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Best A8 commercial game soundtracks during commercial life of the system?


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I don't know the tunes well enough to recognise them, there is one on a Youtube video that has a Pokey game soundtrack on one of those 60 best Atari 8bit games videos I like.


So what are some nice ones? Please add a link to Youtube if possible so we can hear it :)

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Some of the best commercial pre 1995 ones were from low profile games.


I've mentioned Fluid Kha before. Red Max has a pretty good title tune.

Personally, I've probably experienced most of them either as hacked tunes on cover disks or music compilations than in the games themselves, it makes it harder to recall them and put the game title to it.

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why don`t you visit Fandal`s site and type in "Music" as a search string (and click on "titles")...?!? This will give you lots of demos with more than 100 sounds of A8 games...




Look out for Music Master 2,3,4,5, Music 2000, The Grim Reaper Music Menu, SSMB Music Kaleidoscope, Music Show, Music Hall 1988 and 1989, Avalon Music Demo, ASF Music Demo, Chaos Music Party 1,2,3,4, Casette Music Kaleidoscope and many many others which can be downloaded and listened to with an emulator or the real A8...


-Andreas Koch.

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From the old days, those of Rob Hubbard are IMHO the best:

  • International Karate
  • Warhawk
  • The Extirpator (Conversion of the C64 Sanxion music)
  • Jet Set Willy (Only for Atari! not a C64 conversion)

David Whittaker tunes are great too e.a:

  • Amaurote
  • Panther
  • Red Max
  • Storm
  • BMX Simulator

And the tunes from Adam Gilmore are excellent e.a:

  • Zybex
  • Dragonus
  • Ninja Commando
  • Blinky Scary School
  • Jockey Willson's Darts Challenge
  • Las Vegas Casino
  • Mountain Bike
  • Ninja Commando

And also worth to listen to are some songs from Richard Munns:

  • Black Lamp
  • Plastron
  • Rebound
  • Zero War


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Yep - I agree with Robert's mail above - a good spread of excellent music I remember from then... Some to add...


Mastertronic's Colony - (was that David Whittaker again?) was a good breezy opening to the game.

Crumble's Crisis/Space Lobsters - Richard Munns, both very good.

Mastertronic's Feud (the main game music - not just the title page) has good atmospheric music. - I think by Jason C Brooke, (who also did 180 and Rockford, but I didn't take to those quite so much)

Ghostbusters - well, the music itself isn't technically amazing, but the speech at the start sticks in my mind!

Ninja - worth a quick listen for some enjoyable oriental music. Rumoured to be by Rob Hubbard at one time, but I think he said it wasn't him in an interview.

Also, much less well known, but Loco by Alligata I thought was a good effort for a small budget release.


And, in a slightly different style maybe, we really should mention Gary Gilbert somewhere (Alternate Reality, Tail of Beta Lyrae, Mr. Robot - and more).


Out of the European ones, I didn't have many, but of those I did have, my favourite is Jonny's Problem (Jacob Husak?) - particularly the ingame music, but the title music was excellent too.

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Ninja - worth a quick listen for some enjoyable oriental music. Rumoured to be by Rob Hubbard at one time, but I think he said it wasn't him in an interview.


The C64 version was by Rob Hubbard but he indeed denies that he did the Atari 8-bit version.

The Atari ST version of the Ninja music was by David Whittaker but is completely different. So it remains a mystery who did the Atari 8-bit version.



Also, much less well known, but Loco by Alligata I thought was a good effort for a small budget release.


How could I forget that one. I like that very much because of the violin sounds. It is done by W.E.M.U.S.I.C. which are Ben Daglish & Antony Crowther. Seems this was the only one they (Ben Daglish?) did on the Atari 8-bit.



Another one worth listening is the music from "Winter Olympiad '88".



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99% of POKEY tunes in games were just to have sound for the game itself. Not sure, if we could talk about quality there.

Tunes that were simply good by fitting well...:


Boulder Dash


The Last Starfighter

Dimension X

Master of the Lamps


Ghost Chaser



Who dares wins


More Advanced tracks:


International Karate


Red Max



Jocky Wilson's

Winter Olympiad


Special Soundtrack:



Herbert 2


Advanced sounding tracks:







...... there is more, but it shows the big flaw of used POKEY music in commercial games...

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  • 2 years later...

Bumping an old topic.


I found this nice video on youtube,.



with music from these games:


Alternate reality (The City), Axilox, Axis_Slotmachine, Blinkys Scary School, Bluemax 2001, BMX Simulator, Boulder Dash, Bruce Lee, Chimera, Conan, Cosmic Tunnels, Dimension X, Elektra Glide, Eureka, Extirpator, Feud, Frogger 1 & 2, Ghost Busters, Goonies, Grand prix Simulator, International Karate, Jet Set Willy, Jocky Wilson Darts Challenge, M.U.L.E., Masters of the Lamp.

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Thanks Stormtrooper of Death for posting up my video here for all to enjoy, as always it's a complete labor of love when it comes to my old friend the Atari, there is also an Atari ST one for those who are interested covering the commercial music for that system as well as an Amiga one(shhhhh), which can be found after the above video is finished. again thanks for posting this here and glad you enjoyed it.. :thumbsup:


have a good one



Edited by Greyfox
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People always remind of English ones that came first that were very good like David Whitaker, Adam Gilmore (really amazing), Rob Hubbard (what could he did in ou POKEY if we had more games from the major soft houses) but I always had a special love for Richard Munns.

Gary Gilberston from the Alternate Reality series and Beta Lyrae comes to mind but strange why we here in Europe don't, probably, remember of other(s) American composers. Have to dig out why, were most games of the games without or with just simple tunes or they don't usually post the composers game on the tittle page?

Eastern Europe had many and we see that now we still have many here with us doing most of todays demos and games tunes but from that days there was one I really liked and what a shame that we hadn't Internet back then to know and listen of all his amazing tracks that is OOPS what a shame myself just forget the name...

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