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Scramble is a rocker!


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Woweee. Not to sound like a broken record, but Bob has done it again for the 7800. Just got Scramble (cart) in the mail today, and it's better than you can imagine. It plays great and is fun as hell. I can't believe it. So awesome. Bob - make it a full time job. All of these old arcade translations are spot on awesome. Can't get enough of them. It feels better than any version of this I've ever played, and the controls are perfect. It is genuinely fantastic. Can't wait to play through it, and Bob deserves accolades for releasing another classic.


Everyone should own this on cart, and that pretty much goes for everything he's every put out.


Groovy Bee - when can we start to obtain some of your work on cartridge? Looking forward to all of these releases, and all of the XM stuff too.


Bob - I've said it before, and I'll say it again, you are the man. Really awesome work.



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Just saw this thread - thank you, thank you, thank you!

I appreciate the kind words - you guys are great. :)


There's going to be a High Score Contest soon for Moon Cresta, where the first 20 people to reach a certain high score will get a beautiful patch (like Activision did in the 'old days'), made by gambler172 and Marc Oberhäuser.


Stay Tuned.

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This is what the patches look like (yes, there will be a High Score Contest for SCAA at some point as well) :)

Aren't these beautiful? :D


Hat's off to gambler172 and Marc for making these.


... I'm thinking I should have made this a separate thread... :ponder:


Well, I guess when I start the contest, it will be it's own thread. :)

Edited by PacManPlus
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  • 4 months later...

Just got 93670 on Scramble! This was the first time I looped the circuit and I think I was on round four or five when I finally bit the dust. Bob, that is a damn fine game. I'd post a pic but I don't know how on an ipad. Have to email it to myself later.


Just realized most of my top ten 7800 games were made by Bob! Thanks again sir!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't mean to be pushy, and I know I'm fairly new to the site, but please let me in the club.

I would very much love to buy a cart of Scramble........p p p p p pleeeeeeeease Bob.


Actually I want to purchase every game you have put out.


I would feel honored to be on your list of people that are allowed to aquire your creations.......they are all simply marvelous.


And yes, I hope you continue to port all these classic arcade games that old people like us grew up on....there are so many classic arcade games to port to the 7800, that you will stay busy for a long time as I imagine you have so many requests to do so.


Keep up the good work PacManPlus....


I wish Bob was in charge of Atari Corp in the 1980s....they would of done soooooo much better.

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Bob usually does a set after completion of a game. Some like Pac Man Collection are available in the Atari Age store. Thats how I got Super Pac Man. I believe he said recently some of his others would be hitting the store at some point. Scramble, Rip Off, Super Circus Atari, and Moon Cresta are all great.

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Thanks guys:


Knee-deep in the middle of Bentley Bear, but I do believe it will be in the store soon. I appreciate the patience. :)

If I complete this before it's in the store I'll do another run...


BTW, www.pacmanplus.com was just renewed by me. I've been meaning to set it up for quite a while now, as 'PacManPlus' is my handle just about everywhere. It's only a default page ATM but I will get to it eventually.




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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I just found out about this... I guess that's what I get for spending most of my time in the 8-bit and 5200 forums.


Scramble was one of my favorites in the arcades, and I'd like to add my voice to the chorus clamoring for a copy.. Please make another run or make it available in the AA store!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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