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Intellivision - Battlestar Galactica: Space Battle


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Wait, would it be.....

Super Pro Battle Star Galactica


Battle Star Galatica: Space Battle



Super Pro Space Battle


Ms. Space Battle?

No matter how you slice it, I loved this game as a kid and even tried to make in on the TI99/4A... Might be available in the forums... can't remember if I put it up here?

But I'd love to see this updated.

Maybe a simple mode: TV Pix style for little kids. NOT sharp shot. Single cannon and the additional graphics.


Found the TI version I was working on: http://atariage.com/forums/topic/210894-space-battle-based-on-the-intellivision-version/?hl=%2Bspace+%2Bbattle&do=findComment&comment=2743698

I should finish this game!

Just need some better math skills! Making the enemy ships rollover/loop is not very easy... for me! I have the graphics done at least.

Edited by 1980gamer
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  • 1 month later...

hey rev, i can scan this in if you need an autographed pic for your cover. icon_smile.gif




Happy to say I got to meet Dirk Benedict at Galacticon 3. Galacticon 4 will be this year in Seattle I believe.


I'm a bit of a fan of the classic Battlestar Galactica. ;)



About Space Battle, I think this would be a good lesson in decompiling, modifying, and recompiling a game.


Can anyone please give any pointers on how to do that?


Really, I think all you would need to do is make it where the opening screen says "Battlestar Galactica" instead of "Space Battle" and you'd be just about set.


First off, the Cylon ships are great. I mean you see those things flying, spinning, and the detail is actually quite amazing.


I like the look and feel of the game as it is, but since I loved the vipers in that game, with a bit more tweaking, I would add the following effects...


1) I would give the background a moving starfield. Make it where the starfield flies by in relation to the cursor. Give more of a Viper cockpit effect.


2) Change the firing sound to match the blaster sound effects on the show.


But no, the game is already amazingly a Battlestar Galactica game. I am proud that Intellivision/Mattel was trying to make a game based on the show.

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Well, I tried a hex editor to change the opening title screen from "Space Battle" to like "Battlestar" but that broked the rom file. :D


Hey, it worked on the Atari computer. I got games to say all sorts of interesting things. Even once modified Star Raiders to be an Andromeda (TV series) based game. Hyperspace became Slipstream, etc. :D But didn't work for an Intellivision rom.


I tried.

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Well, I tried a hex editor to change the opening title screen from "Space Battle" to like "Battlestar" but that broked the rom file. :D


Hey, it worked on the Atari computer. I got games to say all sorts of interesting things. Even once modified Star Raiders to be an Andromeda (TV series) based game. Hyperspace became Slipstream, etc. :D But didn't work for an Intellivision rom.


I tried.


ROM files have CRCs in them to make sure that the data hasn't gotten corrupted. Thus, if you change a byte, the emulator and CuttleCart will reject file because the CRC check failed.


If you had the BIN file instead, you should be able to modify it. Use the rom2bin and bin2rom tools that come with the SDK-1600 tools.

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And thanks to that little bit of knowledge from Lathe26 we now have a change in the title screen:




YES!! Might play this more later, but "BS - GALACTICA" was basically the same space as "SPACE BATTLE"


Of course others are welcome to try to see if they can get the whole name in the title, but at least we are closer to what it should have been. ;)


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And thanks to that little bit of knowledge from Lathe26 we now have a change in the title screen:


attachicon.gif2014-12-12 18.03.06.jpg


YES!! Might play this more later, but "BS - GALACTICA" was basically the same space as "SPACE BATTLE"


Of course others are welcome to try to see if they can get the whole name in the title, but at least we are closer to what it should have been. ;)


Neat! Disassembled, the title screen should be easily modifiable. It's just a bunch of bytes (decles).

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That is what I'd like to learn. How do you disassemble a binary or rom image?


Start up a thread in the programming section if you're curious. Basically there's a disassembler available - you'd run it against the bin/rom, and out comes a bunch of assembler output. Now, most of it may be greek to you, but if you've already made it this far, you should be able to at least figure out where the "title" is. Simply replace those values and re-assemble into a new bin/rom.


I'll admit vast ignorance here as I haven't actually looked deeply at assembled Intellivision code, or at how the title is stored. I DO know how it's stored in the ASM source itself, and that part is pretty straightforward - I think. I know people have been disassembling commercial releases to see how they work - obviously this requires a fair bit of expertise and ASM understanding. But I think for a title swap, it should be pretty simple.

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Nice thank you!


And thanks to that little bit of knowledge from Lathe26 we now have a change in the title screen:


attachicon.gif2014-12-12 18.03.06.jpg


YES!! Might play this more later, but "BS - GALACTICA" was basically the same space as "SPACE BATTLE"


Of course others are welcome to try to see if they can get the whole name in the title, but at least we are closer to what it should have been. ;)

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  • 4 years later...
  • 1 year later...
On 12/12/2014 at 7:22 AM, doctorclu said:

Well, I tried a hex editor to change the opening title screen from "Space Battle" to like "Battlestar" but that broked the rom file. :D


Hey, it worked on the Atari computer. I got games to say all sorts of interesting things. Even once modified Star Raiders to be an Andromeda (TV series) based game. Hyperspace became Slipstream, etc. :D But didn't work for an Intellivision rom.


I tried.

It's a rather old thing but somehow i stumbled over this and thought "can't be such a big thing".

Now OK everyone can have a enhanced Space Battle and a hacking of the title screen is very lame compared to it.

However if you are still interested in it and maybe like to adapt how to change a title screens game name here's a possible solution:

name = "Battlestar Galactica (Space Battle)"
short_name = "Battlestar Galactica"
author = "APh / Hal Finney"
publisher = "Mattel Electronics"
release_date = 1981
$0000 - $0FFF = $5000
$6000 - $6FFF = ROM 16
p 500f  0 ; initial screen color (4, dgreen)
p 5013  0 ; initial border color (3, tan) 
p 500a  0 ; start of title string, reads $6000
p 500b 60 ;
p 500c  0 ; change flag (80)
p 6000  51 ; year "81" (51)
p 6001  42 ; B
p 6002  41 ; A
p 6003  54 ; T
p 6004  54 ; T
p 6005  4C ; L
p 6006  45 ; E
p 6007  53 ; S
p 6008  54 ; T
p 6009  41 ; A
p 600a  52 ; R
p 600b  20 ;
p 600c  47 ; G
p 600d  41 ; A
p 600e  4C ; L
p 600f  41 ; A
p 6010  43 ; C
p 6011  54 ; T
p 6012  49 ; I
p 6013  43 ; C
p 6014  41 ; A
p 6015   0 ; terminate string

Copy paste this to a .cfg file e.g. rename a .bin of "Space Battle" to "BS_hack" and name this .cfg similar, run da shit preferably in jzINTV or create a .rom file from it using bin2rom which you can use in emulators which don't support macros or even on your Inty.

In general this will work for any Intellivision game, give praises to "midnight blue" because he pushed me in this direction.

A short explanation to what the script does:

- Obvious i positioned the tag on top it won't matter it will be handled right and it makes to me as a human most sense on top of the file and not at the very end of a probably miles long hack.

- The mapping i don't have to explain and this is absolute standard it won't be needed for real.

- Memory attributes [memattr], use this to expand an image into the next bank one could simply add this to the mapping but this is the proper way and quasi makes room for the additional data

   which i put at end of the file because else it's horrible to change all the data if the string is to long and recompiling from a decompiled output is let's say like to make a living frog out of a driven

   over splat, almost, 8-bit guy explained once very well why.

- The macro itself which changes certain things and puts the title string at end of the file, that is:

    - Changing screen color from dark green to black

    - Changing border color from tan to black (both is of course very optional but i guess i will like the black screen)

    - Address in "words" where the date and title string is to find.

    - Changed a flag so the game will accept the over length, first it failed this makes it working.

    - Then from on $6000 (the end of the original data) date (decade and year since 1900) and new title string in this case BATTLESTAR GALACTICA

    - Terminate the string with a simple "zero" so the process will proceed on where it left (jumps back to $500d, i assume)

       In general it won't matter much how long it is you have overall three lines you can fill in this manner but keep in mind that a title string is always centered thus if it overlaps the

       screen it won't look well (it will look as stupid as the expanded title screen of Astrosmash). Yes for sure one can enter a carriage return here but this i haven't figured out yet,

       maybe next try. Lowercase is also fine for the title screen, but mostly only for this.


THAT'S IT your personal BS hack.

(bullshit hack - lol)


And yes the only ships which i dind't copied are the BS ships, i never liked the movies much and the tv series is.... indescribable for an european.

Even when i covered some SW ships neither they are good - how do they imagine these ships will ever able to maneuver in space with a single megalo main thruster?

But we have wings for vacuum ahhhh....

And recently speed markers for space games




Seen from this ward Space Battle is 100 times better it leaves it up to your imagination and btw, me i never saw Galactica in it, rather a large base as a overdimensioned clumsy unsuitable space crap which can't defend itself against a couple of tiny fighters - which is true, large battleships like we know from movies and TV make absolutely no sense, but well none of them respects the mechanics of free fall and a 1000 ton ship moves as agile with his "acceeration damper" quicker as it can accelerate - erm does that makes any sense?

If i would have a ship where the dampers are stronger as the main engine well i would use the dampers to accelerate.



And thanks "doctorclu", without your request i wouldn't have tried it but i can make good use of that.

Edited by Gernot
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fyi, "docorclu" for me it started with hacking the geometry of Frontier Elite2, that is what i still can do best, create geometry with numbers. Means i'm not a programmer and i'm even not very experienced in what i do except for geometry this i know well. Even if i lead a own derivative of "Pioneer Space Sim", it is mostly script based and a sneeze compared to such.


Erm yes, the tagging in the previous posted example is also very optional, the only programs (i know) which recently reads it out proper are the "LTO Flash!" UI and i assume Midnight Blue's developing environment.


Who said it is a "Cylon Raider"?

It's obviously the unique 1940s retro style "Bloodrunner" (name adapted from Space 1889).

(scripted geometry)



And on your side his counterpart the "ADC-44 Moth" (alien defense craft 1944)

(model created with blender)



Yes both models leak of maneuvering thrusters as well... early works ;)


And instead of the clumsy unsuitable piece of rust "Battlestar Galactica" a nice wheel which really can't defend itself.

(scripted geometry)



Battlestar, ts...


"Cheating" is a must for scripted geometry, most details especially pannelling are texture and not modeled.

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6 hours ago, Gernot said:

It's a rather old thing but somehow i stumbled over this and thought "can't be such a big thing".

Now OK everyone can have a enhanced Space Battle and a hacking of the title screen is very lame compared to it...

THAT'S IT your personal BS hack.

(bullshit hack - lol)


And yes the only ships which i dind't copied are the BS ships, i never liked the movies much and the tv series is.... indescribable for an european.

Even when i covered some SW ships neither they are good - how do they imagine these ships will ever able to maneuver in space with a single megalo main thruster?

But we have wings for vacuum ahhhh....

And recently speed markers for space games




...And thanks "doctorclu", without your request i wouldn't have tried it but i can make good use of that.


(laughs)  This is quite a necrobump.   Was my first attempt at a hack.   I've had fun hacking Atari 2600, Commodore 64, Jaguar, and other programs since.   Even won a hack award a year or so back.


Your message came off needlessly hostile but whatever.  


Glad you had fun with it, and thanks for sharing what you did.

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8 hours ago, doctorclu said:

Your message came off needlessly hostile but whatever.

"needlessly hostile"?

Did i offended you?

It wasn't my intention.


Yes i'm browsing through rather old threads here, whatever awakes my interest.

Sometimes it's just a note to myself - whatever happens to my machines and i lost a couple of them what i uploaded to the web i still will have or can refer to later again.

Further, my profession (textile technician) expected of me to write documentations in a manner even someone without any knowledge about can understand what it is about and how to make it. I didn't know you so i don't know how well you understand, if you have interest at all and so on.




Hey, should i use a nick and a different avatar?

It's a bit boasting isn't it?

But it's me aged 16 working in the lab (it's a photographers photo and thus it's pretending and not really working, it had to look good in a newspaper), and i like to be recognized i use recently everywhere the same avatar. What could suit better as this photo? Especially here it was exactly when i bought my Intellivision in 1982.

"The dude with the test tube" it has a reason, since a while i watch many scientific oriented YT clips, one is a chemist from Germany i'm not always fine with her, i learned chemistry quite different as she, she's theoretically educated and my education is practical oriented. To underscore a little what i am (apart from being a nobody) i chose this photo.

I smell the stuff, really learned a lot in this manner therefore i never was in an auditorium, i work and i don't listen that didn't teaches you well.

And recently our opinions couldn't be farther apart, she has her pants full and me as a former service personnel of a NPP just laugh about ppl who fear such a low chance while we offered health and life for society by 100% and we liked to offer it to it.

It isn't about me and my profit and my fears and i me me mine without end - it is about our future as whole mankind and me as an individual is absolutely unimportant.

But who fears most?

Make a guess.

Certainly not the one who balanced over steel girders.



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  • 1 year later...
13 hours ago, Johny_lovin_it said:

This seems like a 10 year old game. Is it the same game as the regular Space Battle? But if this is supported with the voice synthesis module, then I like the idea of listening to it talking to me. :P


But there's no more of this game, right?

The ROM is for sale for $10 at http://www.intellivision.us/roms.php


It is Space Battle still with tweaks to make it more like Battlestar Galactica.  Voices were pulled from other Intellivoice games.  The CIB is out of print I believe.

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  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)
On 10/29/2014 at 7:45 AM, n5x said:

I always wondered if it would be possible to convert space battle back to battlestar galatica as it was intended?

Easy Peasey. Marketing ordered Battlestar Galactica to be changed to Space Battle just before its "first public performance" as a copyrightable "audiovisual work" at the 1979 consumer electronics show. The conversion was accomplished by changing the single line






Converting it back would be trivial if you had access the original source code and tool chain. But you presumably don't, which is problematic because the string "Space Battle" takes less space than "Battlestar Galactica." So you'll need to put the original line somewhere else in cartridge space, which isn't a problem because the original program fits in 4K and these days you've got gobs of additional memory space available to you. Then go to the sixth entry of the Universal Data Block (at addresses $500A-$500B, I think) and replace the BIDECLE pointer there to the old string with a pointer to your new string. Done!


Well, not quite. The attacking spacecraft graphics were subsequently changed to look less like Cylon Raiders than did the originals. So you'll have to hunt down the ship pictures in the code and replace them with ship pictures of your own design that look more like the Cylon Raiders from the show.


The high speed mode (key 4) may not have been added until after the name change, so if you want to be fully original you'll want to disable that.



Edited by Walter Ives
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On 10/29/2014 at 7:45 AM, n5x said:

as it was intended

Intentions were fluid.


"No 'intended' plan for a game design survives beyond the first encounter with reality." Helmuth Von Moltke (1800-1891), translated from the original German militarese with a little poetic license.




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4 hours ago, Walter Ives said:

Intentions were fluid.

Absolutely.  However, I think in this case, the spirit of the poster's words could more accurately be represented by "as first implemented," rather than intended -- since, as you correctly point out, intentions are fluid all throughout design and development; yet a physical realization of that design and development -- in whichever early stage it may be -- is anchored in time and space.


4 hours ago, Walter Ives said:

"No 'intended' plan for a game design survives beyond the first encounter with reality." Helmuth Von Moltke (1800-1891), translated from the original German militarese with a little poetic license.




Nice.  👍🏻



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