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Holt security screw removal: Sears Pong / Sega EA carts


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I recently acquired a Dedicated Super Pong IV system & needed to open it up.




the screw in the battery compartment I discovered from reading these forums is called a "Holt" brand security screw


I happened to be placing an order with Best Electronics & they have never carried a screwdriver or security tip to remove this little bugger


E-bay has one for $19.99, but a little pricy for my needs!



so I made my own & took some pics: 8)


Items I used:

  • 3 paperclips
  • an electrical wire-nut (with spring inside)
  • a ballpoint pen
  • electrical tape

Tools I used:

  • needle nose pliers with cutters
  • 1/8" drill bit in a Dremel tool



I drilled a hole in the top end of the wire-nut

straightened the 3 paperclips and as evenly as I could twisted them into the wire-nut so they would protrude through the top end I drilled probably protruding an 1/8"




I used an electrical wire-nut because, 1. I have plenty of them around & 2. the spring inside would hold the paperclips firmly

I used paperclips because 1. I have plenty of them around & 2. they are less pliable than copper wire so they will hold up better


trial & error one wire-nut was used & spring inside to loose , another was new & paperclips twisted & broke before protruding though end I drilled.


I emptied the ball point pen to tape to wire-nut so I wouldn't get stabbed buy cut ends of paperclip from bottom of wire-nut & gave me a bit of something to hold on to.





when pressing down to loosen the screw in the console, it seemed to form itself to fit better on the screw





The first image is actually the one I made to work on Sega Genesis EA carts with a similar Holt type security screw ( different size it appears )




the tines on the tip I made need to protrude out far enough to reach the screw that is recessed into the cartridge




I was able to re-install the all screws as well as remove them:


on the Pong console I wanted to maintain the integrity of a classic console

on the Sega cart ... just to see if it could be done. ... I discovered to was easier removing than replaceing you'll want to make sure it's seated all the way in.


I hope this helps:



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