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7800 HSC Season 4 - Game 6 *Galaga*


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Important Note: Competition is over for this week




Game Information


Game Name: Galaga

Released By: Atari

Game Mode: EXPERT


Use your 7800 CONSOLE or EMULATOR to play.

Post your scores in this thread, they will be added to the Atari 7800 HSC

scoreboard. Remember to play each game with the recommended game mode or difficulty setting

as shown above. The deadline for posting scores is Wednesday August 10th at 1:00 AM

(Central Time, UTC-6)




7800 HSC scoring system

(Does not apply in a Variety pack)


1st place GOLD [10]+ 3 bonus points

2nd place SILVER [9]+ 2 bonus points

3rd place BRONZE [8]+ 1 bonus point


4 [7]

5 [6]

6 [5]

7 [4]

8 [3]

9 [2]

10th and lower is 1 point.


Challenges / Bonus

Write a true story about a memory of a video gaming experience. Such as... playing with friends or family, buying a new game, a time you had playing Atari 7800 or playing at the arcade etc. for 3 bonus points.

(1 paragraph or at least 3 sentances)

+3 oyamafamily

+3 JacobZu7zu7

+3 bigbee99

+3 Jifremok

+3 atomickneedrop


High Scores

*1. 416,120 bigbee99 [gold]

*2. 352,840 oyamafamily [silver]

*3. 103,330 Jifremok [bronze]

4. 93,360 roadrunner

5. 51,180 Gorfy

6. 48,780 SpiceWare

7. 42,480 atomickneedrop

8. 40,430 LarcenTyler

9. 37,680 JacobZu7zu7

10. 21,430 zylon


Best Tips [1+]





1. Jifremok-71 [2 gold, 2 silver]

2. atomickneedrop-66 [2 gold / sports pack]

3. bigbee99-42 [2 bronze]

3. JacobZu7zu7-42 [1 silver]

5. Gorfy-33

6. SpiceWare-24

7. roadrunner-20 [1 bronze]

8. mord-18 [1 silver]

9. classicgamer_27330-15

10. oyamafamily-14 [1 bronze]

11. mingy jongo-7

12. zylon-3

13. cparsley-3


DEADLINE is Wednesday August 10th at 1:00 AM (Central Time, UTC-6)


Sneak preview

Next week is, *Failsafe*



Edited by JacobZu7zu7
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1) LEVEL NUMBER: The "Stage" number, located at the right bottom of the screen, is composed by 2 digits; so, this number goes to "1" (the easiest wave) once you complete Level 99, as shown on Figures 1 & 2.


post-24681-0-49819500-1312507770_thumb.png<---FIGURE 1: Level 99


post-24681-0-12732400-1312507775_thumb.png<---FIGURE 2: Level rolled at number 99 and passed to 01


2) THE SCOREBOARD on Atari 7800 Galaga is composed by 7 DIGITS (NOT 6). So, you can score until 9,999,990 points before rolling. The Figures 3 & 4 show the score before & after completing 1 million, respectively. (Please, note that the scores DON'T COUNT, because I chose Novice Game Mode and I'm giving details about this game, OK?)


post-24681-0-72830100-1312507782_thumb.png<---FIGURE 3: Before 1 MILLION POINTS.

post-24681-0-31801600-1312507787_thumb.png<---FIGURE 4: After 1 MILLION POINTS.

3) BONUS LIVES: You start this game with 3 ships in reserve, plus 1 ship on the gameplay. You get the 1st bonus life at 30K, and 2nd at 120K; after this, you earn each additional ship for the next multiples of 120K points accumulated (240K, 360K, 480K, and so fourth). The maximum number of ships in reserve is NINE, as seen on Figure 5.


post-24681-0-17393200-1312507794_thumb.png<---FIGURE 5: 9 ships in reserve as the maximum number of lives.

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From 1986 to 1989, I had an Atari 2600 VCS at home and I played some favorite games: Frostbite, River Raid, Enduro, and Pac-man. I got a score between 350,000 and 380,000 points on Frostbite, which was my favorite game.


In 1992, I played two greatest games using Nintendo Game Boy: Super Mario Land (I beat the game via finishing World 4-3, the Final Stage, and I rescued the Princess Daisy many times), and Pac-Man (my personal record obtained is 220,000 points, approximately).


Since 1999, I have played many Atari 2600 games using Stella Emulator just for knowing and training. With this emulator, I rolled the score in some games when I was practicing: 1,000,000+ on Millipede, Megamania, H.E.R.O., Dig Dug and Buck Rogers; 100,000+ on Turmoil, Beany Bopper, Asteroids, Boing, and Dark Chambers (which is one of my favorite 2600 games).


And since 2007, I have tried Atari 7800 ProSystem Emulator, with the following games: Ms. Pac-Man, Dark Chambers, Dig Dug, Galaga etc.. Recently, I played my favorite games for this platform just for training: Jr. Pac-Man and Pac-Man Collection, which have Turbo Speed (Fast Mode) as a special feature. On Jr. Pac-Man, I scored more than 200,000 points using Twin Galaxies Tournament Settings (5 Jr. Pac-Men to start, Bycicle and Fast Mode).


These are my experiences obtained when the subject discussed is VIDEO GAME.

Edited by oyamafamily
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Galaga Expert Mode: 189,260! WOO HOOOO!!

Nice run. Last I check the scoreboard here, 110k was on top. I thought I was gonna drop a top score when I just scored this. I am finally getting the hang of this port.



Not done with this one yet. But I defiantly need a break :cool:



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I got a couple emulators in just for trial and compare differences in play. I was not pleased with some things I found.

What did you found :D I remember trying Summer Games on both C64 and Vice and it actually ran faster on one or the other... I forget...



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I got a couple emulators in just for trial and compare differences in play. I was not pleased with some things I found.

What did you found :D I remember trying Summer Games on both C64 and Vice and it actually ran faster on one or the other... I forget...



#1 most disturbing thing I found was "adjustable" framerates. I've wondered about these things for some time now and studying these has led to more questions than answers.

We'll just say I'm done here.

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I never really noticed how bad RF really was until I went from emulation on the 7800 in 64 bit back to my 7800 in less than an hour. I knew it was bad and all but WOW! This game moves really fast in Expert mode. The enemies leave mad tracers from the bleeding! I know I had fun in the 90's and all but I really don't think the tracers are from that :D I'm really considering an s-video mod for her now. The game plays the same for me though. I really like the SMS controller over my keyboard too. I've broke 200k a few time but I just can't seem to stay in the rhythm of the game yet. Maybe I'll get there before this round is over.



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I never really noticed how bad RF really was until I went from emulation on the 7800 in 64 bit back to my 7800 in less than an hour. I knew it was bad and all but WOW! This game moves really fast in Expert mode. The enemies leave mad tracers from the bleeding! I know I had fun in the 90's and all but I really don't think the tracers are from that :D I'm really considering an s-video mod for her now. The game plays the same for me though. I really like the SMS controller over my keyboard too. I've broke 200k a few time but I just can't seem to stay in the rhythm of the game yet. Maybe I'll get there before this round is over.



Set display to PAL if your monitor supports it. PAL is 20% slower 50hz vs 60hz. It might help. :ponder:

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