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Phoenix for the Colecovision


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I talked with Scott (2 years ago) about Phoenix .

I asked him if he would be up to finish it in exange of money

Scott told me that his port of Phoenix was pretty buggy and Scott gave me the rom file to see it in action on the real deal

It was going to be an amazing port actually!


Scott will probably never go back to Phoenix and/or even programming new game for the CV...

Sad, but true

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Scott Huggins stopped all programming projects

and decicded to concentrate on his family life

Loser! ;)


I know how that can go, that's why I'm probably only 25% as involved with the hobby as I used to be. Even that seems to be slipping lately. :)

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Was actually looking to see if Phoenix was done on any systems like 5200/7800, but only found it for 2600 (meh)

In my personal want list, this would actually take place over some of the other super arcade games opcode has listed.


Is it even in any greatest hits disks for Gamecube/Dreamcast or anything???


.. edit.. got my answer


Taito appears to currently hold the worldwide rights to the game - in 2005, Phoenix was released on the Xbox, PlayStation 2, PSP and the PC as part of Taito Legends in the US and Europe, and Taito Memories II Gekan in Japan.[citation needed]

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In my personal want list, this would actually take place over some of the other super arcade games opcode has listed.


I agree


Here is the thing, Phoenix was in my preliminary list of ports, but truth is that I was never super crazy about the game. I played it quite a bit in the arcades, but I suspect the 2600 version killed any good memories I had about the original. For some reason I always liked Pleiades more.

But even so, Phoenix was in my preliminary list, it was a game that I played back in the day, and I wouldn't have a problem replacing one of the less desirable games in my list with it. I am sure Dale would kill though, after all the work he had with the catalog...

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I was like who cares about frantic but after finally watching the video it looks like a pretty cool game! I don't know about better than the ones Opcode want's to do but definately cool enough to exist on colecovision. Hopefully someone will feel like doing it.


I did not talk with Scott for such a long time, but if Scott ( and also Joe Kollar) want to share me the source code of Frantc..... Then I'll be up to complete the game for sure!


Maybe I should try to contact Scott and Joe.........


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I am sure Dale would kill though, after all the work he had with the catalog...


...but see then your catalog would be even more Coleco-like, by showing games that never get produced!


(I also throw my vote in for creating Phoenix, especially an arcade perfect port for the SGM!)

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I am sure Dale would kill though, after all the work he had with the catalog...


...but see then your catalog would be even more Coleco-like, by showing games that never get produced!


(I also throw my vote in for creating Phoenix, especially an arcade perfect port for the SGM!)


Ok... I think I can replace one of the games. I am going to replace one of the remakes, so we get an extra "original" game. I have started to learn Illustrator, so I think create the necessary illustration to add Phoenix to the catalog and in the process save my skin from Dale's wrath...

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Hip Hip Hurray!!!


Now which one will we lose? :S




We need more C programmers here!


Ok... I think I can replace one of the games. I am going to replace one of the remakes, so we get an extra "original" game. I have started to learn Illustrator, so I think create the necessary illustration to add Phoenix to the catalog and in the process save my skin from Dale's wrath...

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