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I'm thinking of buying a 3rd party AC-adaptor for my 5200 SuperSystem as the two ones I got, are broken. Their ironcores gave up.


The issue here is that one of them output 9,3 V while the other one outputs 11,5 V. Both claims to output 1,95 A but I heard that aint true, or at least the system itself is not supposed to require 1,95 A.


I have found a 3rd party AC-adaptor that can be adjusted on its output. The problem is that it is only supplying either 9,0 V or 12,0 V and it had a lower ampere output(around 1,30 A I think) than the official 5200 AC-adaptor


Before I buy that new AC-adaptor, I need to know what output the 5200 requires at least and what output is far to much for the system? I dont want to fry it and I dont want to supply it with an unsatisfactory output

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The 2 you have may not be broken. Probably just need a new fuse


I wish that was the case but I have checked them both and alla fuses are intact, plus the other components that are placed in the regulator. The ironcore managed to implode on them both, so getting a new ironcore would be the only way to fix those ones


Amps are drawn not outputed. Amp draw depends on the system not the power supply. The 1.95 amp rating is how many amps the the power supply call handle


But do you know how much the system usually draws? If I buy an AC-adaptor with a to low amp rating, it will probably be overloaded and explode or just not work with the system... Besides, how many volts does the system usually require?

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I measured the fuses with my multimeter and they were both whole in one piece. The only place that had no internal connection was the ironcores. The problem with getting another one is that the second one of those I got, played for about one hour in total(it was new in box), and then it imploded to. I opened it and compared it with the old one and the problem was the same


Rumour has it that the ironcores in the original AC-adaptors were made out of poor quality. In the end of the month there is an expo going on in Gothenburg and I am lending them a system so it has to work for the entire day. My old one broke at last years expo and the new one I bought 6 months ago only last for one hour before it imploded. That is why I reconsider to buy a 3rd party AC-cord.


Otherwise, I would'nt hesitate to buy another one but it would be such a pity to waste money if there is no guarantee that it will work during the expo, or at home when I want to play

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I have ordered one from ebay so I guess it will arrive in time. But I still need to know about the requiresments of both volts and amps in case the original one breaks to, during the expo. There will be no time to get another one during that week so a 3rd party for replacements would be nice


Now I would'nt say that 12 V is to much bigger than 11,5 V but from my experience in arcades, I know that att tiny, puny 0,5 V can do a helluva difference for the boards functionality. If someone knows about the requiresments, please let me know

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