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HSC9 Round 17: Gumball & Sweet tooth bonus!

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I've had some faster goes on The Bean Machine (6:08 score 1,353 and 5:15 score 1,124) as you can see the faster I go the lower my score?! Are there more points for splatting the bad guys or perhaps you lose points for ball breaking? :D


Remember the bonus games only score for the top 5 places folks ;)

This round closes Sat 24th 10am GMT!



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Rolled the score bored on Candy factory. 1013800. It resets to building 0 after 5 but you don't get bonus lives the 2nd time through

I had a feeling you were going to have another go ;) Great score - yes the game is too easy even when getting all the things (where possible). Might upload my strange multiboot copy where the platforms annoyingly flash on and off so you fall off more! JBII is the best of the bonus games. The Bean Machine I can't figure out - it says the faster you complete the more score but not for me; it seems to give points for each ball (and then stop at a certain point?) then you get the bonus remaining at the end. If you run out of bonus your go ends ???


Gumball - everyone should be easily able to beat the first level with 3000+ points, leave the speed on slow (default) get 7 carefully and end the level :ponder:


I've been on V.P. a couple more times but dropped a darn bomb into my bucket and KABOOM went my go :frown: :sad:


Scalak - hope you have time to play - if not let me know and I can extend my a day or two ? :)

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not too much :( but I will not give up!! but if you can finish pm instead of am?

OK this round EXTENDED Until SUNDAY Morning 11am GMT & don't forget to VOTE ;)


Gives me another day to try and get a Gumball Castle... best I've managed is 6 away on V.P. (had I emptied all the buckets!):


The Bean Machine - had a less ball breaking go and scored 1,822 (4:42)


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- "Beating Trooper's HSC record 57,950 1pt.]"

- 1st therealbountybob 54,970 (4,250) 15pts#*^


^ ? ;)

Bugger In my head I thought it was 49K, can't believe I've not beaten him - had to check the old Gumball thread from HSC5 (when I started playing here) and yes the master Trooper got 57K.... 1 hour left to play (and vote) folks...

trbb off to fire up the Gumball machine for "just 1 more go" :D

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A much needed and rare win for trbb with Goochman taking 2nd spot :) but only as Trooper didn't report for HSC duty ;). I'll break his Gumball record next time :ponder: :D


Lots of bonus points awarded this time - I made it 1pt for playing each game and increased the other place points. Thanks for playing everyone :thumbsup: hope you enjoyed the Sweet Tooth theme. For me Jawbreaker II was the best bonus game. Gumball is awesome but takes some practice to get to Manager. Let's hope Jelly Beans gets improved to make it harder. I'll leave the vote open for a while and put the next round on soon :)


Final Tables:




Vice Presidents:

1st therealbountybob 54,970 (4,250) 14pts#*

2nd Goochman 45,990 (3,690) 12pts#

3rd McKong 37,120 (4,010) 11pts#


4th Caco 25,040 9pts

5th Scalak 23,350 8pts


6th DieMON 21,360 7pts

7th Sikor 11,980 6pts

8th Fallout_002 9,950 5pts

9th lightning 9,840 4pts

10th bluecat 8,040 4pts


11th NIKON 6,270 3pts

12th twh/f2 4,640 3pts

13th roadrunner 3,620 2pts

14th geekgirl 3,160 2pts


15th orpheuswaking 1,620 2pts

16th MLP 1,500 2pts

17th atarianna 1,410 1pt

18th jblenkle 1,380 1pt

19th Champions_2002 1,140 1pt

*Bonus Level 1 High Score (in brackets)

#Bonus for making V.P


Candy Factory

1st McKong 1,013,800 4pts

2nd therealbountybob 496,300 3pts

3rd Scalak 72,600 3pts

4th Caco 55,500 2pts

5th Fallout_002 47,800 2pts

6th NIKON 36,200 1pt

7th roadrunner 28,900 1pt

8th jblenkle 25,400 1pt

9th Champions_2002 11,300 1pt

10th bluecat 9,600 1pt


Plaque Man

1st therealbountybob 7,360 4pts

2nd Gury 7,030 3pts

3rd Scalak 6,710 3pts

4th DieMON 6,310 2pts

5th Caco 6,190 2pts

6th roadrunner 5,830 1pt

7th NIKON 4,090 1pt

8th McKong 4,080 1pt

9th bluecat 2,210 1pt

10th Champions_2002 1,990 1pt

11th jblenkle 1,710 1pt


Jaw Breaker II

1st therealbountybob 45,865 4pts

2nd Scalak 42,455 3pts

3rd roadrunner 34,070 3pts

4th NIKON 21,775 2pts

5th Caco 13,130 2pts

6th Fallout_002 12,475 1pt

7th Gury 11,585 1pt

8th jblenkle 4,875 1pt

9th bluecat 3,110 1pt

10th Champions_2002 2,145 1pt


The Bean Machine (Advanced)

1st Scalak 2,288 4pts

2nd DieMON 1,886 3pts

3rd therealbountybob 1,882 3pts

4th Fallout_002 1,804 2pts

5th Champions_2002 1,703 2pts

6th jblenkle 1,434 1pt

7th Caco 1,253 1pt

8th roadrunner 1,079 1pt

9th bluecat 406 1pt


Jelly Beans (Level 4) 1pt each for playing!

1st therealbountybob 204,000

2nd Caco 64,600

3rd bluecat 60,200

4th roadrunner 24,000

5th Scalak 1,400

6th Gury 1,000

7th DieMON 400

3rd Gury 1,000


Please check your scores ;)

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