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HSC9 Round 12 Poll

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Star Raiders: Commander Level! :)

Hi stranger :thumbsup:

Can you post a real quick guide to playing S.R. as it might help a few people get into it (like me) and then it might get a vote this time :-D


3 slots to go folks ;)


Yeah, I fully expect to be around a little more often. It's tough, working 2 jobs now, but I think I can find some time to play again. :) I'll put a little something together when I get home tonight. :) I started playing SR again a couple weeks ago and I forgot what a great game it is, especially considering it was one of the first ones to come out for the 8-bit machine. :)

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Here is a link to the manual: http://www.atarimania.com/game-atari-400-800-xl-xe-star-raiders_4992.html


But here's the gist:


Hit 'S' for shields, 'C' for attack computer and 'T' for tracking computer.

Press 'G' for the galactic map. Move your cursor to the sector you want to travel to.

Once you've selected the sector, press 'F' to return to the forward view and press 'H' to hyperwarp. Keep the cursor in the center of the crosshairs during hyperwarp (or as close as possible.)

If you get a 'red alert' warning, there are zylons in that sector. Use the long range scanner (by pressing 'L') and the computer display to zero in on your target and blast them with your photon torpedoes. If you take serious damage, go back to the map and select a sector with a starbase (looks like a big asterisk) and hyperwarp. Dock with the starbase for repairs and energy replenishment. Then get back to the fight. Zylons are not only trying to kill you, but they're trying to surround and destroy your starbases.


There's so much more to this, but that's the main idea. Kill or be killed. This is, in my opinion, the best outer space flight/fight simulator for this machine, hands down. :)

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Keep the suggestions coming - 1 each and we'll have a double round of voting.


Games suggested so far:

Keystone Kapers (McKong)

Thunderfox (Zylon)

FoodFight (roadrunner) [phew!]

River Raid 2K11 [the one with the Beer?!] (Sikor)

Zybex (DieMON)

Star Raiders [commander level] (Deteacher)


suppose I should put one in the mix too... hmmm... which game is Scalak scared of ? :P


Pole Position is extended until Saturday 28th 10am BST


Nice job Deteacher, I really must put some time into Star Raiders :)

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So what do you want to play next in the High Score Club? Yes YOU!

"The first 5 9 people to suggest games here (one each!) get put into the next vote."

Can anyone write that sentence with correct grammar to make the game go into the vote and not the person? :D


The first 9 games suggested (one game per person) will get put into the next vote. :) (I know, leave it to the teacher to correct the grammar, right?) ;)

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