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Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega Genesis variants and inserts.


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Coinciding with my goal to collect all I can for my favorite games, I would like to start this topic to answer some questions regarding information such as which editions of the games came with what posters, registration cards and such. If there are people here on Atariage who have bought these games new and kept everything since breaking the seal, they will probably be the most helpful in figuring these things out.


I would like to start with questions about the US Version of Sonic the Hedgehog for Sega Genesis. I have pictures of particular posters to identify and other questions.


First off, we know that the most common variant of Sonic 1 in the USA is the NOT FOR RESALE that was bundled with the Genesis Model 1 in 1993.

All of these have the REV 00 rom, correct?


So this should be familiar to everyone:



But all this is happens to be the box manual and game. It is commonly all you find when you buy "complete" games on ebay.


Now check out this next picture. This one actually came with a complete boxed Genesis 1/ Sonic 1 bundle. See the poster?:



Here's the poster by itself to help distinguish it. Now is this the only version of the poster ever to come with this NOT FOR RESALE version? It actually looks familiar to me. I may have had it at one point and it could have been thrown away:



Because when I was a kid things often got mixed up, in the box of my old NOT FOR RESALE copy of Sonic 1 that came with my system, I found these three posters stuffed in it:


Poster #1 (Sonic on front, folds out to Golden Axe II poster) - did this come with certain Sonic 1's or something else? If something else, what was it packaged with?:



Poster #2 - did this come with certain Sonic 1's or something else? If something else, what was it packaged with?:



Poster #3 - did this come with certain Sonic 1's or something else? If something else, what was it packaged with?:



At that age, the only four Sega Genesis games I had were Sonic 1 not for resale (new), Taz-Mania (used), Ms. Pac-Man (new), and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (new). Now Sonic the Hedgehog 2 I am pretty sure came with the poster that has Batman on the front cover and opens up to reveal the "Sonic 2: Are You Up 2 It" poster so there's no discrepency there. It is also worth noting that my Genesis bundle was not a HIGH DEFINITION GRAPHICS model and came with a controller that had a shorter cord and white markings. My mom's ex tried to give me a second Sega Genesis bundle with controllers that had red markings and longer cords (the earlier variant). Any extra posters may have possibly come from that and whatever games he had.


Next up we have the Sonic 1 plain:



I am assuming this variant of the game is the less common original release? Were these still produced in this form after the bundled NOT FOR RESALE version came out? Did all of these come with the same posters inside? And does anyone have any pictures of the extras that came inside this box along with the manual?


Do all of these also have the REV 00 rom, or do some of them have the REV 01 rom? Or is the REV 01 rom only found in the "Classic" version?


Which brings me to this:



What do the cartridge and manual bundled with this version look like? Do they say Not For Resale just because Sega quit printing the regular version of the label or did they keep the non-bundle Sonic 1's plain? I have seen 1 opened copy on ebay, but the cartridge is the Not For Resale version which makes me think it's just an incorrecty repackaged copy. Why would it say Not for Resale on the game when it's in a Classics box? Does this come with any posters or inserts?

Again, are any of these cartridges REV 00 still or is this the point at which they changed to REV 01 in the US?


Lastly here is just an interesting thing I didn't know existed. Sonic 1 actually has a player's guide that also covers Sonic 2:



If anyone can clear up any of these questions, I'll thank you to answer any ones that you can.

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I originally got my Genesis in 1992, and it was the model 1 with Sonic as the pack-in. I remember that it came with a ToeJam & Earl poster, because I hung it on the wall. Not sure if it was in with Sonic, or just came with the paperwork for the system. Is there anything on the back of that Sonic poster that you have up towards the top of your post?



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I originally got my Genesis in 1992, and it was the model 1 with Sonic as the pack-in. I remember that it came with a ToeJam & Earl poster, because I hung it on the wall. Not sure if it was in with Sonic, or just came with the paperwork for the system. Is there anything on the back of that Sonic poster that you have up towards the top of your post?




The one towards the top is the one that I didn't have so I don't have any scans of it like I do for the rest. (found the picture on ebay). Like I said I may have had it as it looks vaguely familiar, but if I did and lost it it may have been because my grandpa threw out the console box. Maybe that is the one that has ToeJam & Earl on the back?


Also after watching a couple unboxing videos, all four of the posters besides the one at the top appear to have come with Sega Genesis systems packed in with Sonic at some point. From what I've seen, I believe each Model 1 Genesis w/ Sonic came with at least 2 posters. One for Genesis games and one for Game Gear games. In one guy's video he had the "Get a Grip" Game Gear poster shown above and the blue one that has Batman on front with the Sonic 2: Are You Up 2 It? poster on the back (which I also had but didn't show here because I mistakenly thought it came with my copy of Sonic 2.)


I'm guessing with how many variants there are of the model 1 Genesis console, perhaps each variant came with different posters in the box? The other two posters I had that are shown: Sonic on front/Golden Axe II on back; and Game Gear on front / football game on back may have either come with my console in addition to the other two posters, or they were taken from my mom's ex's slightly older system. I know he let me keep its paperwork and one controller because I once had two Genesis system manuals. One with the speech bubble on front and one without it which was older.

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I originally got my Genesis in 1992, and it was the model 1 with Sonic as the pack-in. I remember that it came with a ToeJam & Earl poster, because I hung it on the wall. Not sure if it was in with Sonic, or just came with the paperwork for the system. Is there anything on the back of that Sonic poster that you have up towards the top of your post?




Someone on Digitpress identified the poster that has the same artwork as Sonic 1 on the front. That is the one that has Toe Jam & Earl on the back. Another person also said posters may vary depending on when you bought any particular game or system new because they changed throughout print runs. So all I can really do is find out which posters never came with X game.

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