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If You Were To Sell Your 5200...


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...where would you do it? I am seriously considering getting rid of my 5200 collection, I haven't played it in over a decade and I managed to procure a lot of doctor bills this year that I need to pay. I have Wico joysticks, but I really hate them. I don't have a keypad and I can't see spending the money for one at this point. I have an 800 with plenty of Glenn the 5200 Man discs, so I really won't miss it much.


I know I'm not going to make the grand that I need to pay the bills, but where would you think I would stand to make the most? Should I post a sale thread here (please answer honestly :) ), or sell games separately on eBay? Should I bring the entire collection to NAVA next week? I've read that some people recommend selling a system with about 10 or so common games to get a higher price. When selling dupes before I never really cared about price, but I need to now.


Most of you probably don't know me, I've been collecting for a long time but I keep a low profile. I can promise you that I'm not trolling or spamming, I'm just trying to make a little back on my investment. :) Thank you for any advice you can give.

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I'd start here, on the forums. As long as you're not trying to price gouge, you'll find a lot of interested parties (sometimes without even trying, as Cebus just proved). A lot of us are even more willing to buy if we hear someone is selling because of hardships.


When I prefer not to mail stuff, I use craigslist. No fees, and no postage or packaging to worry about (usually). You do have to sift through crazy offers and disappearing prospects, but I think the fact you get to pocket all the dough afterward makes up for that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am considering selling the 5200 stuff I have as well, just never gotten around to getting that modded console. So I have a lot of homebrew, bits of hardware and the such... just no console hah hah. And I could do with the money really if I'm never gonna play the stuff. What sort of prices does homebrew now go for on the 5200?

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