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6 Activision 2600 prototypes...


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You need to take care posting auctions after they have just finished.

Perhaps there was no bargain here, but I still think there needs to be a cooling off period before posting about them.

From personal experience, it is a hard fight to get your items when the seller suddenly emails you with something like "sorry my wife sold them at a market on the weekend and didn't tell me".

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You need to take care posting auctions after they have just finished.

Perhaps there was no bargain here, but I still think there needs to be a cooling off period before posting about them.

From personal experience, it is a hard fight to get your items when the seller suddenly emails you with something like "sorry my wife sold them at a market on the weekend and didn't tell me".


This. And this is an auction where I can see someone coming in after the end with a side deal. I put in a bid of about $340, and it wasn't close. I wouldn't want anyone posting about it for at least a week if I had won.

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Suppose I posted it before it ended, whats the difference? It would still be over and people could side deal it.

If you posted it before it ended, there is more chance people would bid on it while it was an active listing, rather than hear about it after it had finished - kick themselves for not catching it earlier, and then contact the seller to make them a higher offer.


Personally I dislike any links to auctions, dead or alive (unless it is your own auction).

It kills the chances of those who do the hard work to seek out rarities with the hope to get the items at a price they can afford - And instead makes it easy pickings for those who have the big $$ to buy their way into an instant collection.


I guess there is no 'rule' here at AA about posting links to recently ended auctions, and you can do as you please, but it wouldn't be without treading on peoples' toes.


Up to you.

Edited by nofrills100
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Personally I dislike any links to auctions, dead or alive (unless it is your own auction).

It kills the chances of those who do the hard work to seek out rarities with the hope to get the items at a price they can afford


Or for people to get items cheap and then flip them at high prices. :ponder:


Personally, I wait at least one week for an auction to have been over before I post about it (by that time everything should have been paid for and mailed). I think it is useful to have information about rare or unusual items, what they were, and what they went for in bidding.

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Personally I dislike any links to auctions, dead or alive (unless it is your own auction).

It kills the chances of those who do the hard work to seek out rarities with the hope to get the items at a price they can afford


Or for people to get items cheap and then flip them at high prices. :ponder:


True, we lose out either way. But at least there's a chance it will go under the radar.

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Come on, the point of an auction forum is to share auctions and Krypton85 does a lot of great hunting and posting. Hoping nobody will see or setting a time before or after is silly. If people want to share then they should. If it ruins your bids, and you blame Atari Agers for raising your prices (which are things you can't really prove), then so be it.


And is seems like the right price for this lot. How much more could these be worth?

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Come on, the point of an auction forum is to share auctions and Krypton85 does a lot of great hunting and posting. Hoping nobody will see or setting a time before or after is silly. If people want to share then they should. If it ruins your bids, and you blame Atari Agers for raising your prices (which are things you can't really prove), then so be it.


And is seems like the right price for this lot. How much more could these be worth?

About 15 dollars more :(

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Come on, the point of an auction forum is to share auctions and Krypton85 does a lot of great hunting and posting. Hoping nobody will see or setting a time before or after is silly. If people want to share then they should. If it ruins your bids, and you blame Atari Agers for raising your prices (which are things you can't really prove), then so be it.


And is seems like the right price for this lot. How much more could these be worth?

You took the words right out of my mouth.


Some things worth mentioning...

I don't think these are prototype games, they look like demo carts which are the exact same as the released game and far less sought after. They seem to only fetch around $100 each top end and you would expect to get them a little cheaper if buying 6 of them at once.


At $400+ this didn't go "un noticed" lol, it's about what it's worth


Some people just like to complain about anything and everything they can....

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Come on, the point of an auction forum is to share auctions and Krypton85 does a lot of great hunting and posting. Hoping nobody will see or setting a time before or after is silly. If people want to share then they should. If it ruins your bids, and you blame Atari Agers for raising your prices (which are things you can't really prove), then so be it


Yeah, you're right.

(personally it still bugs me, but it is not in the spirit of this forum to vent it)

But there is something to be said about publicising an auction after it just ended for a bargain price, not necessarily talking about this auction though.

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Come on, the point of an auction forum is to share auctions and Krypton85 does a lot of great hunting and posting. Hoping nobody will see or setting a time before or after is silly. If people want to share then they should. If it ruins your bids, and you blame Atari Agers for raising your prices (which are things you can't really prove), then so be it.


And is seems like the right price for this lot. How much more could these be worth?

You took the words right out of my mouth.


Some things worth mentioning...

I don't think these are prototype games, they look like demo carts which are the exact same as the released game and far less sought after. They seem to only fetch around $100 each top end and you would expect to get them a little cheaper if buying 6 of them at once.


At $400+ this didn't go "un noticed" lol, it's about what it's worth


Some people just like to complain about anything and everything they can....

I am glad it wasn't in the forums as it wasn't listed for maximum exposure. Only reason I saw it was I look at every single auction with Atari in it.

Tom is right though, many auctions have unscrupulous sellers that would take an after auction offer. Isoldit is a storefront business in FL that wouldnt side deal or take an after auction offer. I have done multiple transaction with them and they sell for people who bring in goods for then to eBay.


If I had won this and didn't know the seller I would be a little worried about a posting on this auction. Tom(nofrills) is just looking out for you guys here. Anyone who won an auction and the seller emailed you and said sorry it was in a flood,fire, or his dog ate them after winning can understand. I have had it happen more than once. No idea if the seller sold to someone else, but I think it is very possible .


Don't think he is bitching CC



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Anyone who won an auction and the seller emailed you and said sorry it was in a flood,fire, or his dog ate them after winning can understand.


This. I'm kind of cheap, so I don't end up on the winning end of bidding wars for the best stuff, but much of my collection did come from ebay. I've had 2 sales cancelled after purchase, and I'm nearly certain that one was bought by another party after the auction. Its unfortunate that there are people who view this forum who will make after-auction offers and just as unfortunate that there are sellers who will accept them.


If we assume that an auction that several interested participants are aware of will go for a fair (and not easily trumped) value, it seems reasonable that posting an auction a day or so in advance serves both the collectors here and the sellers well. However an auction posted here at the last minute or just after it ends is much more likely to result in a loss to the legitimate buyer. Observing a 'grace period' of a day before and a few days after seems like a nice thing to do for the community.

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You need to take care posting auctions after they have just finished.

Perhaps there was no bargain here, but I still think there needs to be a cooling off period before posting about them.

From personal experience, it is a hard fight to get your items when the seller suddenly emails you with something like "sorry my wife sold them at a market on the weekend and didn't tell me".

Get over it nofrill. @Krypton, no clue why it complained about your post, but I did appreciate your post. as I did not get an E-Bay heads up about this lot :( . +1

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This is the main reason that I don't bother looking for the high end games. If you sneak around and don't tell any body you are playing dirty and taking advantage of people. If you post the link and let everyone know its there the winner is always put on blast for "buying a collection" which is an idea I have always thought was funny. We are all buying our collections, but if you spend real money of something its a problem.


Then there are those that will buy a rare game and not want anyone to know they have it... I really don't understand this one. I'm sure these folks have good reasons, but it all seems like crazyness to me.


Personally I don't mind paying fair price for my collection, and if that means coming off real money I'll make the call when I have to. If I don't have the money that is ok, if I do I'll bid. When I find something in a lot in the wild I'll call that luck and be happy. Playing these shadow games it just maddening.


Oh, and as for people not wanting a closed auction posted. If the people selling the games knew about this place enough to be looking for information about their recent auction closing they would have known enough to post that the items for up for auction here to try to get the best price for their goods. It seems very unlikely that this posting would hurt anything unless someone here side offered the deal, and that just goes back to the back-bitting and shadow games I was talking about earlier.

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