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Cuttle Cart 2 or equivalent...

Robert Carrion

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Are there any Cuttle Cart 2 equivalents for sale...as in flash carts for the Atari 7800. Also, if not, what does an average used Cuttle Cart 2 go for. I hear you can find them used on forum marketplaces, here and there. That they are slightly rare. Whats the approximate price. I'd like one but not if it's a price that has gone to rediculous extremes.




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The prices I've seen them go for were all over $200, but as they sold for that initially, that's not that crazy.

(At least, that's what I paid at the time.)

How much over tho? Last one I saw was I think in the $250 range, but I have no idea if that was a "good deal" or just average..


They don't come up that often, so it's hard to judge price.


I keep hearing about a new one coming out less expensive, but I'm not sure where that project (Harmony 2??) is at the moment.



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well it depends on the games you want to play, some games cost $1000's on their own, if you want to try out a load of prototypes or homebrew then it is a great device. I miss having one around, but with bills to pay and mouths to feed I could'nt justify keeping it when values sky rocketed.

I believe that production was stopped because one/some of the parts required were no longer available, also Chad had a load of stock at one time that he struggled to move. (long gone now though)

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well it depends on the games you want to play, some games cost $1000's on their own, if you want to try out a load of prototypes or homebrew then it is a great device. I miss having one around, but with bills to pay and mouths to feed I could'nt justify keeping it when values sky rocketed.

I believe that production was stopped because one/some of the parts required were no longer available, also Chad had a load of stock at one time that he struggled to move. (long gone now though)

Not really, at least not for the 7800. You could score pretty much the entire catalog of 7800 games for under $500 loose. If you wanted CIB, it's be more, but you could still get the entire library for under $1000.


Now if you're talking 2600 games, I don't know of any that really sell for $1,000's, maybe a mint NIB Video Life? Beyond that, you can still get a Harmony 1 for every 2600 game for $60ish?


I had a CC2 and loved it. Unfortunately I had to sell it when I was in a financial bind. Hindsight shows it was a mistake. I do hope the Harmony 2 eventually sees the light of day, but I'm not holding my breath on any release dates.

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This was the last one I saw:


July 2011 for $250.

Have to admit, if I knew mine was worth $500, I might have sold it..

$500.. Whew!! Probably would have sold it..


Kind of glad I never knew they went that high.. ;-)



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The $500 one included a nice 7800 system as well. Bottom line is there is always 1 person out there willing to pay *anything* for something - that CC2 seller found that person.


I sold my extra for around $250 (cant remember now) last year - they cost $225 new IIRC and there is nothing else out there for the 7800 so I wouldnt expect to see one for less than that.


The H2 has generated alot of buzz but I dont think its on the horizon anytime soon. I like the CC2 but having to generate the menu and such when adding new carts makes it a pain sometimes - if the H2 ever comes out at 1/2 the price of the CC2 it would be a great deal.

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I like the CC2 but having to generate the menu and such when adding new carts makes it a pain sometimes - if the H2 ever comes out at 1/2 the price of the CC2 it would be a great deal.


It is hard to add the latest work in progress (WIP) roms. I created a program to generate menus and sub-menus (based on name, company and controller type) , but I always had to add WIP’s to the database and I never could keep up, it seems.


What can you do when you give someone so much flexibility and you can’t legally give away the CC2 card image so we are back to every user has to create the menu’s for them self’s.


Maybe if we pay someone to put in the latest WIP and e-mail us the new stuff but there are not that many CC2 owners to make it very worthwhile.

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The CC2 uses MMC cards, which is probably the biggest reason they are no longer made. I bought mine when Chad was clearing them out in...2005? I think? I love it. I wrote a Mac application (OS 9 and earlier, not X) that converts text menu files to CC2 menu files (and vice versa if you lose your text file). Make changes to the text file then drag and drop the file onto the application window (or icon). Voila!


My only gripe is finding the correct bankswitching scheme with Stella, which doesn't reveal the method when it's set to 'auto'. You have to use trial and error to figure out which scheme the game needs (or I just don't know where to look, which is possible). Other than that it's just a minor inconvenience but worth the effort to play a game on an actual Atari console and CRT screen. Boulder Dash Demo? Yes, thanks! :)


When/if the Harmony 2 comes out I'll probably pick it up but still keep my CC2.

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My only gripe is finding the correct bankswitching scheme with Stella, which doesn't reveal the method when it's set to 'auto'. You have to use trial and error to figure out which scheme the game needs (or I just don't know where to look, which is possible). Other than that it's just a minor inconvenience but worth the effort to play a game on an actual Atari console and CRT screen. Boulder Dash Demo? Yes, thanks! :)


When you start a game, turn on the scanline count with Alt-l. This shows an image similar to the following:



The bankswitch scheme is on the bottom row: '4K*'. The '*' indicates that it was autodetected as such. The second (4K) is the size of the ROM (obviously in KB). The first line shows scanline count and corresponding framerate, which determines that NTSC is automatically used (again, auto because of the '*').


The next version of Stella (due in a few days) includes an internal log where you can see this info as well. But even the currently released version prints the output to the console if you turn on that option.


Finally, you can launch from the commandline as follows, which will give info on the ROM without actually starting emulation:

stella -rominfo rr.a26


When run on River Raid, it generates the following:

 Cart Name:	   River Raid (1982) (Activision)
 Cart MD5:		393948436d1f4cc3192410bb918f9724
 Controller 0:	Joystick in left port
 Controller 1:	Joystick in right port
 Display Format:  NTSC*
 Bankswitch Type: 4K* (4K)


So there are many ways to get the info you need, without using trial and error. The manual is your friend :)

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@stephena: Cool, thanks! I figured there must be an easier way, I just never explored it deeply. I could usually get the right scheme in two or three tries. A keyboard command is definitely easier than going into the dialog, though. Next time I'll RTFM :)

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There are some general rules you can always follow (F8 - 8k, F6 - 16k, F4 - 32k etc), but for the custom bankswitching, yeah, it could take a little trial and error.


As for value, I still think the CC2 is worth more than the $200 it originally cost... it's worth it heh.

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