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The NEW HSC 1.1 - Track & Field

Lauren Tyler

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I'm doing better, but I still can't clear the hammer throw. I can barely keep the hammer in play. What is the minimum to clear that event? Is there something simple here I'm over looking or is it just timing and practice like most VCS games?


Per Scrabbler's tip, wait to throw on the ninth spin. Throw when red. The angle works the same way as the javelin throw, I guess. Beyond that, I think it's timing and practice.


Also, make sure to set the game to "Novice" before you start playing. On the emulator I'm using, the game first pops up on the "Advanced" setting, so it has to be changed. I didn't realize this at first and had a much more difficult time with the advanced setting.

Edited by Gorfy
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Something else I just realized about the High Jump is that the computer runs the jumper automatically after tapping the stick. I had been trying to make him run faster, but that doesn't seem to help.


My best height running hard was 2.41 and my best height letting the computer do the running was 2.42. Also, when the computer runs the jumper, I can listen to the footsteps and jump between the 9th and 10th steps.




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Ohhhhhh, a new player is on the move. You better look out, the son of Scrabbler15 is here and is a-bringing a-bringing the score!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:


Allow me to officially introduce gamerguy99. He just turned 13, but he wants to take his shot at Dad's scores starting with this new season. And I say, give it your best shot, kiddo. ;)

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I clear all the events but the only events that im good at is the ones u dont have to run due to using the keyboard. It´s impossible/hard to get decent speed up.

Any tricks to this?


Enyone ells using the keabord for this game?

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Thanks for the video. I can't say it helped me, but I can see a few places I can do better for sure. You are very good with the hammer throw and javelin.


Oh and dont' worry, your son will play if you do. They start earlier than you might think, but I wouldn't go giving him a controller just yet. He might be a little young for it right now.

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New score.

Vocelli: 56890


I still do not know how this will be scored.



If i understand correctly, u are supposed to play the game and have fun. The highest score wins etc.

The scoreboard hasent been updated in 5 days, so guess that zero and Larcentyler handles thinngs in a simular way. Nothing to get upset about, but the same old, same old. :)!

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