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Lantronix UDS1100 and Atari 850


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All i keep getting is no carrier when typing ATDT

I have gone through the channel 1 settings with different settings with no luck the only one thing that i can see makes a difference is when changing connection mode to D6 i get no carrier on the atari screen or if i type the AT or ATDT so the connection between the atari/atari 850 and the lantronix is ok its getting to dial out thats not happening? I have tried port forwarding in my router and it makes no difference? I reset my router and i can see under wired connections the lantronix mac address and ip address so thats good news :) I just can't dial out?

The only 3 settings i can change on the atari is A translation and parity which i have it set to full.Then B for baud rate which is set the same as the lantronix.D for duplex which is set for ASCii


In channel 1 on the lantronix settings there is I/F mode 4C which thats what its set to is there any other number/letter setting for that or do i need to change flow mode? which is set to 0 and i have tried 01 and 02 with no change in dialing out?


There is Flushmode which is set to 00 but i have tried F7 and 77 and back to 00 all with no change to dial out?


something is stopping me dialing out and i have run out of ideas and i've read and read over and over on the lantronix and c64/atari connection settings and still can't dial out? All i get is typing AT with an OK reply and ATDT with ***nodeset 20*** reply if i type a quad number ip address with ATDT I get no carrier?

Every time i do a change on the pc when i've telnetted in to the lantronix when i click 9 to save i see the lantronix flashing a red and then back to green with the orange light and on the atari screen it displays no carrier? So i don't need to type an ip address all i have to do now is change a setting in the lantronix then save it and then it reboots and i get no carrier displaying on the atari screen????? MADNESSSSSS

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Hi again i have looked in to the lantronix settings again and Telnet mode is set to TRUE Connection Response is set to Character Response.Modem Emulation Mode is set to FULL VERBOSE.


I have pulled the ethernet cable out of the lantronix to show a friend whats happening and its confirmed the atari is talking to the lantronix and vice versa and thats with the ethernet pulled out so when putting it back in the lantronix i still get no carrier??? Something somewhere i stopping me dialing out.


DarkLord can you tell me how or what modes there are for dialing out? I read somewhere else someone not being able to dial out but there was no follow up on his post.

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*** Lantronix Universal Device Server ***

Serial Number 0449696 MAC address 00204A04C220

Software version V5.8.0.1 (041112) LTX

Press Enter for Setup Mode

*** basic parameters

Hardware: Ethernet Autodetect

IP addr, gateway,netmask

*** Security

SNMP is enabled

SNMP Community Name: public

Telnet Setup is enabled

TFTP Download is enabled

Port 77FEh is enabled

Web Server is enabled

ECHO is enabled

Enhanced Password is disabled

*** Channel 1

Baudrate 300, I/F Mode 4C, Flow 02

Port 00023

Connect Mode : D6

Auto increment source port disabled

Remote IP Adr: --- none ---, Port 00000

Disconn Mode : C0

Flush Mode : 00

Terminal name:

*** Expert

TCP Keepalive : 45s

ARP cache timeout: 600s

Monitor Mode @ bootup : enabled

HTTP Port Number : 80

Change Setup:

0 Server

1 Channel 1

5 Expert

6 Security

7 Factory defaults

8 Exit without save

9 Save and exit Your choice ? 8

exiting without save !
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Okay, I definitely had to change a few things with my LinkSys router when

I hooked up my UDS10.


You have to make sure that port 23 (or whatever port you are using) is

available, and telnet enabled.


You should not be in a "nodeset" when you are trying to dial out.


Typically here, I'd type in ATZ, followed by the command I posted in an

earlier message.


The ATZ should give a responding "OK".


If you can telnet into your UDS10 from *everything* on your LAN, then

its communicating.


You seem to be hitting a roadblock when dialing out. Go into your router

and check the settings there.




PS Going out with the gang to play D&D tonight so I won't be responding

again until tomorrow sometime, so don't worry about slow/late replies. :)

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Thanks DarkLord,I really appreciate your help,I'll give it another go tomorrow :) Please keep with me on this as i will get it going at some point LOL I was like this when setting up the c64 with a turb232 cart and a null modem to a winxp laptop i got it in the end but it was not so much the getting connected to a bbs site from the c64 i was trying to download from a bbs site directly to a 5 1/4" floppy disc that was the difficult part as i had to figure the protocols for file transfer but i got it in the end :)


Have a good night and hope to catch up with you again :)



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Hi DarkLord,I've tried again and still no carrier? When i type at or atz i get OK when i type atdt or atz i get no carrier?


I've been in to my router settings and have done port forwarding as BBS-Port Range 23-TCP&UDP-IP Address


I have changed the static ip address on the lantronix to just to see if that made any difference because the first time i set the lantronix up i used DHCP which automatically assigned as the ip address but it has made no difference???


I can't see whats blocking me dialing out? This is weird because my router picks the lantronix up as a wired device.I can telnet in to the lantronix from device installer i click telnet and it goes in to setup mode BUT what i have noticed is if i type the ip address of the lantronix in the web browser bar it will go in to the lantronix UDS10/100/IAP Configuration Guidelines BUT When i click on UDS settings it goes to Java to open the screen but then i get a message Application Blocked by Security settings ? It has name:container Location Your security settings have blocked an untrusted application from running???

Now i'm not sure whether this is stopping me from dialing out and i have turned off firewall in control panel i have turned off my virus software and this message still appears? I have the latest win 7 64bit java plugin for google chrome and i have checked its enabled? So god knows were this security application is?

Also if i can successfully telnet in to the lantronix via device installer and clicking Telnet and i get to setup mode then surely nothing is blocking the lantronix? otherwise i would not be able to telnet in to the lantronix?


This is driving me nuts :? :? :? :mad:

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When logged in to my virginmedia superhub2 I have tried the ping from the lantronix ip address and it's pinging successfully? I am so stuck on this i can't understand why Bobterm 1.22 won't dial out? In Bobterm 1.22 i have the settings to FULL/ASCII/9600 and when typing AT or ATZ i get an OK as a reply.When typing ATDT it goes in to nodeset 2.0 but when typing ATDT and an ip address followed by the port number i get no carrier??? AAAARRRRRHHGGGG :mad:

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OK Another update DarkLord on my network i have a virgin media superhub2 which is my main hub and from there it goes to a windows7 pc an xbox360/nintendo wii now on the network i have a netgear ethernet 5 port switch which then goes to my tv/samsung blu ray/xboxone/xbox360 which are in a different room from the main hub so then in another room i have added my old D-Link router which i have configured as an ethernet switch which then goes to another windows 7 pc and the Lantronix UDS-10.

Now the main superhub ip address is and the D-Link router was as a router! but as its now serving as a switch the ip has been changed to i think and i have checked all my gadgets on the super hub and there all pinging back except this Now i am very sure this is the D-Link not pinging back so i have the Lantronix going straight to this D-Link as an ethernet switch so if the D-Link is not pinging then that could be the culprit and maybe blocking the Lantronix from dialing out as it is going straight in to the D-Link??? Its a rough guess but i am sure the D-Link is causing the issue as its a router not a switch? and ip address could be conflicting???? who knows? but the thats showing as a wired device is not pinging back and all the other devices are!!! So i have got a Netgear 8 port ethernet switch on its way and once it arrives i'm going to take the D-Link out of the network link and put the Netgear 8 port switch in place that way there should be no problems with the Lantronix communicating properly via the superhub !? All the devices are running up to the superhub which is the internet link.


I do hope this is the problem because this has driven me mad LOL and with the Lantronix pinging back to the superhub router there should be no reason why it can't access a bbs ip address!!????


I'm signing off for now so no posts from me until the Netgear 8 port switch arrives FINGERS CROSSED :)


Bye for now :P :thumbsup:

Edited by Back2skooldaze
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Hi DarkLord its not that confusing all i've done is daisy chained from my main hub to a switch that gives me more ports then to another switch for more ports again and so on.

But in my case i have used a D-Link router after the main hub and configured it to act as a switch and then from the D-Link to a netgear 5 port switch with more devices connected but if i take out the D-Link and replace with a proper Netgear 8 port switch then i'm getting rid of an ip address that the D-Link is giving out were as the Netgear ethernet switch box just extends ports from the main hub.

Where i have made is sound confusing is changing the D-Link DI-524 router to act as a switch but i have to change the original ip address by connectin a pc on its own to the D-Link router and logging in with its ip address which is and change that then unplug the pc from the D-LInk wan port and just use the ordinary ports.I found instructions on the net how to use a router as a switch.Although it works perfect it is now making me feel with the lantronix connected and dialing out its got to go through the D-Link first then to the main hub.


I'll shall see once it arrives :)

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:) :) :) :) Hi DarkLord i've been messing about again with the lantronix and this is what i'm getting:-

I am able to get 5 devices ip address and mac address on bobterm 1.22 in term mode.I think this is pinging back to the atari via the lantronix?

If i type ATDT and my routers ip address then press enter i wait a little and i get no carrier i then type ATDT again which then goes to ***nodeset 2.0*** and the 0> I then type AT and i get my routers ip address and mac address on bobterm on the atari :grin: I have repeated this process and used every ip address on my network and it shows in bobterm 1.22 the ip address and mac address of that device :-D I seem to only get 4 devices with ip address and mac address at a time in bobterm 1.22?


So i take this as confirmation that my atari+lantronix is pinging back the ip address and mac address in bobterm 1.22 :grin: Seriously this is good news surely ?


Darklord can you give me your BBS ip address again and please because when i try ATDT i still get no carrier but with repeating the above actions with your ip address it don't list it ? The only ips and mac address i am showing in bobterm 1.22 is 4 of my own devices and one of them includes my router which is the gateway address.I can get 5 devices in total but one gets knocked out to replace with as i can only get bobterm 1.22 to show 4 ip address's and mac address's at any one time ??? I can't beleive i'm looking at my ip and mac of my devices whether its wired or wifi in bobterm 1.22 :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: This is good news i feel i'm stepping forward were as before i was at a dead end and tonight i have found this method to get the ip and mac address's of my own devices on the network LOL so i can't have anything blocking from the lantronix and the router like i did before?

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Quick Update DarkLord the netgear 8 port ethernet switch arrived today and swapped out the D-Link in replace i have the Netgear 8 port switch and nothing has changed?

I can still get my devices on the network pinging back to the atari using Bobterm 1.22 but i still can not dial out? I have tried your BBS ip ATDT and i still get no carrier?


I'm wondering whether its the cable from the atari to the 850 interface? Its a CX87 which is a null modem cable and i have a null modem adapter to change the gender to the lantronix.


I might have to order the CX88 modem cable and see if that makes a difference?


I don't know any other BBS ip address in quad numbers +Port number?


Please can someone reply back with some BBS ip address's to try :)


I forgot to ask is there any other code for the lantronix? I have the I/F Mode set to 4C and in Bobterm 1.22 i have the translation+Parity on ASCII.I have the Baud rate set to 9600 and the Duplex set to FULL.


Can someone confirm these settings in Bobterm 1.22 are correct? In the Lantronix the I/F Mode is set to 4C

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Not sure if this relates to anything or not, but the past 2 days I decided to fire up Altirra and give it a shot. I had tried setting it up and calling a BBS or two with Ice-T but so far any time I dial out, I get "NO ANSWER" almost immediately. I've tried a lot of things with the router (the firewall here is off completely anyway) and the settings, trying multiple BBSs, etc.... Nothing seems to change the result. I'm wondering if maybe there is something else going on and not something with the Lantronix.


If I figure out anything I'll let you know, but I'm about ready to just give up on it since I really never cared much for emulators anyway (rather spend my time just cleaning out an area to set it up and digging through the closet for one of my real 8-bits).

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@bfk2+ Thank you for the ip address i'll give that a go later tonight! @Tillek I am in the same boat as you and although it gets me down when i say i give up i end up leaving it for a day or 2 and trying it again.I'm Sure you'll keep going but what ever you do find please post here as i am very interested to hear as it may help me?


I'm glad i am not alone this !!!!

Edited by Back2skooldaze
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Well, I might not keep going with the emulator. I had the UDS1100 and MS100 working fine. (I originally had issues with the UDS1100 on the Falcon and the BBS but I finally found out that was a problem with the serial fix program I had used back in the day and once I removed it, it was as right as rain).


I'm just staying at my mom's right now for a few more weeks helping to take care of her and needed a fix but I think I'm just going to set up one of the old 8-bits or ST's over here.


I don't hate the 1100 as much as DarkLord does.... The only reason I switched to the MSS100 is that the BBS does Fido and has to dial out sometimes using a domain name and the 1100 doesn't do the DNS conversion.

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Hi Tillek,I'm using a Lantronix UDS-10 and having issues getting it to dial out to an ip address in Bobterm 1.22 i can get all the ip address's and mac address's of all my devices on my network to Bobterm 1.22 in term mode but when trying a bbs site all i get is no carrier? Iv'e tried all kinds of different settings in the channel 1 on the lantronix settings and still no luck?


I am using Translation and parity set to ASCii and the baud rate set to 9600 on bobterm and the lantronix and i have the duplex on Full in Bobterm

The I/F Mode in the lantronix is set to 4C so i presume these will be the settings i need to pair up with the atari (bobterm)?


I can't understand how i can call up my devices on the network via there ip address in Bobterm but when typing ATDT and the ip address i get no carrier? very strange!


I really wanted the lantronix to work as i have never used the atari 850 interface before so this gave me a good excuse to dig it out and hook everything up.The cable from the Lantronix to the 850 interface is an Atari CX88 cable which is atari's version of the null modem cable and its on the 1st serial port on the 850.I wonder if there is different ports on the 850 for different rs232 devices? for example i read somewhere that an rs232 modem should be used on port 1 on the 850 interface so wondered if the null modem cable should be on a different port? or do it matter? Also like i mentioned i'm using a CX88 and some other guy has used a CX87 which is a modem cable and he has successfully used his lantronix connected to his 850 interface but he does mention he has the ape cable connected and at the moment i am unable to use my ape cable due to windows7 and the trial software from atarimax won't work with my cable/windows so i'm using Aspeqt software to load Bobterm from windows7 using my ape cable.

The cable seems to be working otherwise the lantronix would not be talking to the atari 850 and vice versa?


I am really stuck on this? I have tried all kinds of settings on the lantronix and no luck dialing out?


I've just tried bfk2's ip address and i get no carrier?

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