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Ebay buyers and sellers who wont leave feedback


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The more sellers keep spamming me about feedback, the more "negative" the feedback I want to leave. I keep trying not to, but after 3 spams in 2 weeks I want to rip a new hole in the sellers' feedback. Surprisingly, this in now more of a problem with Amazon sellers.


Off topic, but WTH happened to Amazon quality? Once upon a time, purchasing there was better than eBay. In the last 2 months I've received 20% crap, completely not as described, and 5% still hasn't shown up after a month. The only thing I can figure out is that many heinous sellers from eBay went to Amazon, since all of my eBay purchases during the same time were perfect...

Edited by akator
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the seller needs to give feedback once the buyer pays, especially if the buyer pays within a day. The buyer has fulfilled his or her side of the bargain.


^ this.


...but really what is it all worth at the end of the day since buyers can't have a negative? Buyers are kicked off if they don't pay 3X. Unless they are a "0" feedbacker and the seller is worried about their intent to pay, a buyer with any feedback is just as good as another 10 or 10,000. The number is really meaningless to the whole process other to compulsive buyers who are proud (yeah, that's me, I'll admit it) of having a big number, and wear it like a badge of honor... (I just indicates how much time and money we wasted buying crap :D yes, that means me too)

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On ebay, I used to leave buyers positive feedback as soon as they paid, even before ebay stopped the neg feedback from sellers ... however, I do not do that anymore because I have received a few (not many) neg feedback for untrue things over the years (and they were almost always for those I had already left pos feedback for.) It hasn't happened in a bit, but it just made me gun shy. Anyway, I also do not send any emails for anyone to leave me feedback - that's just asenine - if they want to leave feedback, great. If not, that's OK too. I understand what Boxpressed and the others are saying and I don't have a problem with that - I just choose to wait and leave my feedback later. As a buyer, I have no problem not receiving any feedback from a seller until after I've left mine (I'd be a hypocrite if I did) and if they do not leave me any feedback ever it certainly does not bother me.


Anyway - Akator is right on with the Amazon issue - the last item I ordered from them was a set of books (The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency - superb writing there, and the shows were excellent as well) - the books arrived without the case (which it said was there) and they were also different publications and scratched up (NOT in the description) - I fortunately received a refund but it was supposed to be a gift - very disappointed.

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the seller needs to give feedback once the buyer pays, especially if the buyer pays within a day. The buyer has fulfilled his or her side of the bargain.


^ this.


...but really what is it all worth at the end of the day since buyers can't have a negative? Buyers are kicked off if they don't pay 3X. Unless they are a "0" feedbacker and the seller is worried about their intent to pay, a buyer with any feedback is just as good as another 10 or 10,000. The number is really meaningless to the whole process other to compulsive buyers who are proud (yeah, that's me, I'll admit it) of having a big number, and wear it like a badge of honor... (I just indicates how much time and money we wasted buying crap :D yes, that means me too)


So are you saying that the size of the number DOES matter? :-D :evil:

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the seller needs to give feedback once the buyer pays, especially if the buyer pays within a day. The buyer has fulfilled his or her side of the bargain.


^ this.


...but really what is it all worth at the end of the day since buyers can't have a negative? Buyers are kicked off if they don't pay 3X. Unless they are a "0" feedbacker and the seller is worried about their intent to pay, a buyer with any feedback is just as good as another 10 or 10,000. The number is really meaningless to the whole process other to compulsive buyers who are proud (yeah, that's me, I'll admit it) of having a big number, and wear it like a badge of honor... (I just indicates how much time and money we wasted buying crap :D yes, that means me too)


So are you saying that the size of the number DOES matter? :-D :evil:


Just personally to us nutter butters that feel a sense of accomplishment for wasting our dough.

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Since I mainly buy (80%) most of the time I expect positive feedback as soon as I pay. I really do not see the seller's point of view of not leaving positive F.B. after they realize that they have been paid. As a seller I always give positive feedback after I am paid. A few bad apples should not make you think it is O.K. to not give positive feedback to good customers that pay when the auction ends. It is not really fair to the 99% of people that pay right away to hold their feedback hostage. Given, it is not as bad as when a douche bag seller could hold your feedback hostage and neg. you, but if you get the money, GIVE the positive feedback. Heck, there are a few guys here at A.A. that held my feedback hostage.

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When I sell, I'm afraid to antagonize people with feedback requests. I really do my best with description (unambiguous pictures), packing, quick shipping. If that's not enough for them to leave positive feedback, they're obviously not interested.


As a buyer, I leave positive feedback unless they screw up badly.

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Theres an old saying I learned long ago

You can please some of the people some of the time,but you cant please all the people all the time!

Ebay,Amazon,whatever the venture,when your selling or buying,there are just to many differing opinions about

whats right and whats wrong

As a seller,I give the feedback as soon as payment is made,what possible reason would I want to hold back for?I sold it,they bought and paid for it.I dont go for that BS of"I will post fb after I know your satisfied"....that tells me there waiting to see if your going to neg em,or that maybe somethings not right with what they are selling

As a buyer,I,again,dont see why the fb cannot be done as soon as I pay.I fulfilled my end of the sale.I paid,you post fb and send the product.If Im unhappy with it I will let you know

BTW,apparently Ebay is going to start a new process.If theres an issue with the sale,the buyer HAS to contact the seller first,before they

file a claim,so they seem to be moving in the direction of helping sellers.I also get this monthly update from them telling me if they removed low "points" for shipping time/charges etc or uncalled for comments.I wasnt aware they monitored that stuff.But they stated that they removed low points, to up my sellers status and no comments...so again that seems to be progress


Oh,and as stated this feedback or lack of happens here on AA.

Edited by oldjd
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For me the issue is honesty. Here on AA, people seem to be pretty honest and easy to deal with.


On ebay, many seem to be dishonest/scammers and take advantage of honest people for whatever reason.


I've had no poor experiences here, but plenty on ebay. I would love to be able to leave pos FB for a buyer that pays instantly - but as of right now ebay offers virtually no protection for the honest seller (at least as far as FB goes and as far as I know). I've been screwed before by dishonest buyers and don't really care for it.

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I thought I already posted in this topic, weird?


Anyways, my current feedback views...



Often I have been unhappy with purchases due to bad packaging, damage, not as described/etc. Now, these will be smaller purchase ($10 or so) and it's really not worth it to complain. I can ask for a refund, and if by some chance in hell they give it to me I still have to pay return shipping per Ebay policy, well, it's not worth it. I'd rather just keep the slightly damaged or mis-described item. So, I'm not leaving a positive for something that doesn't deserve it, but I don't feel right leaving a NEG or Nuetral without giving the seller a chance at redemption first...but, as I explained redemption is not worth it so I just don't leave any feedback :)



I am terribly lazy with leaving it, I usually do it all in one big lump (buying falls under this excuse also) A huge part of it is I no longer have a home internet connection and mainly use my phone so leaving feedback is something I have to wait until I get on one of the work computers to do and I don't always remember right away. I know, I'm a bad seller blah blah but I'm just a hobbiest and not a store so I have to wait for it to be convienient :) Sorry!


- Don't worry though oldjd, I'm going to leave a positive for the Vectrex shirt I bought off you a few weeks ago. Your lack of feedback given from me is stricly to my laziness :) The shirt was perfect!

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Crazy,I wasnt trying to be specific about anyone.But now that you mention it :D


Jon,your absolutely correct about Ebay,there are a butt load of wackos there,but then again,I see

the ones that come on here at AA,and make 2 posts to shill thier crap and you never see/hear from them again,

so you have to realize there everywhere


I try to be realistic when doing business via the "web",just as in day to day dealings.There are always people

whos so goal in life is to make everyone else life miserable......my wife tells me that everyday :_(

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Our wives must be in communication, Jerry! :-D


Yeah, you are right - I do realize that there are buttheads everywhere, even here on AA (I got this stuff for sale because i need a mattress/bike ... ) :P

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Crazy,I wasnt trying to be specific about anyone.But now that you mention it :D


Jon,your absolutely correct about Ebay,there are a butt load of wackos there,but then again,I see

the ones that come on here at AA,and make 2 posts to shill thier crap and you never see/hear from them again,

so you have to realize there everywhere


I try to be realistic when doing business via the "web",just as in day to day dealings.There are always people

whos so goal in life is to make everyone else life miserable......my wife tells me that everyday :_(


The worst part of that is that when you have legitimate concerns as a buyer they assume you are simply one of those people. I get my complaints thrown in my face when ever I bring them up like I'm scamming them saying it's got cat pee on it, or holes in the disc that can't be buffed away (and won't play). It takes a fairly good reason for me to bring an issue to someones attention. I hate confrontations. As a seller to I know the flip side of the coin. People are brutal. They always assume that whatever the issue is, you did it on purpose and have no intention to help. Sad that this is the norm, hence all of the assumptions.... can't we all just get along :lol:

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Crazy,I wasnt trying to be specific about anyone.But now that you mention it :D


Jon,your absolutely correct about Ebay,there are a butt load of wackos there,but then again,I see

the ones that come on here at AA,and make 2 posts to shill thier crap and you never see/hear from them again,

so you have to realize there everywhere


I try to be realistic when doing business via the "web",just as in day to day dealings.There are always people

whos so goal in life is to make everyone else life miserable......my wife tells me that everyday :_(


The worst part of that is that when you have legitimate concerns as a buyer they assume you are simply one of those people. I get my complaints thrown in my face when ever I bring them up like I'm scamming them saying it's got cat pee on it, or holes in the disc that can't be buffed away (and won't play). It takes a fairly good reason for me to bring an issue to someones attention. I hate confrontations. As a seller to I know the flip side of the coin. People are brutal. They always assume that whatever the issue is, you did it on purpose and have no intention to help. Sad that this is the norm, hence all of the assumptions.... can't we all just get along :lol:


The cat pee thing is hilarious - but true! (oh yeah, you can smell cat pee like you can smell burnt toast or burnt popcorn - it's just absolutely revolting) I've received more things with bad smells/odors (cat pee, dog poop, old von moldy, smoke, etc) than I have broken things.


Group hug? :love:

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