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Work In Progress: "Bentley Bear: Crystal Quest"


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still looking for this to be released. soon? or not even?

As soon as I can finish the music. ;) Should be about the same time the XM comes out.


Thanks, guys, for the backup... Thanks to KevinMos3, there are a few invisible '1UP's placed around the levels. You have to find them. :)

I'm back to the 'MIDI->Atari' program, almost have it in a usable state; and as I told Kevin I have some unfinished songs from years ago I may use for the background music. I knew they would have a use! :)




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I wish I had some of my files i saved over the years on my old pc. Theres lots of bass lines I wrote that mostly sound video game like. Kinda faster flea/primus sounds.. I watch lots of kids shows and listen to the background music on some shows its really creative some of the stuff they come up with..

It will be very interesting to hear the music you come up with for this game!! I know it will really set it all off as graphics and gameplay to me only go so far the music and sounds add very much depth to the whole experience.. It kinda hypnotic and so on and all that..

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Thanks, guys.


Unfortunately though, the application isn't going how I need it. It's ironic and frustrating that the only thing left (for the most part - since October) is the music, I am a musician, and I can't get the music in this game so I can finally put it to bed.

The application I was writing that was supposed to make things quicker for me is making it take longer due to a delay between hitting the keys and playing the note that I cannot get rid of. (I know, I've spoken of this before).


Ugh. I have to figure out another way, a way that is easy to work with and that will create the data I need.


This part is driving me crazy.



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Thanks, guys.


Unfortunately though, the application isn't going how I need it. It's ironic and frustrating that the only thing left (for the most part - since October) is the music, I am a musician, and I can't get the music in this game so I can finally put it to bed.

The application I was writing that was supposed to make things quicker for me is making it take longer due to a delay between hitting the keys and playing the note that I cannot get rid of. (I know, I've spoken of this before).


Ugh. I have to figure out another way, a way that is easy to work with and that will create the data I need.


This part is driving me crazy.




Sorry for your frustration, Bob. Take your time, maybe give it a break for a while and come back to it.

I was going nuts for the longest time regarding the color palettes until I had my "epiphany" on exactly went wrong and what was 'off'.

Sometimes the answers come in ways you least expect.

You'll get it...or something/someone will come along and point you in the right direction :)

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Thanks Jinks, Trebor


I can't step away from it again, as those three months I was gone I lost a lot of momentum (and some interest from others, it seems) for this game. It's a year this month since I started working on it, and I don't want to lose any more time.


I do have some ideas, though... :ponder:


Thanks :)


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Been awhile since I checked in on this one and the progress looks pretty amazing! Hang in there on the music; I know I've got all the patience in the world for the awesome finished project I know you'll deliver. Question: I haven't run this through an emulator in awhile, does/will this game require a CX78 7800 Euro Gamepad (aka two buttons)?

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What you have done here is amazing. It seems you have distilled an eclectic array of opinions and ideas down to their purest form, combined it with your own take, and produced a miracle of a game.


When it comes to music, I am always reminded of these sage words:



So, I think what I'm trying to say is, the theme song in the game should really be an instrumental muzak version of the Diff'rent Strokes theme song, with perhaps heavy bass and percussion. Imagine you were trying to make a mix tape for all of us Atari Age members to listen to on the long acid road trip, that is Crystal Quest. What message would you want to send us? Would you want to tell us about the Facts of Life? Because, they're all about you, my friend...all about you.

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Thanks for putting that song in my head :x


(Thank you for the compliments) :)


Trying a different approach here. Another user here (not sure if he would want me to mention him) sent me a program that takes a Type 0 MIDI file and converts it to values he uses for his games. I'm going to modify it to output converted (to Pokey) note, length, and control values so I can copy and paste it into the game. I've also purchased a USB->MIDI adapter so all I need to find is a good (and free) MIDI sequencer. I'm doing this for two reasons:


1. So I can use it in the future and make it easier / quicker (for me) to get music down. I'll also do a TIA version (and maybe a Yamaha version if I can figure it out)

2. I have quite a few tunes to create for this game:

  • Title Music
  • Background music for each major level (i.e. 6 different tunes)
  • Normal End-Of-Level music (which I already have)
  • Killing the Witch Boss music
  • Victory Music

I know I mentioned the music being Yamaha earlier in the thread... My plan is to do it for Pokey first, and if tep392 is able to help me, then convert it to Yamaha.



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Thanks, guys:


Eddhead - Thanks for the link... I had just started looking, so I will give this one a shot.



I am so sorry this is taking so long. What's funny is the music (or actually trying to find a way to convert music) is taking as long (or longer) as it did for me to code the entire game. :ponder: between that and me leaving as I did for a few months, it makes for a long wait time. Believe me; I want this to be done ASAP... I actually sat and played as a game for the first time last night (although I took all of the shortcuts and warps) and believe it or not I actually enjoyed it. I also found out that I have to change the amount of energy calculated that the honey pot gives you; once you get past accumulating a certain amount of lives in reserve, grabbing the honey pot actually *decreases* the amount of energy! ...oops :dunce:


As a side note, is it me, or does the retro scene seem to be dwindling? :ponder:

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As a side note, is it me, or does the retro scene seem to be dwindling? :ponder:


It's just you. The releases for this year are spectacular!

AtariAge Store can't keep up [personal opinion disclaimer].

"Space Rocks [Asteroids]" "Princess Rescue [super Mario 2600]" "PAC Man 4K" "Evil Magician II" "Chetiry [Tetris]" "Star Castle Arcade" http://www.atariage.com/forums/blog/144/entry-9545-star-castle-developments/

Boxed releases for 2600, 5200 & 7800 are a welcome addition.

7800 XM games are coming. ColecoVision SGM exp module and games are coming.

2600 Christmas games should be at least 2 for the 2013 holiday.


What seems to be dwindling?

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Thanks for the update, Bob! Still psyched and can't wait for the final product!!!


As for the 'dwindling'...It happens. I've seen it for years now. There will always be hardcore following/followers but as time passes the total number of people and interest involved does decrease. Age, marriage, kids, other factors can change things.


Hell, coincidentally or not the original developer of MAME just popped by recently with a blog update.


Will the retro-scene, emulation, or the likes in general ever be like it once was? Nope. Just like the Arcades or anything else...What is magically are the moments. Just like the golden age of Arcades, we had a golden age of emulation and retro-gaming come and gone for quite some time. Occasionally, there is resurgence, but nothing like it was say late 90's early 00's. I consider myself extra lucky and grateful to have seen, experienced and lived through both. The only sad part is in both situations not realizing just how awesome and unbelievably magically it was during its moment in time and in my life.


That's cool though, because what is left are the hardcore of hardcore, geek of geeks so to speak. It's what makes the 7800 even closer to my heart. Realizing the system never had the popularity or attention of an NES, yet is still my choice system above all others. To come on the boards and meet and interact with people who have a similar passion for this system is amazing.


Spring time is always a good time for renewal...Once the XM's get to the masses, coupled with perhaps a Harmony 2 release sometime this year, you'll see an uprising of interest again, And as long as we have talented and gifted individuals like yourself a part of the community and scene, it ensures extra things for the hardcore followers and those with a piqued interest to have even more to look forward to.


What I hope people like yourself, Groovy, kenfused, Blue Azure, Albert, Curt, Perry, Kevin, Dan, gorfcadet, DracIsBack, Propane13, Walter, Schmutzpuppe, and others ("Sorry" to any I left out/missed), realize is they're/your contributions helps in keeping the hardcore and even those with the occasional interest alive and well with their beloved passion (great or small) in the 7800.


It's a wonderful thing to have a late 80's-early 90's Atari 7800 experience in the present time...Looking forward to another one of those moments with purchasing a Bentley cart down the road, my friend.

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As a side note, is it me, or does the retro scene seem to be dwindling? :ponder:


Bah, you worry too much. ;) Even I came back from my long slumber from the AA forums; And although there's much catching up to do, I'm just going to do the best I can do. It feels good to be back, and it's good to have my friend here with me. :)

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If there is not enough interest I will buy a couple copies!! We just need to buy more!! I get into trouble all the time spending time on AA again when I should be....... IF I didnt have kids/ wife. I would learn to code and create a game or seven for sure..All I can do is cheer the willing on and support with money.(I know its not about the money tho) In my next life I guess....

Edited by Jinks
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If there is not enough interest I will buy a couple copies!! We just need to buy more!! I get into trouble all the time spending time on AA again when I should be....... IF I didnt have kids/ wife. I would learn to code and create a game or seven for sure..All I can do is cheer the willing on and support with money.(I know its not about the money tho) In my next life I guess....


Edited by Stun Runner 87
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You guys are too funny :) thanks


@iesposta - just finally noticing how the 'expos' are becoming few and far-between, people selling their collections (I know, I did too), and etc. It's just something I noticed; but I like your examples of all of the new stuff coming down the pike. :)


Trebor / PAC-MAN-RED - I really appreciate the sentiments, and the kind words... and yes, I know I worry too much (I've been told that quite a few times before). ;)


...my MIDI->USB cable and *guitar* to MIDI box are on the way:





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