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Galaxian was one of those games I kinda, sorta wanted back in the day, but not too much. I didn't have any great love for the arcade machine, so I think I wanted the 5200 cart mainly because it was a 5200 cart.


When I got my replacement 2-port in the early 00s Galaxian was among the huge batch of games I got. I tried it out with the stock sticks and... it was OK. I liked it but it was nothing special. It looked OK, but didn't play much like the arcade game. It became something I'd pop in to play when I just wasn't in the mood for anything else.


Somewhere along the line I noticed that Galaxian is one of the games compatible with the trak-ball. This seemed really strange to me. There are other games which are compatible with the trak-ball that you'd never want to play that way. Defender is a prime example. This little factoid stayed mostly forgotten until tonight.


This evening I remembered that Galaxian used the trak-ball and decided to try it out. WOW! It's like a completely different game. The degree of control is amazing. If anyone has a trak-ball and hasn't tried it with Galaxian, I strongly recommend you give it a whirl. Maybe I'm just in the honeymoon stage, but with a stick 5200 Galaxian is a C grade death from above game, but with the trak-ball it becomes an A lister.


Some games on the 5200 were just programmed with the trak-ball in mind above the stock controllers: Missile Command, Centipede, and apparrently Galaxian.

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I like Galaxian with the stock analog stick. The slow/fast movement makes it a lot more fun than the A8 or using a Masterplay.

I have to admit, I don't think I ever tried it with the Trak-ball. I took the trak-ball out to play Centipede the other day and its sitting on my bass amp.

I'll have to give it a try with Galaxian tonight!

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Yep, 5200 Galaxian is great with the trackball. If you have A8 Galaxian (or 5200 with Masterplay), try Galaxian with a Genesis D-pad. Colecovision Galaxian with the Roller Controller, otoh, is terrible.


I don't know about using it with the roller controller but it is, in my opinion, the best galaxian port of that era.

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Yep, 5200 Galaxian is great with the trackball. If you have A8 Galaxian (or 5200 with Masterplay), try Galaxian with a Genesis D-pad. Colecovision Galaxian with the Roller Controller, otoh, is terrible.


I don't know about using it with the roller controller but it is, in my opinion, the best galaxian port of that era.


Oh yeah, to be sure. I like it better than 5200 Galaxian, but it is also easier than 5200 Galaxian by a mile.

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I agree it probably is the best version of that era although the Atari 2600 was pretty good considering what they had to work with.For some reason in the arcade i slightly prefer Moon Alien (Pt2) over Galaxian.

Edited by R.O.T.S
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Does anyone know why Atari used some sound effects from Circus Atari in this version. Seems akind weird.

I dunno.. but it's gotta be THE most irritating thing about the game. Other than that it aint to bad. Aside from when occasionally the galaxians fly left and right across the screen border real fast.
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