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GameStop to start selling the "classic" games from their warehouse

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GameStop to start selling the "classic" games from their warehouse

So what do we all think of this?




Will it have an effect on classic game prices? Will they go up or down based on the price GameStop sells their items for? Will it make any sort of difference at all?

My guess is that their prices will be much to high, but ebayers will set their prices to maybe match GameStop's driving up prices... which may be good for us already in this for years now...

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I can't wait to see what they have in store... can you imagine walking in a Gamestop and seeing 10 open NES, SNES, or Genny Cases/Boxes on the walls, only to find out the Manager opened all of them simply so they could store the carts behind the shelf...


:lol: :-o



I would probably come back and torch the store... after terrorizing the employees for committing sins they can't comprehend.




I picture this will be a CF of Epic Proportions... :P :thumbsup:

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They've got to have some business plan for the near future when everything becomes a digital download :D


In this time of weak economic growth, GameStop must be greedily looking at the classic gaming market currently owned by smaller franchises, Mom n Pop stores, Play n Trades, eBay, Craigslist, other websites, and yard sales. Getting back into classic gaming must be a wet dream for the bean-counting weasels that run the company...

Edited by akator
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They've got to have some business plan for the near future when everything becomes a digital download :D


In this time of weak economic growth, GameStop's must be greedily looking at the classic gaming market currently owned by smaller franchises, Mom n Pop stores, Play n Trades, eBay, Craigslist, other websites, and yard sales. Getting back into classic gaming must be a wet dream for the bean-counting weasels that run the company...


This reminds me of seeing the ridiculous price lists at Funcoland. I really hope that doesn't start happening again at GameStop. I still find local shops that go by some mysterious "blue book" for classic games. They end up being a museum rather than a retail store.


:lol: right on....

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gamestop did buy up funcoland.


from the article it seems this will be online only, which makes sense, as taking up shelf space to sell 20 year old games to we happy few dosen't make much sense to a storefront.


my local game store has a glass case full of 3rd-5th gen shelf clutter titles, a few good ones mixed in, but for the most part the carts lie there unsold for months

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gamestop did buy up funcoland.


from the article it seems this will be online only, which makes sense, as taking up shelf space to sell 20 year old games to we happy few dosen't make much sense to a storefront.


my local game store has a glass case full of 3rd-5th gen shelf clutter titles, a few good ones mixed in, but for the most part the carts lie there unsold for months


Do what now? They think people are going to buy digital versions of Classic games... Nintendo already has that market, PSN & Xbox360Live have a little of that market as well.... what makes Gamestop think there's enough of that market to go around for them to I wonder... strange company



Dunno if you guys know how to shop there or not... but I've figured out the best way to cut through all the bs. Walk in, go to counter, ask for the list of Wii/360/P3 games that they have sealed, for $20 or less.... they'll print a list in a minute, and then you don't have to waste any time looking at their bs used/open wall of overpriced nonsense. just sharing...

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Do what now? They think people are going to buy digital versions of Classic games.


If i'm reading the article correctly, I think they will be selling physical carts and inventory, but only online.


Raines noted his company already has many old school classics, the result of trade-ins over the company's meandering 25-plus year history. According to the executive, there are a few challenges remaining, such as "sourcing the product, the condition [and] the refurbishment," but because the demand is there, the effort to expand the business is seen as worth it.


The one part i find interesting about this is the mention of refurbishment.

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gamestop did buy up funcoland.


from the article it seems this will be online only, which makes sense, as taking up shelf space to sell 20 year old games to we happy few dosen't make much sense to a storefront.


my local game store has a glass case full of 3rd-5th gen shelf clutter titles, a few good ones mixed in, but for the most part the carts lie there unsold for months


Do what now? They think people are going to buy digital versions of Classic games... Nintendo already has that market, PSN & Xbox360Live have a little of that market as well.... what makes Gamestop think there's enough of that market to go around for them to I wonder... strange company



Dunno if you guys know how to shop there or not... but I've figured out the best way to cut through all the bs. Walk in, go to counter, ask for the list of Wii/360/P3 games that they have sealed, for $20 or less.... they'll print a list in a minute, and then you don't have to waste any time looking at their bs used/open wall of overpriced nonsense. just sharing...


It isn't digital versions of the games. It is the classic games themselves. They will just be available for purchase online, not in their stores. Personally, I absolutely hate GameStop and would love to see this fail. I just wonder how it will effect the prices of games in other places like Ebay, yard sales, etc, if everyone has easy access to an "official" price. Will Mario / Duck Hunt become a $5.00 title because "that's what GameStop says it is"? Nobody would ever buy at that price, but would everyone try to sell at that price. We have a wonderous amount of silly folk now that try to sell an Atari 2600 with Pac Man and Space Invaders for $100 on Craigslist... I just fear this will help justify the loons...

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They will likely just price it 10-20% higher than average. Oh and of course have no real pic and just use stock pics of everything boxed but then you click on it and a small discription says it's a loose cart. You know, it will not be any different than any other online monster Ebay store, same ol BS we already have enough people doing. People will still buy it though because they will advertise it heavy and some people just don't care who sells them Bubble Bobble or how much they pay for it :)

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Personally, I absolutely hate GameStop and would love to see this fail. I just wonder how it will effect the prices of games in other places like Ebay, yard sales, etc, if everyone has easy access to an "official" price. Will Mario / Duck Hunt become a $5.00 title because "that's what GameStop says it is"? Nobody would ever buy at that price, but would everyone try to sell at that price. We have a wonderous amount of silly folk now that try to sell an Atari 2600 with Pac Man and Space Invaders for $100 on Craigslist... I just fear this will help justify the loons...


I'm no big fan of Gamestop, the fact they sell opened games as new is offensive to me.


They do have fairly reasonable online prices, a decent return policy and some customer service. which is better that you'd get from most craigslist or ebay sellers. If anything it may force retailers to undersell them.


The old argument of retailers argument of "that's what the charge on ebay" works aginst them if you answer, "then i will buy from ebay"

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Do what now? They think people are going to buy digital versions of Classic games.


If i'm reading the article correctly, I think they will be selling physical carts and inventory, but only online.

Raines noted his company already has many old school classics, the result of trade-ins over the company's meandering 25-plus year history. According to the executive, there are a few challenges remaining, such as "sourcing the product, the condition [and] the refurbishment," but because the demand is there, the effort to expand the business is seen as worth it.

They will likely just price it 10-20% higher than average. Oh and of course have no real pic and just use stock pics of everything boxed but then you click on it and a small discription says it's a loose cart. You know, it will not be any different than any other online monster Ebay store, same ol BS we already have enough people doing. People will still buy it though because they will advertise it heavy and some people just don't care who sells them Bubble Bobble or how much they pay for it :)


The one part i find interesting about this is the mention of refurbishment.


Ahhhh... so it'll look like all the ebayers who don't actually have their stock on hand... the 3rd party type sellers... Gamestop is waaaay late to this party imo, and will not make any serious money with it.


Personally, I absolutely hate GameStop and would love to see this fail. I just wonder how it will effect the prices of games in other places like Ebay, yard sales, etc, if everyone has easy access to an "official" price. Will Mario / Duck Hunt become a $5.00 title because "that's what GameStop says it is"? Nobody would ever buy at that price, but would everyone try to sell at that price. We have a wonderous amount of silly folk now that try to sell an Atari 2600 with Pac Man and Space Invaders for $100 on Craigslist... I just fear this will help justify the loons...


I'm no big fan of Gamestop, the fact they sell opened games as new is offensive to me.


They do have fairly reasonable online prices, a decent return policy and some customer service. which is better that you'd get from most craigslist or ebay sellers. If anything it may force retailers to undersell them.


The old argument of retailers argument of "that's what the charge on ebay" works aginst them if you answer, "then i will buy from ebay"


That's why you should save yourself the time and simply ask them to print out a list of everything they 'actually' have behind the counter, sealed... for $20 or under. They'll look at you like they're retarded, at first... but then they'll understand that you're one of the few that understand how things work. I've literally had a couple suckers ask me why I was in front of them in line, for a 'list'... I've laughed at people to their face before at Gamestop stores for paying what they pay, even had a manager ask me not to hurt their sales once... to which I laughed at him.


As long as you buy with Plastic, you are your own Return Policy. I've had Retro stores try to tell me I couldn't return something before, I've left it on the counter, and was on the phone with my bank before I made it out of the parking lot. The Customer is always right, and with Credit, you have all the power/flexibility in the world. There are plenty of Sellers on ebay who have had to learn this the hard way.

Edited by Protoplasym
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I think this will drive prices up for the consoles they sell for. Not a good thing for this community. But it may have the benefit of reopening the world of retro gaming to folks who previously left it behind.


As far as refurbishing, I think that's a joke. I've bought and looked at refurbished consoles from them before. Functioning, but not cleaned up, dirt still in the crevices, etc. I've seen them sell consoles that apparently worked, but we obviously on their last legs. I went put looking for a GC in my town. I had to travel to 4 stores, opening 10 "refurbished" boxes before I found onethat wasn't beat to heck, with a non-depressed eject button, and with a 1st party controller that wasn't worn out.

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If they bought and sold vintage games in the store, it would effectively kill yardsales and craigslist finds by a drastic number, if may even cause mom and pop shops to close down.


However if they are only doing an online thing, it means nothing really. It wont do anything but take away sales from other online retailers. If the gamestop stores take them in as trade however in the physical retail location to send them to the massive distribution online center to sell online then that would hurt everything mentioned above. A lot of people are willing to trade vintage for new. This is how I get all my new stuff. I get vintage on the cheap and trade in for new.

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Akator said it exactly! They're desperate for when everything goes digital download.



Every time I'm in there (no so much) and I ask about anything, they try to pump me to "pre-order" something. I'm not pre-ordering jack shit. I can buy whatever it is on every street corner already, even at places like Walmart. Why the hell would anybody need to pre-order anything, nowdays? They must be awfully desperate. They caution me that it's "to make sure that I get one," when it's all over the internet, as well as the aforementioned street corners. HA HA.


The fact that they bought up other game stores that I liked, does little to help my opinion of them. I'd rather buy stuff at Walmart (oh God, no!!!!) to avoid Gamestop. That's the sad truth. Die, Gamestop. You're going to eventually, so why not get it over with?

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I hope they plan on knocking down a wall to make room for all of the crappy sports games they couldn't unload 10 years ago...I predict an endless swathe of Madden games from the 90's to present! In turn, I hope this also means I can sell them all of my crappy sports games for some store credit!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :P

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I hope they plan on knocking down a wall to make room for all of the crappy sports games they couldn't unload 10 years ago...I predict an endless swathe of Madden games from the 90's to present! In turn, I hope this also means I can sell them all of my crappy sports games for some store credit!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :P

They will probably just do those "wholesale" lost like the other Ebay monsters do...


"100 Sega Genesis games" - (85 sports games, a few altered Beasts and a bunch of Toy story's/etc..)

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I don't even see this being successful, let alone having a huge effect on the market. Resellers will use ebay as their guide just as they have been doing for some time. I for one will never again give a dime to gamestop, retro games or otherwise. I can't wait for them to crumble just as Blockbuster did.


I figure Gamestop must already have a warehouse full of retro stuff and is just doing this to make a buck unloading it.

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Do what now? They think people are going to buy digital versions of Classic games.


If i'm reading the article correctly, I think they will be selling physical carts and inventory, but only online.

Raines noted his company already has many old school classics, the result of trade-ins over the company's meandering 25-plus year history. According to the executive, there are a few challenges remaining, such as "sourcing the product, the condition [and] the refurbishment," but because the demand is there, the effort to expand the business is seen as worth it.

They will likely just price it 10-20% higher than average. Oh and of course have no real pic and just use stock pics of everything boxed but then you click on it and a small discription says it's a loose cart. You know, it will not be any different than any other online monster Ebay store, same ol BS we already have enough people doing. People will still buy it though because they will advertise it heavy and some people just don't care who sells them Bubble Bobble or how much they pay for it :)


The one part i find interesting about this is the mention of refurbishment.


Ahhhh... so it'll look like all the ebayers who don't actually have their stock on hand... the 3rd party type sellers... Gamestop is waaaay late to this party imo, and will not make any serious money with it.


Personally, I absolutely hate GameStop and would love to see this fail. I just wonder how it will effect the prices of games in other places like Ebay, yard sales, etc, if everyone has easy access to an "official" price. Will Mario / Duck Hunt become a $5.00 title because "that's what GameStop says it is"? Nobody would ever buy at that price, but would everyone try to sell at that price. We have a wonderous amount of silly folk now that try to sell an Atari 2600 with Pac Man and Space Invaders for $100 on Craigslist... I just fear this will help justify the loons...


I'm no big fan of Gamestop, the fact they sell opened games as new is offensive to me.


They do have fairly reasonable online prices, a decent return policy and some customer service. which is better that you'd get from most craigslist or ebay sellers. If anything it may force retailers to undersell them.


The old argument of retailers argument of "that's what the charge on ebay" works aginst them if you answer, "then i will buy from ebay"


That's why you should save yourself the time and simply ask them to print out a list of everything they 'actually' have behind the counter, sealed... for $20 or under. They'll look at you like they're retarded, at first... but then they'll understand that you're one of the few that understand how things work. I've literally had a couple suckers ask me why I was in front of them in line, for a 'list'... I've laughed at people to their face before at Gamestop stores for paying what they pay, even had a manager ask me not to hurt their sales once... to which I laughed at him.


As long as you buy with Plastic, you are your own Return Policy. I've had Retro stores try to tell me I couldn't return something before, I've left it on the counter, and was on the phone with my bank before I made it out of the parking lot. The Customer is always right, and with Credit, you have all the power/flexibility in the world. There are plenty of Sellers on ebay who have had to learn this the hard way.


I'm guessing you haven't ever actually done a chargeback against a retailer as it is a really lengthy and difficult process no matter how awesome your bank or credit card company happens to be. If you do it repeatedly, your bank or credit card company will also drop you as constantly causing them the cost and hassle of reversing charges makes them zero money. Ebay/Paypal is a different story and I would agree that it's easy as long as you are being reasonable and legitimately try to resolve things prior to filing a claim.

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Do what now? They think people are going to buy digital versions of Classic games.


If i'm reading the article correctly, I think they will be selling physical carts and inventory, but only online.

Raines noted his company already has many old school classics, the result of trade-ins over the company's meandering 25-plus year history. According to the executive, there are a few challenges remaining, such as "sourcing the product, the condition [and] the refurbishment," but because the demand is there, the effort to expand the business is seen as worth it.

They will likely just price it 10-20% higher than average. Oh and of course have no real pic and just use stock pics of everything boxed but then you click on it and a small discription says it's a loose cart. You know, it will not be any different than any other online monster Ebay store, same ol BS we already have enough people doing. People will still buy it though because they will advertise it heavy and some people just don't care who sells them Bubble Bobble or how much they pay for it :)


The one part i find interesting about this is the mention of refurbishment.


Ahhhh... so it'll look like all the ebayers who don't actually have their stock on hand... the 3rd party type sellers... Gamestop is waaaay late to this party imo, and will not make any serious money with it.


Personally, I absolutely hate GameStop and would love to see this fail. I just wonder how it will effect the prices of games in other places like Ebay, yard sales, etc, if everyone has easy access to an "official" price. Will Mario / Duck Hunt become a $5.00 title because "that's what GameStop says it is"? Nobody would ever buy at that price, but would everyone try to sell at that price. We have a wonderous amount of silly folk now that try to sell an Atari 2600 with Pac Man and Space Invaders for $100 on Craigslist... I just fear this will help justify the loons...


I'm no big fan of Gamestop, the fact they sell opened games as new is offensive to me.


They do have fairly reasonable online prices, a decent return policy and some customer service. which is better that you'd get from most craigslist or ebay sellers. If anything it may force retailers to undersell them.


The old argument of retailers argument of "that's what the charge on ebay" works aginst them if you answer, "then i will buy from ebay"


That's why you should save yourself the time and simply ask them to print out a list of everything they 'actually' have behind the counter, sealed... for $20 or under. They'll look at you like they're retarded, at first... but then they'll understand that you're one of the few that understand how things work. I've literally had a couple suckers ask me why I was in front of them in line, for a 'list'... I've laughed at people to their face before at Gamestop stores for paying what they pay, even had a manager ask me not to hurt their sales once... to which I laughed at him.


As long as you buy with Plastic, you are your own Return Policy. I've had Retro stores try to tell me I couldn't return something before, I've left it on the counter, and was on the phone with my bank before I made it out of the parking lot. The Customer is always right, and with Credit, you have all the power/flexibility in the world. There are plenty of Sellers on ebay who have had to learn this the hard way.


I'm guessing you haven't ever actually done a chargeback against a retailer as it is a really lengthy and difficult process no matter how awesome your bank or credit card company happens to be. If you do it repeatedly, your bank or credit card company will also drop you as constantly causing them the cost and hassle of reversing charges makes them zero money. Ebay/Paypal is a different story and I would agree that it's easy as long as you are being reasonable and legitimately try to resolve things prior to filing a claim.


You guessed incorrectly.... it's not a lengthy process at all. It takes one phone call, and the charge is reversed. That's it. I have advanced Plastic. :twisted:

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