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Quick Inquiry - I don't want to pay for an Ebay item....

Crazy Climber

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Hello :)


Quick inquiry here. I was talking with a seller on Ebay and we agreed to a price of $23 shipped on 2 games he had in seperate auctions. We did it via best offer/buy it now. He said $12 for one, $8 for the other and with combined shipping my total would be $23 shipped. He clearly stated $23 shipped for the 2 in the message.


I did the BIN's and he sent me an invoice for $26. I sent an email reminding him of our agreed price and he sent another invoice for $25? He has not responded to me past 2 or 3 messages (keep in mind before I hit any Buy it nows he was responding within 5 min)


I also noticed his feedback had a neg from someone saying the post office made them pay extra shipping charges and the seller did not respond to messages about it.


I've decided I'm not going to pay him because it's not the price we agreed on and he is not responding. It's only $2 but its BS and I'm not going to pay. I've never been on the opposite end, had plenty of people not pay me but I have never not paid. Not much happens as far as I know right?


Also, do I bother leaving feedback? It obviously would not be positive, lol, but I feel it's a little harsh to neg or nuetral the guy..


What would you guys do here?

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He may want to cancel the transaction officially because he will be charged Final Value fees if everything is left as it is. He will have to initiate this with eBay, and then you will be sent a request to agree or disagree with cancelling the transaction. If you do nothing, he may do nothing as well. I think he can file a non-paying buyer claim against you, but I'm not sure how punitive -- if at all -- that is.

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He can file a non paying bidder on you, so if he has decided to not respond to you, then it's up to you to make the first strike.... you should open a case with Ebay, that or call them (866-540-3229) and explain that the seller is being uncommunicative and you aren't entirely sure how best to proceed.


When it's all said and done, if you still haven't heard back from the seller, then it's neg or neutral time. Non communicative sellers need to be reprimanded, period. Shit happens and people have trouble in their lives no doubt, but there's no way for you to know what's going on with this particular individual nor is it your problem 'to know'. You're simply a customer rating a transaction: you can either excerise Political Correctness and not leave him any feedback or a positive (which does no good for the community), or you can be honest about how you feel the transaction took place by leaving him the appropriate negative or neutral.

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Yeah, I think I am going to send him one more message asking to update the invoice to our agreed price or to cancel the transaction. If after a few days he does nothing and does not respond I will contact Ebay and leave nuetral feedback (cant bring myself to neg over this, lol) I do feel I have to do something other than just sit around though :)

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