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Vintage Computer BBS List

Mad Hatter

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I'm happy to see traditional boards still out there.


My board just turned 20 years last month. We're web based now.. tried the Telnet thing in the early 00s and while it worked for a time people kinda lost interest and activity bottomed out so we went to a web forum.


I am happy to see people still making it work with the original software. I used to telnet into some other WWIV boards there for awhile but I think most of those eventually died out unfortunately.

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WWIV eh?



Last Updated: 5/4/2011

Telnet: www.bsbbs.com /

WEB: http://www.bsbbs.com

Email: jim@bsbbs.com



Last Updated: 1/1/2002

Telnet: bbs.qzwx.com /

WEB: http://www.qzwx.com

Email: bbs@qzwx.com

Location: Centreville, VA USA

Dial-Up: Telnet Only

Software: WWIV Total Nodes: 3 Pay?: No Login: NEW



Last Updated: 3/7/2008

Telnet: bbs.filenet.wwiv.net /

WEB: http://bbs.filenet.wwiv.net

Email: fcreid@frad.org

Location: Upper Marlboro, MD USA

Dial-Up: Telnet Only

Software: WWIV Total Nodes: 8 Pay?: No Login: NEW

WWIV 5.0. Fidonet 1:109/568, Online Doors



Last Updated: 8/25/2003

Telnet: skulls.sytes.net /

WEB: http://skulls.sytes.net

Email: eli@skulls.sytes.net

Location: Gastonia, NC USA

Dial-Up: Telnet Only

Software: WWIV Total Nodes: 4 Pay?: No Login: NEW



Last Updated: 12/31/2010

Telnet: bbs.weather-station.org /

WEB: http://www.weather-station.org

Email: mark@weather-station.org

Location: Bel Air, MD USA

Dial-Up: Telnet Only

Software: WWIV Total Nodes: 4 Pay?: No Login: NEW

Been online since the early 80s. Running a highly modded WWIV

4.24 under VMware/eCommstation. (4) nodes via telnet.


These are supposedly checked automatically on a regular basis.


Now what I miss are the C-Net BBSs. I think those had the best system for Continue the Story boards and message writing. I am not seeing that any C-Net BBSs are active.

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  • 1 year later...

_ ___ __ _____ __
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| |/ / / _ / __/ _ `/ _ `/ -_) / /__/ _ \/ ' \/ _ / // / __/ -_/ __/
|___/_/_//_\__/\_,_/\_, /\__/ \___/\___/_/_/_/ .__\_,_/\__/\__/_/
/___/ /_/
___ ___ ____ __ _ __
/ _ )/ _ )/ __/ / / (____/ /_
/ _ / _ _\ \ / /__/ (_-/ __/
/____/____/___/ /____/_/___\__/

Edition 4: February 1st 2014

1) Qualifying boards must be running on actual hardware built prior to 1993, OR
2) Operating software originally coded prior to 1993 under emulation. An (*)
next to the board name signifies emulation.
3) All Telnet boards are port 23 unless otherwise noted after the hostname.
4) List will be updated "as needed"; so once every month, year, whatever.
Get the current one at:
(document is shared publically so anyone can access it)
5) New additions since last update indicated by (NEW!) next to BBS name.
6) For best results, when telnetting to a Commodore BBS from a PC, use CGTerm.
This will allow you to view the excellent PETSCII graphics.
Get it at http://www.paradroid.net/cgterm
7) Similarly, when telnnetting to an Atari BBS from a PC, use the ATS 2.0
terminal emulator. You will be able to view ATASCII graphics which some
(but not all) of the Atari boards offer.
Get it at http://mousenet.radtkes.net/bbs/bbsmenu/bbs.htm
8) For additions to the list, corrections, suggestions, gripes etc email:
madhatter4491@gmail.com or user #1 at heatwavebbs.com or 602-955-4491.

-The Mad Hatter

BBS NAME Telnet Address:Port Misc. Notes

AMIGA (2 total)
Uzi Suicide uzisuicide.servebbs.org 3000T/AmiExpress
SandnesBBS stokmarknes.org 1200/ABBS

APPLE (4 total)
Dj's Place bbs.impakt.net:6502 Apple 2/GBBSPro
RMAC Diversi-Dial #34 rmac.d-dial.com Chat system
Savage Frontier Diversi-Dial(*) thesavagefrontier.com Linked w/RMAC
The Matrix Returns matrixreturns.dyndns.org:6401 Apple 2/Warp 6

ATARI (8 total)
Boot Factory (*) bfbbs.no-ip.com BBS ExpressPro
Darkforce darkforce-bbs.dyndns.org ST4/ExpressST
Electric Cafe thecafe.dtdns.net 130XE/TCPIPExprs
Inside The 8-Bit realdos.net:8888 TCPIP Express
The Grove (*) shadow.skeleton.org Type bbs @ login
Thunderdome thunderdome.homeip.net:471 130XE/ExpressPro
YYZ BBS yyzbbs.no-ip.org 65XE/Oasis Jr
8-Bit Guild (NEW!) 8bitguild.no-ip.org:10001 130XE/Express!v1

COMMODORE 64/128 (22 total)
Anarchy Underground aubbs.zapto.org 64/C*Base
Antidote antidote.hopto.org 128/C*Base
Birdbrain (NEW!) birdbrainbbs.ufud.org:64 Type guest/guest
Borderline (NEW!) 951-652-1690 64/Dialup/AA-BBS
Cottonwood (NEW!) cottonwoodbbs.dyndns.org 64/Color 64
Elite BBS elitebbs.dyndns.org 128/Dragonfire
Endless Chaos endlesschaos.dyndns.org:6400 64C/Metalsoft
HAVOK (NEW!) wizbbs.dyndns.org:6400 64/C*Base
Jamming Signal bbs.jammingsignal.com 64/EBBS
LV-426 (NEW!) lv426bbs.homeip.net 128/Image
Mad World madworld.bounceme.net 128/Centipede
MircoMansion (NEW!) micromansion.kicks-ass.org 64/Image
My C=ult maraud.dynalias.com:6400 128/All American
Particles (NEW!) particlesbbs.hopto.org:6400 64/C*Base
Retrograde (*) retrograde.dyndns.org:6502 64EMU/Color 64
Riktronics rkbbs.net 64/Image
Scorp's Portal (*) scorp.us.to Part-time
South Of Heaven (*) 64vintageremixbbs.dyndns.org:6400 64EMU/Color 64
Sub Zero (NEW!) (*) szbbs.zapto.org 64EMU/Millenium
The Bass Planet (NEW!) tbp.servebbs.com 128/C*Base 3.1
The Hidden (*) the-hidden.hopto.org 64/C*Base
The Underground Domain (*) udi.dyndns.tv:6400 64/Centipede
The Valley (NEW!) valley.servebbs.com 128/C*Base

TI-99/4A & Myarc Geneve 9640 (2 total)
Heatwave heatwavebbs.com OR 602-955-4491 Gen9640/S&T BBS
The Hidden Reef 718-448-9402 TI99/Dialup/S&T

TRS-80/CoCo (1 total)
Golden Triangle (NEW!) CoCo/Fast Plus

DOS-based (1 total)
Xanadu (*) xanadubbs.ca OR 780-439-8364 RoboBoard FX 1.0

Boards which may or may not be up: (2 total)
Da Board bbs.paytonbyrd.com Commodore
Starfleet Headquarters sfhqbbs.org Atari

<EOF> Vintage Computer BBS List; 80 column version; 2/1/2014


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  • 7 months later...

Hey Mad Hatter, got an update to the Vintage BBS list?


Here is a list I am working on for the Atari BBS's out there:


ATARI BBS LIST January 3, 2015

OK 8-Bit Guild BBS 8bitguild.no-ip.org (port 10001)
OK Boot Factory bfbbs.no-ip.com
.. http://bbsmates.com/viewbbs.aspx?id=147035
OK Dark Force BBS darkforce-bbs.dyndns.org
.. http://bbsmates.com/viewbbs.aspx?id=148716
.. www.darkforce.org (Archive: Yes)
OK The Electric Cafe BBS thecafe.dtdns.net
.. http://bbsmates.com/viewbbs.aspx?id=149301 (archive: Yes)
.. Telnet Guide: No Submitted Form: Yes
ER The Grove/Assassins Guild shadow.skeleton.org 23
.. http://bbsmates.com/viewbbs.aspx?id=149302 (Archive: Yes)
.. http://www.codejedi.com/bbs (Archive: Yes)
OK Thunderdome (port 471)
.. http://bbsmates.com/viewbbs.aspx?id=149300 (Archive: Yes)
.. http://mixinc.net/atari/ (Archive: Yes)
.. Telnet Guide: No Submitted Form: Yes
OK YYZ BBS yyzbbs.no-ip.org

DN The Atari Inside BBS bbs.inspiration-soft.com
DN Inside the 8bit tcpipexpress.dyndns.org 8888
.. www.realdos.net/BBS Systems.html (Archive: Yes)
.."Inside the 8-Bit, Steve Carden's BBS, has been offline due to equipment modifications under development. Steve will bring it back online soon."
November 15, 2014
DN Mousenet atari-bbs.kicks-ass.net 23
DN Star Fleet Headquarters bbs.sfhqbbs.org (port 23)
DN tschak909's BBS port 9001

Edited by doctorclu
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