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What have you actually PLAYED tracker for 2012 (Season 5)

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Here are my time for this past week (October 22nd through 28th, 2012)...


Facebook (ineligible for the Top 10):

Chefville: 184 minutes in 11 sessions


No, I'm not tired of "Chefville" yet... and no, I haven't played any other game this week.


So, how are things going? Well, I'm plowing forward slowly, but somehow I'm stalled in multiple quests by means of post requests. These are just posted on my wall on Facebook (or timeline as it's now called), and apparently no one ever sees them and clicks on them, so any items I have to request via post requests I never get, so I'm now stalled in most of the quests with about 13-15 open items which would only be able to be filled via post requests.


Sorry, I didn't play any classic games this week.

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My times for the week (though I might add more tonight):



China Warrior - 6 min.



Ishido - 9 min.

Onslaught - 606 min.


As you can see, pretty much all my gameplay time this week was spent on Onslaught. First I played through it on the easiest difficulty setting, Amateur/Tutor, which took over eight hours. Then I beat it on the hardest setting, Professional/Human -- but thanks to a mildly clever (and completely legitimate) trick I discovered, it took less than two hours to conquer all 105 territories.


Thoughts here, but very brief ones since I'm writing a review of Onslaught for the Sega-16 website; suffice to say that it's an absolutely terrible game!

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Donkey Kong Junior - 45 min.

H.E.R.O. - 45 min.

Pac-Man - 45 min.



GEX - 30 min.



Dragon Warrior II - 120 min.



Mickey's Speedway USA - 30 min.

World Driver Championship - 45 min.


Sega Dreamcast:

Sega GT - 120 min.


SNK Neo Geo CD:

Metal Slug - 45 min.

Neo Geo CD Special - 45 min.

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I miss being able to post in this thread. I just haven't had time or hard drive space to do any serious game playing and recording for months! I want to finish my file on Final Fantasy for NES so I can sell it. I've been at the final dungeon for a long time and don't want to go through that whole 8-bit version of that game again. I'd rather finish it so I can move on to new territory like more 8-bit RPGs I've never finished without savestates or Game Genie before - including Dragon Warrior II, Dragon Warrior III, Dragon Warrior IV, Final Fantasy II, Final Fantasy III, Wizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord, Wizardry: Knight of Diamonds, and (Legend of the) Ghost Lion.


I don't need to beat the first Dragon Warrior for the 7th time. lol.

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No listing from thegoldenband yet. He says he lives in Long Island, NY under his name. Hope the Hurricane didn't get you, and if you did lose power, I hope it gets back on soon. So far most of us have been lucky here in central Maryland.


Thanks, Atarian7! The good news is, we're just fine. We just got power back today, but otherwise we really got off pretty lightly in my area compared to some of our neighbors -- I saw trees on houses, and many more on downed power lines and/or blocking the roads, plus major flooding in a nearby town. Fortunately we're on a bluff so it would take a cataclysmic event for water to reach us, but the storm surge got surprisingly high even so. Kudos to local utilities and government, actually, for getting things cleared up as fast as they did.


I'll be posting the week's stats later today. :) It's funny how strange it felt to not be able to do that -- I'm not normally a creature of habit, but posting the times each Monday has been part of my life for a couple years now!


@TheGameCollector: And we miss having you, man! Come back when you can.

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Any rough guesses as to how long you spent on that one? Doesn't need to be exact, just an approximate single number.



Really just getting started, but I will let you know. In general, I suuuuuck at Megaman games and it took me maybe an hour to get through the intro stage and to beat Chill Penguin after a few dozen tries at the boss battle. I have maybe twenty minutes into Spark Mandrill and haven't gotten past the mid-stage boss. If it is like other Megaman games, the difficulty start hard and stays at the same competitive level as the bosses get harder and you gain more weapons. I am betting on about ten hours for me and five or six for a good player. I consulted a faq just to get the best order to attack the stages in.

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Here's the summary for Week 43, running from October 22 - 28. We logged 1527 minutes of eligible play, playing 16 games on a total of 10 systems.


Top 10:


1. Onslaught (Genesis) - 606

2. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 281

3. Sega GT (Dreamcast) - 120

3. Dragon Warrior II (NES/Famicom) - 120

5. Donkey Kong Jr. (Atari 5200) - 45

5. H.E.R.O. (Atari 5200) - 45

5. Pac-Man (Atari 5200) - 45

5. World Driver Championship (N64) - 45

5. Metal Slug (Neo Geo CD) - 45

5. Neo Geo CD Special (Neo Geo CD) - 45


Pre-NES top 10:


Not enough entries for a top 10.


Top 10 systems:


1. Genesis (615)

2. Atari 2600 (281)

3. Atari 5200 (150)

4. Dreamcast (120)

4. NES/Famicom (120)

6. Neo Geo CD (90)

7. N64 (75)

8. Atari 8-bit (40)

9. 3DO (30)

10. Turbografx-16 (6)


Onslaught: what a funny word, I thought to myself. And apparently it's got a funny history:


onslaught (n.)


1620s, anslaight, somehow from or on analogy of Du. aanslag "attack," from M.Du. aenslach, from aen "on" (see on) + slach "blow," related to slaen "slay." Spelling influenced by obsolete (since c.1400) English slaught (n.) "slaughter," from O.E. sleaht (see slaughter). No record of its use in 18c.; apparently revived by Scott.


Interestingly, "kaboom" also looks to have Dutch origins. So thanks to our friends in the Netherlands for the titles of this week's top two!

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Meanwhile, here are my times for Monday - Wednesday:


Game Boy:

Altered Space - 3 min.

George Foreman's KO Boxing - 20 min.

Go! Go! Tank - 170 min.

Jimmy Connors Tennis - 268 min.

Smurfs - 2 min.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan - 36 min.

Titus the Fox - 6 min.


When the power goes out, the portable systems come out! I say "systems" because I played regular Game Boy Advance during the day, using natural light, and then busted out the backlit GBA-SP at night.


In any event I beat Jimmy Connors Tennis, Go! Go! Tank, and TMNT, and will post thoughts on those games in the "Games Beaten in 2012" thread.

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May as well start now instead of waiting until next year.


Estimated times from Sunday - Wednesday this week. They're all rounded to the nearest 10 minutes.




Streets of Rage 2 - 60 min

Shinobi III - 60 min

Contra: Hard Corps - 30 min




Final Fantasy III - 150 min

GODS - 10 min

Brain Lord - 180 min



King's Knight - 30 min

Megaman 2 - 90 min

Rygar - 40 min


Atari 2600


Megamania - 20 min

Adventure - 10 min

Mountain King - 30 min

Phoenix - 30 min

Demon Attack - 10 min

Cosmic Ark - 5 min

Gravitar (TV Games) - 10 min




Demon attack - 20 min


I work at a locally owned video game store, and I get a lot of my play time in at work during downtime.



Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Fall of the Foot Clan - 36 min.


Dude, that game is so freaking good.

Edited by DestinedCruz
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Nice one, welcome aboard! :)


I wasn't that taken with Fall of the Foot Clan on first play, but I didn't realize that you had to play straight through to get the best ending. That makes it a more interesting challenge, so I'll definitely be playing it some more. :)


I had it when I was 6, so it was amazing to six year old me :D

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From yesterday and today:




Super Castlevania 4 - 60 min

Brain Lord - 30 min

Final Fantasy III - 30 min




Shinobi III - 110 min




Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 30 min

StarTropics - 5 min (Loaded up my save on the alien ship, remembered how unbelievably hard it is, turned it off)


Atari 2600


GORF - 10 min

Space Cavern - 20 min

Star Voyager - 10 min

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Here are my times for this past week (Oct. 29th through Nov. 4th)... ... ... well... um... unfortunately... well... ...


Facebook (non-eligible):

Chefville: 911 min. (24 sessions)


Online (non-eligible):

Goodgame Cafe: 80 min. (several sessions)


Yes... 15 hours of Chefville and no classic games played... that was this week. I managed to solve the problem with post requests in Chefville using Facebook Link Exchange.


Goodgame Cafe is another restaurant simulation. Actually, I looked for a realistic restaurant simulation, but this isn't exactly it... it's much simpler than Chefville, actually.

Edited by Kurt_Woloch
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My times for the second part of the week:



Marvel's X-Men - 115 min.



Battlemaster - 33 min.

Bio-Hazard Battle - 30 min.

Greendog: The Beached Surfer Dude - 50 min.

Itchy & Scratchy Game - 25 min.

Shui Hu Feng Yun Zhuan - 38 min.


Today I beat X-Men for NES, which good ol' StanJr used to post about in these threads! Brief thoughts here. The fact that I gave it a D instead of a failing grade is credit to Stan's influence. Either way it feels good to conquer another childhood nemesis.


Prior to that, my fiancee and I beat the easiest levels on shmup Bio-Hazard Battle and Chinese beat-'em-up Shui Hu Feng Yun Zhuan. Both were plenty of fun, and will get revisited. I also made my way through part of Greendog, but eventually succumbed to one of the game's many cheap shots, though I'm still fond of its beachy vibe.


Less fun was getting stopped at the end of the next-to-last level of Itchy & Scratchy, thanks to a game-breaking bug that makes this proto unfinishable without a level skip cheat. However, there's allegedly a fixed or non-broken ROM around, and I'm on the hunt -- not that it'll fix my repro cart, but it's a start.


Finally, I tried to get into Battlemaster, but man, it's like herding cats. Your troops wander off at a moment's notice, and the game's objectives are cryptic and poorly-explained. I want to like it, but...

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Here's the summary for Week 44, running from October 29 - November 4. We logged 3745 minutes of eligible play, playing 47 games on a total of 10 systems.


Top 10:


1. Berzerk (Atari 2600) - 648

2. Jimmy Connors Tennis (Game Boy) - 268

3. Dragon Warrior II (NES/Famicom) - 260

4. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 226

5. Brain Lord (SNES) - 210

6. Final Fantasy III (VI) (SNES) - 180

7. Go! Go! Tank (Game Boy) - 170

7. Shinobi III (Genesis) - 170

9. Pac-Man 4K (Atari 2600) - 165

10. Defender 2000 (Atari Jaguar) - 130


Pre-NES top 10:


1. Berzerk (Atari 2600) - 648

2. Kaboom (Atari 2600) - 226

3. Pac-Man 4K (Atari 2600) - 165

4. Pac-Man (Atari 5200) - 120

5. Berzerk (Atari 5200) - 45

6. Mountain King (Atari 2600) - 30

6. Phoenix (Atari 2600) - 30

8. Zone Ranger (Atari 5200) - 25

9. Megamania (Atari 2600) - 20

9. Space Cavern (Atari 2600) - 20

9. Speedway/Spin-Out/Crypto-Logic (Odyssey^2) - 20

9. Demon Attack (Intellivision) - 20


Top 10 systems:


1. Atari 2600 (1194)

2. NES/Famicom (570)

3. SNES (560)

4. Game Boy (505)

5. Genesis (436)

6. Atari 5200 (190)

7. Atari Jaguar (130)

8. Neo Geo CD (120)

9. Intellivision (20)

9. Odyssey^2 (20)


After a bunch of fairly thin weeks, we have a bumper crop! Just like the 1991 US Open, Jimmy Connors makes a bold run at the title, only to fall short while everyone goes Berzerk. Ah, well.


Meanwhile the pre-NES top 10 is all Atari, all the time, except for a couple of stragglers at the end.

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