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Found it.. I found it in Classic99 in December 2010 (and noted that it was also in Win994A but not in MESS). I fixed it in January 2011 but didn't relate the fix specifically to TI Logo, so it was tricky to find in the notes (I had to undo the fix to make sure I found the right one). The bug is in the 'S' opcode, and this behaviour is caused when S does not set the carry flag after subtracting 0 (which it should always do). In Classic99 SB was also affected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What is the likelihood someone will fix the bug in Win99/4a? Here is a video about TI LOGO II with Eunice Spooner narrating.




I taught some LOGO concepts to 8th graders, this was their assignment. Some said it was easy, one girl said it was rocket science, and she would never get it.



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What is the likelihood someone will fix the bug in Win99/4a? Here is a video about TI LOGO II with Eunice Spooner narrating.


I'd put it at low unless Cory is willing to do an update for us. We're still waiting for an official release to update his assembler (luckily we have the unofficial fixed one from him), so I'm not sure when it will happen. No source code for Win99/4A is available, so fixing the issue is non-trivial.

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Last I heard Cory had 'retired' from the community (in the sense that he didn't feel able to make any further commitment to Win994a). This was due in the main to his wife's poor health. He also has some health issues of his own.


It's very sad. Win994A is/was a fantastic contribution. It was my main emulator for a long time. Only later, when I got back into hardcore coding did I switch to classic99. I'd say Win994A is perfect if you just want to experience a TI again. If you want to do development, it's Classic99 hands-down.

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What is the likelihood someone will fix the bug in Win99/4a?


As others have said, probably not likely. There has not been an update to Win994a in over a year. Also, there is more than just that one bug lurking under the hood. If Cory truly is retired from the community, it would be nice if he would turn the project over to someone, or release the source. I'm not saying he *should*, just that it would be nice if he did.


I taught some LOGO concepts to 8th graders, this was their assignment. Some said it was easy, one girl said it was rocket science, and she would never get it.


My daughter was the same way (she's 10) and every time I asked her when she was going to learn to code she would say "never". To her, coding is a bunch of colored text on the screen because that's what she sees when "daddy is working". I tried a little TI BASIC with her a while ago, but it didn't work out so well.


However, when I put her down in front of Scratch (http://scratch.mit.edu/), and hit the "get surprise sprite" button and a dragon popped up (she loves dragons), she was instantly hooked. After about 5 minutes of showing her how you could turn the sprite and make it move, she was pushing me out of the way saying "ok daddy, I got it, move, up, go, give me the mouse!" About 10 minutes later my son wandered by and he took over my wife's computer, copying what his sister was doing. I had to drag them off a few hours later to go to bed.


I think kids are predisposed to "good graphics" (as my daughter calls them), and our classic computers just don't have the visual on-screen appeal to compete with modern computers. I've finally accepted that though, and concluded that the 99/4A is only for my enjoyment, and I would probably be the same way if better graphics were available when I was their age (actually arcade computers were better, and I was always disappointed that my 99/4A could not do what the arcade machines could do).


There is also a "little brother" to Scratch called Squeakland Etoys (http://www.squeakland.org/), which is similar to Scratch but targeted for younger kids. It is one of the software programs installed on the "One laptop per child" project and has a pretty heavy duty team behind it.


Anyway, just thought you might be interested in that. Nice assignment by the way, I would have loved something like that when I was in 8th grade!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Can you do that in LOGO? Define just the points first? Any "pointers" on how to do it? Ha. Yes, I programmed the turtle to make the shapes. The way I did it was very tedious. I made the outer shape, made the inner shape, and from the inner shape made the lines connecting out to the big shape and back to the small shape. Figured out the angles as I went along through trial and error. Very Tedious. In between large and small shapes I did pen up, and moving around to position the turtle on mistakes I did pen up. Although it worked, the mistakes were extra steps that are less efficient than possible of course.

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It has been years and years since I worked with Logo, but yeah, it's a full programming environment. I remember back in the day 99er (was it 99er?) published a few Logo games, even. :)


The TI Logo Manual has a fair bit of useful stuff in it, after reading this thread last I actually went and played with it a bit, just trying some of the simple examples. But there are list structures, and you can perform math.. that should be enough.


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Well... my thinking was that you'd use a list and walk through the list, once normally for the outer points, again with reduced values for the inner points, then just join the outer and inner points. The list would contain the coordinates for the corners.


But after reading the TI Logo manual and poking at it for a while, it looks a tad tricker than that. You can't arbitrarily draw a line between two points (though you CAN move the turtle arbitrarily). So you'd probably have to calculate angles between the points and actually use turtle commands.


Not impossible, but much more difficult than I intended when I made the challenge. :)




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