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The NEW High Score Club 1.12 ~ Subterranea


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Let me raise the bar a little:






I swear the thing that finally killed me came straight outta Joust, except that it was shooting at me and bouncing around like some kinda clown.


Oh, here's this. It was taken in a different game.



Edited by shadow460
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I am getting close to breaking my record. I played through three palette swapped stages. After the sixth crystal it seems the enemies attack in the same bouncing and shooting pattern found in the third stage after the third crystal for two or three stages. It's the one where the green spider looking things come after you,





Edited by shadow460
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I guess if you can master the stages in which enemies bounce back at you when they hit the edge, you'll do well in this game. Also in the eyeball stages, keep moving vertically. Judging by the scores I see here, not many people are passing the second stage of eyeballs (that's the last stage before the next dogfight). Remember that the next eyeball will always appear from the side of the screen you're facing when you destroy an eyeball. Hesitate a split second, then fly the opposite direction moving vertically just a little until that eyeball shows up. It may shoot at you, but since you're moving away, you'll have a better chance to dodge the bullet. In fact, any time you're at risk of getting shot, moving away from the shooter gives you a little longer to react.

In many stages, it's just a matter of sliding in behind enemies and blasting them, over and over. Fall in behind and fire. Fall in behind and fire. Rinse and repeat. In stages where enemies don't shoot at you, you can fly ahead of those enemies, then turn for a split second, shoot, and turn back.

Oh, only one enemy bullet can be on screen at a time. If something shoots at you, it's safe to move in front of something else in order to escape as long as you're moving away from it and you don't hesitate!

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A couple of other things:


The game only makes that wark wark noise when there's an enemy actively trying to ram you. That enemy may not yet be on screen. If you understand how the screen is divided into sections for each wave (the section sizes change in each wave, too), you can hang around in one section in relative safety until an enemy locks on.


Shoot the noisy multi colored target every time you see it. It only appears once per stage and is worth up to 1,000 points.


There are horizontal rows on some stages in which it's impossible to be shot or rammed. This isn't invincibility, it's just that enemies simply don't venture into those horizontal rows. The downside is that you can't shoot enemies from there areas, either.


All gates to the next stage appear in a certain place--it's not random at all. There is a skull in each level on the bottom boundary that's all by itself. Eliminate all but one enemy, fly to that skull, then fly so that it's just offscreen. Wait for the last enemy and blast it, then fly back where the skull was. There's your gate. This doesn't make as much difference in the eyeball and dogfight stages since you aren't losing points for every second it takes you to find the gates, but the location of those gates is just as predictable.


You won't lose points for touching the barrier around the multicolored gate that leads to the next dogfight.


Also, the game "pauses" naturally every once in a while. Shoot down a load of eyeballs or aerobots and then take a minute or two to stretch or go get a Coke, then come back.

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I know its not much but, try to match a hard day with a busy school week. My science fair project is done and you can count on me to catch up. I also think that they should pick a game kind of like track and field. bright colored, with puzzles and action but still fun. the past is the past and onward to the future. GET YOUR GAME ON. :-D :P :lolblue: :cool:


Edited by gamerguy99
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Pretty good for getting home shat ass tired after a week of getting up at like 5AM, writing a final, grading, going to visit my brother, and moving into a house! That, and considering I pulled this off with like a half-hour of playing. I could have rocked this, but it's time for bed! Pictures attached, including easter egg.





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