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Lynx to VGA


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just to give you an idea on how it will look like



this board takes both cheap and more expensive version

holes you see are for original mounting posts you have in every lynx case

meaning no hot glue is nessesary to retrofit this upgrade


pads supported are both snes and sega 6 buttoners - it's all in sofware anyways

at this point i want to close the schematics and will be very resistive to any changes you may propose


Very cool, I don't envy you having to map all those traces... There are a LOT on there now, that's going to be a sweet piece of engineering when its done.

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maybe you figure it out judging by street view:



i'll call it a day, most of it was wasted on measurements and trial and error with connector's placement

this is going to be drop in replacement, no soldering skills are required

i've decided to make 8 prototype boards - 4 of each kind, so if anyone is interested, best to speak now

don't ask how much it will cost right now, either you're in or out

Edited by candle
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I'm in as well please!


When you say 4 of each kind - what are the kinds? I might have missed that bit, are we talking about different LCD types or something else? I will take either. I've got a couple of candidate Lynx 2's ready here and pretty much every game released.

Edited by GadgetUK
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GadgetUK: cheap version (LCD only) and expensive one (LCD + VGA/TV/controller)


all: please ask yourself a question if you're commited to this, because i'll need you actually to use these units and give me some feedack

also, although no soldering skills are required you might have to reprogram cpld chips or/and avr cpu several times as i'll be writing the code for it

this might add a hidden cost of apriopriate programmer, and although avr programmers are dirt cheap, lattice ones are not - they around 60-70$ on ebay, and will be universal for all platforms (it takes xilinx, altera and lattice chips - i use all of them for various project)

you might sell these later one to someone from a8 section, or leave them as an investment

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GadgetUK: cheap version (LCD only) and expensive one (LCD + VGA/TV/controller)


all: please ask yourself a question if you're commited to this, because i'll need you actually to use these units and give me some feedack

also, although no soldering skills are required you might have to reprogram cpld chips or/and avr cpu several times as i'll be writing the code for it

this might add a hidden cost of apriopriate programmer, and although avr programmers are dirt cheap, lattice ones are not - they around 60-70$ on ebay, and will be universal for all platforms (it takes xilinx, altera and lattice chips - i use all of them for various project)

you might sell these later one to someone from a8 section, or leave them as an investment


No problem, just point me in the direction of which programmer I need and I will get it. I want to get into learning more about FPGA's anyway. I would like the expensive one with LCD + VGA/TV etc. Totally committed!

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Which FPGA are you using on THIS project, is it actually Lattice?


I've got the Digilent HS01 cable (http://www.digilentinc.com/Products/Detail.cfm?Prod=JTAG-HS1) with Xilinx IMPACT working, and AVR tools and programmer, I can probably put together whatever you need. My time is restricted, however, turnaround times may be as high as a week. Balance your needs against my experience and you can decide whether to use me.

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I am also still in. Love to give this a try. Got around 5 candidate Lynx ready for open heart surgery. Reprogramming chips shouldn't be a problem. If there is still the option of choice I'll go for the LCD with VGA/TV.


Edited by LX.NET
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I was going to say I'm in, but I've no idea about the reprogramming of chips so will leave it to those who can and with it offer you constructive feedback. With these being prototypes I take it you are planning on building/having manufactured a run of boards for sale after feedback/possible further work on the prototype?

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i can't say if there will be production version

your community seems to be small, so i really don't know if it can withstand "production" volumes, but then again, i can be wrong

compared to $15 for nomad mod, this one, even in "cheap" option is going to cost a lot more, so some might say it's not worth it

on a8 section we have either manufacturers like lotharek that buy projects or redesign something for their own purposes and put it into their online shops - this is good if you have a lot of cash, not the case here

so i usually do preorders, and if there is enough takers for price break on bulk purchases i make an preorder where you have to put your money upfront and then wait

people there got used to prices in rage of 50-150$, but here $50 might be too much to ask for

this isn't something that is mass produced in China so i really can't compete pricewise here


anyways, board is routed - have to add some copper fills + termination on busses, but other than that - it is routed



i would like to have nice lynx logo up there, but for that i need true type font containing it


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I don't see you having any trouble selling several hundred at $50 - $100. The Lynx community is rather robust still. If you look at the hundreds of copies of Zaku that sold as an example of a recent mass released title. The more costly video output may be very niche, most being happy with emulation for that type of thing, but that is all just my opinion.

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I would buy 2 - 4 final release depending on final cost. I think these are highly desireable, I cant imagine problems selling 50 to 100, and over a few years could be 200+, but thats just my feeling based on the numbers of visitors and sales of other Lynx bits and bobs. I suspect 50% of people will buy more than one as well.


Edit: that board routing is a master piece btw!

Edited by GadgetUK
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so far there are 5 takers for a prototype, so i can't say when this will be done

i might cut down number of prototypes downto 5, or wait a bit longer


so far everyone wants expensive version - not sure about Tursi though

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