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lukiegames MADE IT RIGHT


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Sorry to hear your having this issue. I'd be pissed too! Myself I've never had a problem buying from lukiegames

and they always are right on top of customer communication so here is hoping they make things right for you.

Edited by Shawn Sr.
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After two clear emails explaining exactly what the situation was in 5 days, and posting to their facebook Lukie finally wrote back:


I do apologize for any delay in response. I?m not sure why the previous message was missed. As stated the lot was for broken systems. The lots are created by randomly choosing the items from a bin of broken systems and there are to be used for parts or repaired. This lot was not misrepresented.


At this point I would consider this to be a scam.


I agree completely. The listing specifically said, "Can be repaired or used for parts." There is no way that empty console shells can be repaired.


If at least one of the items had some guts in it, it could be "interpreted" that they pulled random non-working items and shipped them. However, the fact that not a single item had anything in it proves that they intentionally sent you several empty shells.


It's not like you paid peanuts for that lot, either. They definitely scammed you.


The Super Nintendos had their guts. Some systems (2) had PCBs alone but without any tins, edge connectors, screws....etc. You simply could not pick them up without knowing for a fact that they were devoid. Hell the original shipping weight on the box proves the point. I'm going to go dig that up and take a pic of what those 8 systems are supposed to weigh, and the weight on the box. That will be a bit of smoking gun evidence... but they aren't even trying to pull a fast one like I thought they would. They are instead playing the justification "AS-IS" means "AS-IS" game that eBay SUPPORTS... this means they KNEW they could get away with it because it is a loop-hole.


After two clear emails explaining exactly what the situation was in 5 days, and posting to their facebook Lukie finally wrote back:


I do apologize for any delay in response. I?m not sure why the previous message was missed. As stated the lot was for broken systems. The lots are created by randomly choosing the items from a bin of broken systems and there are to be used for parts or repaired. This lot was not misrepresented.


At this point I would consider this to be a scam.

Yes, I agree. As you said, their description indicated "broken" systems, not "incomplete" systems. They should definitely rectify this with you. Been a few days, but I don't remember reading anything in the auction about missing parts.

You need to tell them that the lot was for broken systems, and that broken systems can either be repaired or used for parts. If they couldn't, then there would be NO value whatsoever. What shipped were incomplete systems, which can neither be repaired, nor used for parts [that you need] to repair other systems, and therefore have no value. The lost was misrepresented as broken systems when it should have been listed as incomplete/stripped systems.


edit: sorry mine sounds just like the guy above but we posted at the same time. I'm with SlowCoder.



My second message when they never wrote back by Monday was:


I wrote you on Friday. I'm assuming that you don't work on the weekend, but now the issue needs to be resolved. Many of the "systems" you sent me had no guts. No motherboard in many, no metal shields, or pins in others, no screws at all. As I've said, I bought broken systems. Not empty shells. Your ad was either an error, or someone blatantly misrepresented these. They were for parts and repair... not just some random shells with the guts removed. There isn't enough here to even work with, and you got a premium like they were full broken systems. If your techs work on something, and don't even take the time to put the broken stuff back in, then you have to tell the buyer the golden words "MISSING PARTS." Not just have the tech shovel it all in a box and sell it as broken systems like it's all in there. Please make this right.


That's when they replied Tuesday (today with)



Hi the.golden.ax,

I do apologize for any delay in response. I’m not sure why the previous message was missed. As stated the lot was for broken systems. The lots are created by randomly choosing the items from a bin of broken systems and there are to be used for parts or repaired. This lot was not misrepresented.




Then I wrote again and I'm waiting for a reply:


I'm sorry but I disagree. You can not send a shell with no parts inside and call that a system. That's like selling a hamburger bun without any meat and saying it is a hamburger for parts or repair. The phrase "AS IS" is not an excuse to shovel random items on your customers that are blatantly misrepresented. "SYSTEM" does not imply that you have opened, and gutted the parts. Can you imagine if people listed a car "as is" online without mentioning that it has no engine? You need to resolve this. I'm extremely vocal in the game community. Maybe you don't care because you have plenty of business. This situation ISN'T RIGHT... everyone that I've told agrees.

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You are in the right. And I think that you should perhaps post a link to this thread to show what people think of this transaction. Potential customers can be lost by this type of shenanigans. As long as you haven't omitted any important information from us, so that we can make sound judgements ourselves, they can get a real view of how these hi-jinx hurt them.

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You are in the right. And I think that you should perhaps post a link to this thread to show what people think of this transaction. Potential customers can be lost by this type of shenanigans. As long as you haven't omitted any important information from us, so that we can make sound judgements ourselves, they can get a real view of how these hi-jinx hurt them.


No I haven't left anything out. The items were paid on time. It took them three days to send them and I had to ask for tracking that they did give me on request. The systems and shells that they sent were wrapped individually in bubblewrap and there was other stuff in the box for protection, foam, and air bags etc... it was well packed.


We had no prior contact before my asking for the tracking.

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This is a real shame. Outside of ebay, Lukiegames is probably the site I spend the most money on (not to mention all of the ebay purchases from them). They've never really burned me, but I'll be evaluating how they handle this.


I fully agree that a case missing almost everything is not an as-is system. It's a shell, and it should be sold as such. Or even '3 lbs of nes scrap' would be acceptable.


Come to think of it, once they did improperly pack a 'cosmetically challenged' psx lot on me once, meaning that most of them were showing uniform drop damage in addition to their earlier imperfections. I let it slide (because they weren't worth anything to start with) but I'd imagine that I would probably have 'had' to let it slide anyhow.

Edited by Reaperman
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I would suggest that anyone else here (like Reaperman) that does business with Lukiegames take the time to send them a quick e-mail on Axe's behalf. They need to understand that this bad transaction will cause them to lose more than just Axe as a customer.



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Well I dug up the box and it doesn't help my case. Either they had to use dimensional weight (assumed) or they were elaborate in their deception (not likely) but the box is UPS 38lb. An NES with all it's crap inside is just at the 3lb mark, a Super is slightly less. So if they had all been in there it would have been about 24 pounds. They overshot (Like I said dimensional shipping weight due to size of the box maybe) by over 20 pounds from what was in there.


...even though I don't have a smoking gun to prove my case, they aren't denying it either. I think they know what they sent me, and simply just don't care.

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I think they know what they sent me, and simply just don't care.


Definitely. If it was an honest mistake, they would work with you to resolve it.


I have also purchased many items from lukiegames over the years... about 95% have been fine. Unless we hear that they have resolved this issue with you, this thing appears to be intentionally dishonest and I will block them in my eBay prefs.

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Ax, I believe that UPS charges based on weight, distance and dimensions - and if the weight/dimensions are over their regular ground rate for that distance they increase the LB so it looks like you were sent 38 lbs of crap instead of 24 (which is why the shipping price goes way up).


They may not be scammers per se or on a regular basis but the definition of a "system" apparently has a completely different meaning to them. Ask them what would they want if they purchased a broken system for parts/repair and it had just the shell (which can't be repaired and is NOT the definition of a "system" - that's why it's called a SHELL) - would they say "ah, OK - exactly what I expected or ordered" or would they be asking for the seller to make good on the description. What would a reasonable gamer think in the same situation? We all know the answer to that - we agree with you that were were scammed and that Lukiegames either owes you replacement "systems" or a refund because as reasonable gamers we know that they were wrong in their description. I certainly will not be a customer of Lukiegames if they do not resolve this issue and do the morally right thing.

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I would suggest that anyone else here (like Reaperman) that does business with Lukiegames take the time to send them a quick e-mail on Axe's behalf. They need to understand that this bad transaction will cause them to lose more than just Axe as a customer.




Eff that. I'm calling to raise my voice.

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I just got off the phone with Rudy, the Returns Manager. He's going to check the email exchange, and contact Ax directly. He is aware of the fact that this problem is documented on this forum, how popular the forum is, and how much weight this issue currently carries.


He was appreciative that I brought this to his attention, and is eager to keep customers.


Michael, I've dealt with before. He was the guy I screamed at before. If any of you call, ever, ask for Rudy.

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I left a message for Rudy as well......he has always been helpful in the past.....sometimes it takes a day or two for them to get approval from Sara........just trying to help out as I too spend money at Lukie because of there primary good service in the past....hopefully they aren't getting "too big to fail" mentality though I know they make a large portion of their business now from overseas sales....hmmmmm

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I left a message for Rudy as well......he has always been helpful in the past.....sometimes it takes a day or two for them to get approval from Sara........just trying to help out as I too spend money at Lukie because of there primary good service in the past....hopefully they aren't getting "too big to fail" mentality though I know they make a large portion of their business now from overseas sales....hmmmmm


I honestly think this Michael character is a huge part of the problem. He's the first line of returns, and quotes cold company policy.

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I left a message for Rudy as well......he has always been helpful in the past.....sometimes it takes a day or two for them to get approval from Sara........just trying to help out as I too spend money at Lukie because of there primary good service in the past....hopefully they aren't getting "too big to fail" mentality though I know they make a large portion of their business now from overseas sales....hmmmmm


I honestly think this Michael character is a huge part of the problem. He's the first line of returns, and quotes cold company policy.



...and maybe they need that since "big guys" are big targets. It's good to know someone else is there listening after the gatekeeper / security guard. Rudy said he needs some time to talk to someone, and will get to the bottom of it. We talked about me getting some actual systems. I fully intend to change the title of this thread and update the first and last post to make sure everyone knows if they take care of the issue. All I'm asking for is something to work with. Badly broken or not, there must be tins, motherboards, pins, and screws... I told him I don't even care about the exterior shells. The shells they gave me are pretty nice. If they set me up with some fugly systems that are good for internal parts I'll be good. -= Now we wait =- *Jeopardy Theme Plays*

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I have been dealing w/ebay for over a decade now. I Would have opened an "item not as described" case asap and contacted seller at same time. If I didn't like sellers response such as this one. I would personally call ebay on the phone and describe the situation.


There are so many scammers now, It's best to get the ball rolling instantly. With ebays strict policies you need to open the dispute asap regardless of what is happening. This is just to cover yoursefl. Once you are happy w/the outcome you can close the case early. If you are not happy let ebay run the case out.


Ebay should side with you on this. Just open the case, and by all means this is at best a neutral feedback now. It is by no means a positive anymore. They fix the situation it's neutral and problem is described in feedback. If they don't fix it it's a negative even if ebay sides with you and you win.

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Also, check out DKOldies -

DKOldies is pure SHIT as far as I'm concerned.


I sold them a lot of 100 or so NES games many years back. They had the nerve to wait until the very last day they could to file a paypal claim (think it was 90 days back then?) saying they never arrived. They NEVER contacted me once through ebay or email.


Unfortunately for them I keep pretty good records of ebay sales and had my proof of delivery confirmation AND signiture confirmation so paypal sided with me, BOO-YAH!!


DKOldies can suck it and suck it hard. They were banking on me losing or throwing away my slips, but I didn't, I win!!!

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It sounds to me they're giving you the runaround with "I’m not sure why the previous message was missed" and "This lot was not misrepresented." A SYSTEM is with all the innards like CPU, etc. A SHELL is just the outer part of the console protecting the innards.


Again, this is from that Michael chump. I bet ya dollars to donuts that Rudy fixes this - and that he'll have a chat with the owner about this situation. He knows we're watching, and how much damage we could do to their reputation.

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This morning I was offered 6 NES systems with the bottom half, PCB, and 72 pins. I wrote back and said that would be fine provided there are metal shields (what I call tins). They felt that the lot I got was mixed up with another group of systems. It wouldn't surprise me with the supposed 18 people working there, and thousands of deals. Hey it happens (just make it right) I'm glad that a person is listening and getting to the bottom of my concern. It looks like this should be resolved. GodzillaIsMyCopilot you were a big help on this, and I doubt it would be where it is without you. Thank you.

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This morning I was offered 6 NES systems with the bottom half, PCB, and 72 pins. I wrote back and said that would be fine provided there are metal shields (what I call tins). They felt that the lot I got was mixed up with another group of systems. It wouldn't surprise me with the supposed 18 people working there, and thousands of deals. Hey it happens (just make it right) I'm glad that a person is listening and getting to the bottom of my concern. It looks like this should be resolved. GodzillaIsMyCopilot you were a big help on this, and I doubt it would be where it is without you. Thank you.


My pleasure. I'm just glad that it worked out.

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