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Best maze game?


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Pacmania is my personal favorite. I think the jumping mechanics add a lot to the gameplay, while still keeping true to Pacman's roots.


Edit: Didn't notice the whole Pac series was off limits. Next to them I'd say I spend the most time with Jawbreaker on the 2600.

Edited by Lentzquest
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All those games are great.


I forgot about Turtles!


Lock n' Chase seemed a bit too slow. I always liked the Tanks section in Tron.


I also remember a game called Changes where your this caterpiller:




Tutankham kicked ass!





Also I really liked an 1980's arcade game where you squirt water on fire enemies. You were like this little water guy and you would run over puddles or water and that was your ammo. You would run out but then fill up again by running over the puddles. Lots of fun and maze-like. Anyone remember that? I dont have Mame at the moment. :P

Edited by cimerians
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No question--has to be Getaway! on the A8.

It's got a really large maze, and some interesting mechanics.

IMO it's better than the Pacman titles, but a bit short for my liking.


When I was a kid (3-ish), I used to love exploring that city. I'd usually stick close to the safezone and venture out when the enemies weren't about. It's a lot more kid-friendly than most maze-based titles.


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I always liked maze craze. That's the basic-ist maze game you can get, me and my friends always played the "cops and robbers" mode on it (don't know if that's what it was called, but that's what we called it.


My favorite was the game Entombed, that game was the shiznite, and it would get ragingly fast, and the ability to score points to use to "open a door" was awesome.

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For myself, I spent hours and hours on Blue Print, Painter (on the Jaguar), and Turtles on the O2 (which I still think is the best O2 game). And because I enjoyed the movie so much, I played a lot of Alien on the 2600 (maybe not the greatest maze game but it was Alien).




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