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I'm sure you had to really search those out, you said those games went for that "on a regular basis". I just looked at the last five that sold. I'm sure the lot was a good deal and I know how much Bubble Bobble 2 is worth but it's simply not true that the other games are sold for those prices on a regular basis.

The guy is obviously gonna keep fighting any rational logic with his $15 Zelda carts so best just let him have his fantasy cause the guy won't give up. A fool always fights logic

cause otherwise they would have to admit they are wrong.


All I originally said is that the auction was a great deal as you could make up the purchase price easily by selling everything in the lot thus getting BB2 for free.


You felt compelled to argue over that statement though so I offered some prices that the games DO sell for as I have proved. Granted it will take time but you are guaranteed to get BB2 for free and make a profit IMO.


The prices are not that far off except for DR. Mario and DonkeyJR which I mistakenly thought was MathJr.


And if you want to get nasty then I would just like to state “A fool doesn’t realize a deal even when it bites them in the buttocks.” Please keep in mind that the lot eventually sold for $128 and that BB2 sells for $150 easily.

Try to fight that logic with a deal biting your derriere if you can...

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Nes = $50 $25 $35


Zelda = $15 $5 $8


Zelda 2 = $15 $5 $8


Zelda Grey Cart = $15 $5 $8


Mario 2 = $15 $4 $10


Mario 3 = $15 $4 $3


Dr Mario = $10 $1 $7


Jr. Math = $20 $10 $11

Duck/mario/track = $5 .50 cents .01 Cent


Bubble 1 = $20 $10 $11


Total = $180 $69.50 $88



Fixed. Mind you thats still ok if the BB2 is minty cause $128 - $69.50 = $58.50 for a $100ish copy of Bubble Bobble 2. Alot of leg work to save $40 or $50 bucks if all

you wanted was the one cart but worth it to the right person.


I'm not the biggest NES fan. Actually I did really like it as a kid in the 80's and still don't today. But guy767 price are pretty close to retail and Shawn Sr. are more non-reseller swap met.

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I'm not the biggest NES fan. Actually I did really like it as a kid in the 80's and still don't today. But guy767 price are pretty close to retail and Shawn Sr. are more non-reseller swap met.


Ummm just no. The prices I quoted are real value that you can buy each one of those games for all day long. I buy all those titles very often and in quanity to use as donor carts cause they are so common and cheap to get.

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Two hours to go and there is a bid!






Well, I suppose at the opening price, it MIGHT be a deal . . . if Bubble Bobble 2 turns out to be a decent copy.


That cart usually breaks $100 on completed eBay sales.




I have occasionally been checking to see how the sale went. So far, no F.B. for the seller and no F.B. for the buyer. I obviously have no idea what's going on, but I smell B.S. on the sale.


Well I was WRONG, apparently the deal went down and all parties involved are satisfied. The buyer got a good deal w/ the BB2.

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Ummm just no. The prices I quoted are real value that you can buy each one of those games for all day long. I buy all those titles very often and in quanity to use as donor carts cause they are so common and cheap to get.


Oh for cripes sake, just run a basic search nes+Legend+of+Zelda and see what turns up. $16.90 is the price that Ebay recommends. And you were saying something about fools and logic?


Don't forget you're not only arguing with me but with Ebay and Rarityguide.com as well. Rarity Guide is pretty accurate as it's based on an amalgam of previous Ebay sales and gives an average median price. It's not based on opinion but on statistics.


I really don't know why you are being so truculent. Just accept the fact that the lot was a great deal as BB2 recently sold for $200 and the prices I quoted are indeed retail. If you can’t accept those facts so be it. But don’t be calling me a fool based on your own ignorance.


*Does his best Mr. T impression* “I pity the fool who doesn’t realize this lot was a steal!” :lol:

Edited by guy767
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I never said that lot wasn't a good deal. And as for the pricing on those games (the part I did contest) I already told you I'm not talking about them with you anymore. End of the day I know how much money I spend on those titles and how many of them I've bought and continue to buy. If your content with thinking the prices are whatever you think they are so be it. I'll do what I do and you do what you do. All I know for sure is I'll be the one spending less money on common nes games.

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OK, it was a good deal. What is amazing is, how many times I have apparently gotten totally amazing, beyond belief, "OMG I am so lucky" deals on many of these titles. $200 BB2 is an abberation; I watched for two months before I listed mine; low price of actual sales - $84; high price - $122. Mine went for $108 in perfect loose condition.

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I'll do what I do and you do what you do. All I know for sure is I'll be the one spending less money on common nes games.


I don't pay those prices for common games either so time to get off your high horse Raoh.


What I'm trying to tell and what you don’t seem to comprehend is that people on Ebay are willing to pay such prices and do so consistently; RarityGuide.com has the statistics to back this up. You are arguing against logic and fact; the very same thing you accused me of. While I’m not going to call you an obstinate twit I will point out the irony.


The majority of people who shop at Ebay are not savvy about rarity and prices and they pay a premium for their convenience. This is how Resellers make a profit. Remember the key word here is RETAIL.


Bubble Bobble 2 is pretty rare as it was an exclusive rental only via Blockbuster Video just like Flintstones Dino Peak; it was never sold in retail stores. Average price is $149.99 on Ebay.


If it was me I would try to get $199.99 via Buy It Now for a few weeks then lower the price to $149.99 if it doesn’t sell. Keep in mind those are retail/reseller prices though. You could easily find a better deal if you put some effort into it.

Edited by guy767
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I'll do what I do and you do what you do. All I know for sure is I'll be the one spending less money on common nes games.


I don't pay those prices for common games either so time to get off your high horse Raoh.


What I'm trying to tell and what you don’t seem to comprehend is that people on Ebay are willing to pay such prices and do so consistently; RarityGuide.com has the statistics to back this up. You are arguing against logic and fact; the very same thing you accused me of. While I’m not going to call you an obstinate twit I will point out the irony.


The majority of people who shop at Ebay are not savvy about rarity and prices and they pay a premium for their convenience. This is how Resellers make a profit. Remember the key word here is RETAIL.


Bubble Bobble 2 is pretty rare as it was an exclusive rental only via Blockbuster Video just like Flintstones Dino Peak; it was never sold in retail stores. Average price is $149.99 on Ebay.


If it was me I would try to get $199.99 via Buy It Now for a few weeks then lower the price to $149.99 if it doesn’t sell. Keep in mind those are retail/reseller prices though. You could easily find a better deal if you put some effort into it.

OBJECTION! I clearly remember seeing Bubble bobble 2 for sale at my local electronics store (media play) when I was younger for the princely sum of 59.99. Edited by VicViper
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Hmmmm, I'm certain that Flintstones Dino Peak, Final Fight Guy and Bubble Bobble 2 were rental only Blockbuster exclusives hence the insane asking price for those games.


I think I'm starting to get the joke here though; the seller of this lot wanted $2000 originally correct? The only reason why I played devil's advocate is because I felt sorry for the seller for getting such a low price. I was perplexed why everyone was mocking her. In the end she did get ripped off; perhaps it was poetic justice? :lol:


I do still think a reseller bought the lot though to make a profit. They prey on neophyte sellers who unwisely set a low Buy It Now price or those who write poor descriptive titles for their auctions. I must admit I do the same as it really is a great way to get some nice deals.

Edited by guy767
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