtariAge someday...


The WIP was great: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/183817-a-jaguar-game-with-parallax-scrolling/page-13?do=findComment&comment=2314954

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