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32X Boxing Opinions


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So I'm toying with the idea of replacing my 32X Cardboard Cart Boxes with UGC's. I have a nice collection of 32X titles, and the boxes are just falling apart or crushed. Should I toss the old boxes? Flatten and keep 'em? I dunno... I wish that the plastic boxes existed like they do for my copy of NBA Jam...

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Definitely don't throw them away. They can still be paired with someone else's loose carts, after all!


I assume none of them are rare, e.g. Blackthorne, Knuckles, Kolibri, Pitfall, Primal Rage, Spider-Man, T-Mek, or World Series Baseball?


I do have a T-Mek & a Primal Rage. (IMHO T-Mek on 32X is pretty good.)

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