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$1200 1200XL WTF?!


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The OP's the one Bryan linked http://www.atariage....before-you-bid/


Chances are, a dozen people from here have put watches on it and just driven his hopes up a whole bunch.


The cart... the fool should learn the difference between "Atari home computers" and "Atari 5200 before he buys these things, let alone tries to sell them.

Edited by Rybags
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looks like it's $1,999.99 now :-) , total insanity!!!

WOW! I read it wrong initially. I guess I couldn't wrap my head around $2099 shipped for a 1200XL so my brain translated it to *only* $1299 so that my head wouldn't explode.


There's another clown that has been trying to sell a used Tac-1 joystick for $83 for a while now. Can't figure out why it won't sell...




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Generally when I see things like this, I ask for a bunch of videos and close up pictures of some specific part or something. It then helps me decide whether to buy it or not. Often this requires plenty of photos for me to see if something is really worth it or not. This is important if I'm spending $2k on classic hardware.


If something is shrinkwrapped, I definitely need to see a video, because otherwise I might be paying for something that is worthless and non-working.

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someone should send seller silly questions like, does the floppy disks fit in the cartridge slot? and if it does can he change auction to add "buy it now" option for $2500 :D


and can you ship international to my cousin in Himalayas and if so how much? :grin:

Edited by qix_maniac
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I want to know the datecodes on some of the chips. Can you open it up for me and gimme a holler back?? If they *ARE* certain codes then I'll absolutely buy-it-now no further questions. I gotta have it! What a rare beast indeed.


As purveyor of fine classic systems I generally like to have complete documentation. This usually includes steppings and datecodes of the major custom chips. There are minor incompatibilities, think GTIA and CTIA problems. To the average classic gaming collector this may not mean much. But in acquiring items for a long-term collection, this is important.


It's like fine wine and Integer roms on the Apple II (not plus). Datecodes are important, because, there are folks that are buying the Integer basic cards, taking out the roms, and doing something to downgrade a II+ into a II and pass it off as the early production runs. Ahh shit. So that's why date codes are important.


I will need to see this, because, as a connoisseur of vintage hardware in its original form I would get pissed if I found I got something different than what I thought I paid for.


I also firmly believe that with a premium price attached to this it is only fair I get the exact details prior to making a commitment.

Edited by Keatah
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I love his response to Q&A. He has an 800xl for $799 if the $1999 for the 1200xl is too much!!!!



Q: Generally before I spend this amount of money on classic computing items I strongly prefer to see a video of it in action, as well as close-up pictures showing the exact detail and condition, especially if the systems have different-textured surfaces. I also like to see the condition of the connectors and amount of dust that may have accumulated within the keyboard. This gives me plenty of clues to help me make a decision as to whether to buy something or not. Best regards, K Jan-12-12


A: keatah - i dont know how to send a video or do i have the ?stuff? to do so - i can take close up pictures of each unit with the lights on - there are no dents on any surfaces or any dust - this package has been boxed for the past 35 years - now the program boxes are not in excellant shape - they have been boxed also but some boxes are squeezed(if thats the word im looking for) but all are there with the paper work for each - if you want to spend less i also have an atari 800Xl with disk player and 16 cassettes for $799.00 - hope this will help and thanks for asking - jack

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Generally when I see things like this, I ask for a bunch of videos and close up pictures of some specific part or something. It then helps me decide whether to buy it or not. Often this requires plenty of photos for me to see if something is really worth it or not. This is important if I'm spending $2k on classic hardware.


If something is shrinkwrapped, I definitely need to see a video, because otherwise I might be paying for something that is worthless and non-working.


Yes, I have been looking for one of those 1027's myself in working condition, if he can show me it works, i would buy it...



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if you want to spend less i also have an atari 800Xl with disk player and 16 cassettes for $799.00 - hope this will help and thanks for asking - jack

Wow, 1200XL's are worth $2k and 800XL's are worth $800. This means that I've got $7200 worth of just those two models! My entire collection must be worth WELL over $20k. My wife will be pleased, she thought I was just wasting money on all this old stuff.




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I would love a working 1027, (wouldnt we all? ;') so i asked for a test print, as its all 'EVERYTHING HAS BEEN PLUGGED IN AND WORKS - NO DINGS, DENTS, SCRATCHES'... anyone care to guess what he replied with?


i have seen these printers on amazon.com by themselves - i dont have a paper that fits this printer - as a matter of fact i dont know if it prints by cartridge or a ribbon?



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I sent him this :

I think you put the decimal point in the wrong place :)

Current prices for this might get you $150 max, but anything more than $200 is just insane ;)

$1,999.00 is the 1983 full retail price for all, if even that...


His reply:

we can back and forth - you better do your 1983 math over again - jack



Edited by AtariGeezer
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I sent him this :

I think you put the decimal point in the wrong place :)

Current prices for this might get you $150 max, but anything more than $200 is just insane ;)

$1,999.00 is the 1983 full retail price for all, if even that...


His reply:

we can back and forth - you better do your 1983 math over again - jack




Yes, he is right... need to do your math again... not even close to $2000 in 1983...



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I sent him this :

I think you put the decimal point in the wrong place :)

Current prices for this might get you $150 max, but anything more than $200 is just insane ;)

$1,999.00 is the 1983 full retail price for all, if even that...


His reply:

we can back and forth - you better do your 1983 math over again - jack




Yes, he is right... need to do your math again... not even close to $2000 in 1983...




That's why I included: "if even that" ;)



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