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Bothersome Ebay Member estate-find


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Recently had a bad experience with Ebay Member estate-find

I purchased this ebay auction


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2306309128491?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=230630912849&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


I was mostly interested in the Checkers game and the White Channel F Box

Shipping was only "10.10 Expedited Shipping"


When I recieved the package it was Postage Due. to the sellers credit I contacted him and

was given a refund of the postage Due.


The second problem was the packaging it was all smashed into the White Channel F Box and pushed

into another box nearly the exact same size, no packing or protection and since some of the games

were on top of the channel F cover it was cracked and some damage to the game boxes was evident

since I was really only interested in the White Box and Checkers game I did not even mention this

problem to the seller and figured I would just let it go as I did get what I was interested in and

he did refund the postage.


Next I get constant ebay messages asking for feedback ? I ignored the first few but after the third or

fouth pushy messages asking for it I granted his request and left Neutral Feed back. I then started to get

constant messages complaining that he had given me such a deal and questing weather it was indeed

postage due ?


Again I ignored the first few but this last one I had to respond to.


Here are the last two first was his message second is my final response


His last message


Dear f-n-d,


I am not at all sure what your problem is with the auction you purchased from me as I believe you received a great deal at an incredible price, and your subsequent lack of communication skills, therefore I am placing your ebay account on my blocked list for the rest of the various Fairchild auction items and other various 1st generation items I will be listing on the ebay



My Last response


Dear estate-find,


Apparently you have too much time on your hands and are becoming bothersome.

You have already been put on my "not to be dealt with list" so go ahead and

block me that will help out in the event I make a mistake and forget.


The only reason I left feedback at all was because you were being a pest

about it so I went ahead and left the best I could, your really lucky it

was not a Negative which you truly deserved. As you must remember I sent

you pictures of the package with the postage due sticker

from the post office so your snide comment that I "claimed it was postage

Due" was rather uncalled for as you were given proof. I however did not

mention or send you the pictures of the over stuffed package you mailed

with no protection for the items inside. The one game I was interested had

some damage to its box when it was pushed through the plastic cover of the

Channel F game system due to you trying to smash to much into a box I did

not mention the broken cover or damaged box and just chalked it up to

another bad seller and was going to just let it go but your constant

pestering for feedback forced my hand and I went ahead and granted

your request. It should have been a Negative but I was being Nice.


In closing this is the last I want to hear from you. Do not contact me

again If you send me any more messages through ebay of by any other means I

will contact ebay with a complaint of harassment.



Have I been unreasonable ? I only left Neutral, maybe I should of let him

know sooner but really I did not want to continue this and was trying to

just let it go . Looking back I truly believe it would of continued back and

fourth as he seems to be the type who will not let it go.




Mailed using 3 lb 15 oz and as shown it was really 10 lb 11 ozpo_due2.jpg


Top of box with the Wax paper box on top to show how much higher the middle is then the rest of the boxpo_due4.jpg


Bottom of box with the Wax paper box on top to show how much higher the middle is then the rest of the boxpo_due5.jpg

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Did the Checkers box come out ok? My snipe was a bit to low to register on this one, but I really wanted that Checkers. Definitely one of the toughest non-demo games to get. Too bad he shipped it like 4 year old would.


Actually NO it arrived with some minor damage on the back of the checkers box, lucky though as it could of been much worse,

it was the one game on top of the Channel F plastic cover that arrived cracked had there been much more pressure on the

outside of the box I am sure it would of broken through fully and probably would of torn /ripped the (checkers)box


Side note I am now convinced the White Channel F box was not a shipping box but the Zircon re-release that would of been

printed after they ran out of the boxes made up by Fairchild. The reason is there is a wards price tag on the outside of

the box showing it must of been sold at a wards also the paper work is for sure from 1982 which was near the end of the

Zircon Channel F sales and after there second and last run they had made after running out of the Fairchild stock of games which BTW were all re-released in the Zircon white game boxes

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That sucks man. In cases like this I almost always request that the seller take extra care of the important game in the lot.


Oh I did, I asked that the items be packed carfully as I am a collector and the boxes and paper work are more important to

me than the game system, apparently he felt stuffing it all in the white channel f box and shoving that into another box was

carfull packaging ? :roll:


BTW I will probably be selling a Boxed checkers in the near future along with my second Alternate version of the number 22

Slot Machine the one without the "Purse"

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Cool. Let me know when they are on the market. I need that Checkers. Do you have a list that you work from that has variants and everything? I haven't been able to find a real good Channel F checklist.


Only my personnel list and collection that can be viewed on my web site with pictures of all the different games

variations it can be viewed here


My web page link


Note you can click any of the yellow boarder boxes to be taken move around the site there is much more than just

the games there are newpaper articles, time line list, interviews, paperwork, game instructions, pictures and list

of game production dates. There is also an international section but it is still under construction.


Also I have never updated the number 22 with the alternate version notation as this was only noticed when I had received

some games from a Sales Rep with some demo carts and the alternate version was in the collection the second one I had

gotten from the son of a guy who may have been working at Zircon as a programer (I could not verify it)


There is aother thread here somewhere with screen shots I will try and locate it and edit this message later


EDIT: Here is the link to the other thread with pictures of the alternate number 22

thread about alternate number 22

Edited by FND
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