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Jumpman jr. 400/800 vs C-64 Differences


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Does anyone know why they changed the second and third level of Jumpman jr. in the C-64 version of the game? On the Atari 400/800 the second level is called Electrocution and features "shock traps" while the C-64's level is called Fire! Fire! and features small flames. The shock traps do absolutely nothing other than slow you down (I can remember trying to "fry" Jumpman when I was younger), while the fires are deadly. Was the Atari version considered to be too easy?


The third level was also changed from Dumbwaiter in the Atari version to Sreddal in the C-64 version. I can tell you that Dumbwaiter is actually much harder since you have to time your jumps, but it takes alot longer to complete. I wonder if people found it too boring (I know I did)?


Also I noticed on the Epyx Shrine the little animation of Jumpman jr. they have at the top of the page is slightly different than the one I have on my cart. After the Jumpmen do their little dance the green boarder around the name appears to crack (or something), while it stays solid green on mine. Are there two different versions of the cart floating around out there?



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