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Mystic Defender fans....


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Really doesn't seem this game gets (any) attention it deserves...


I picked this up on a whim way back when when the Genesis had been out a month or so. Been dying to play a new title so I took a chance and glad I did! I should preface this by saying I had no idea this was a sequel to Spellcaster. A game I never owned on the Master System. How is this game btw?


Back to topic... I just absolutely love this game! It's one of those game I play routinely on my Genesis when I'm killing time or bored. Did I mention the soundtrack for this game? Outstanding!


Now, there is no third game of the series is there? Kinda fell off the Sega era by the time the Saturn had come out. If not, definitely a franchise worth revisiting!


For your listening pleasure....



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I borrowed this game from a friend back in the day and played the heck out of it. It's really tough when you lose your power-ups and go back to square one but it's an enjoyable game. I've since picked it up but haven't spent as much time with it. Definitely an overlooked title.

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Oddly back in the day, before import gaming took of, there was a nearby store for a short time that offered "Megadrive" games, I picked up the Japanese version of this SOLELY based on the cover and label art, I was intrigued, at first I was not sure what to thing but as I progressed further into the game WOW! I was truly amazed and impressed with the title!

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  • 2 months later...

Mystic Defender is a totally Bad Ass game that indeed gets overlooked. It is the sequel to Spellcaster and is known as Kujaku Oh 2 in Japan for the Mega Drive which also spawned it's own ridiculously bad ass anime in the mid 1980s. An interesting fact that some might not know is that if you take a Genesis copy of Mystic Defender and use a Honey Bee Convertor cart in the Genesis it switches the game back to it's original Japanese version. This works with Revenge of Shinobi as well turning it back into Super Shinobi, and Mercs will turn into Battlefield of the Wolf: Commando 2 all in Japanese as well. Here's the anime the game is based on...



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That anime looks pretty cool... have to check that out!


I honestly did not know Mystic Defender was a sequel to Spellcaster at that time. Don't think I even seen Spellcaster back then, and I had a Master System! :/


Does anybody know if there were plans to do a sequel to Mystic Defender?


Well for a long time (in the late 90s) a lot of people thought this game was Part III or somehow connected to Kujaku Oh but as far as I can tell, there is no direct connection to it, but it's definitely in the same vein of the first two Kujaku Oh games. It's also one of the rarest and most expensive video games of all time. I had a copy once a long, long time ago I got from NCSX and stupidly let it go, not realizing that less than 3,000 were made for it's initial and only print for Import SEGA Saturn.



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  • 2 months later...

I'd really like to try out Shinrei Jusatsushi Taromaru. Too bad it's so rare.


I actually haven't played Mystic Defender, but Spellcaster was one of my all-time favorite SMS games. Back when it came out, I had my choice of Wonder Boy III or Spellcaster as a Christmas present from my brother. I'm glad I chose the latter. I played through Wonder Boy III later on (as well as Dragon's Curse on the TG-16), but I'm not sure I would have sought out Spellcaster later. That game spawned my interest in RPGs (though the game is mostly action with some RPG elements), which eventually led me to getting Phantasy Star, which became one of my favorite series..

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