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I saw this on Jalopnik and thought why hasn't someone brought this to the 360 yet???


It was burnout before burnout. Hot Pursuit before there was Hot Pursuit.




I loved this in the arcade

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I just read about Chase HQ and its sequel recently in a back issue of Retro Gamer. I'll have to dig it out to see what systems they were talking about. Basically the article was most specifically regarding a very limited release that the sequel received on one specific console or home computer. I want to say it was a UK centric system, only because I can't seem to remember what it was now.

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It's on one of the Taito Memories released in Japan on the PS2, if you're considering importing it. I can check on my shelf to see which one it is, but I'm not sure off hand. I think it was one of the last two volumes.


The Saturn release has Special Criminal Investigation or something like that, the arcade sequel to Chase HQ.

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It's on one of the Taito Memories released in Japan on the PS2, if you're considering importing it. I can check on my shelf to see which one it is, but I'm not sure off hand. I think it was one of the last two volumes.


The Saturn release has Special Criminal Investigation or something like that, the arcade sequel to Chase HQ.


that would be very cool if you did. I'm interested in the PS2 version, as I'm trying to minimize expense. would it work on a north american console? There's no way I'd be in the hunt to pick up a Saturn.

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Just checked and it's on Taito Memories II Gekan.


I play my Japanese PSOne and PS2 games on a Japanese PS2, so I'm not really familiar with what you'd have to do to play on a North American console. I believe you have a variety of options like disc swapping, mod chips, and so on. There might even be something like a Action Replay that will allow you to play imports (That's how I play Japanese Saturn games on my North American Saturn).

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I love the original arcade game. I had the TG-16 version at some point, and it was a great port. I also have Super Chase HQ for SNES and it's not a very good game. It has the same premise as the original, but in a bad design choice, the game is played in first person view.

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