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XBox Durango.Anyone see this blurb yet?

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Much of these rumors I posted on another thread but Its hard to read that article, I did read something about "Always on, Always Connected"


That better mean always off so I can play my game when I dont have an internet connection otherwise foget it I'm never buying one.


I dont mind the hassle free game updates with always having an internet connection but I better DAMN be able to play my games offline. Also, if they choose mandatory installs for ALL disc based games get ready for future space concerns and locking out used games to some degree. I dont think they will start out with that though.


Forcing me to buy a useless Kinect with it is annoying.....of course it will be "much better" but we'll see.


All these are still rumors though IMO and they may offer different models etc.maybe one model that doesn't require an internet connection.


We'll find out soon enough.

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Much of these rumors I posted on another thread but Its hard to read that article, I did read something about "Always on, Always Connected"


That better mean always off so I can play my game when I dont have an internet connection otherwise foget it I'm never buying one.




The same text explains it... it's a sleep mode. :P

The bit about "games will not play directly from disc" is interesting to me. I guess blu-ray is always slow?

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Hmm I'm not sure about the disc dump thing. If they are doing it just to save effort of loading a disc in the drive to play a game I'm all for it but unless they stick a 2TB drive into the new Xbox I can see it filling up real quick. Of course the drive will cost double and it will be proprietary.


Basically there's only two things that bother me with the next consoles: the "rumored" online requirement part to play a game and the "rumored" inability to play current downloadable Xbox Live games.


Almost seems like a waste if I can't play Escape Goat on the next Xbox. Oh wait, its also on PC......



Edit: I may be wrong about the filling out part. I recently scored a free copy of Skyrim for the 360 and it was only a 2GB download. Not bad actually as I was expecting a lot more.

Edited by cimerians
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The same text explains it... it's a sleep mode. :P

The bit about "games will not play directly from disc" is interesting to me. I guess blu-ray is always slow?


If I remember correctly, that's why most PS3 games need or expect to be installed. blu-ray works fine for movies and the like, but aren't quite as useful for random quick accessing done with game loading or something.

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bluray is too slow still. they've been able to increase read speeds but seek times are still awful. No matter what way they choose to address it, it's not the best of situations. My 250GB HDD on my Xbox is already completely full of DLC. And I barefy have any game installs (they've been slowly removed as I got more stuff). In fact, I'm now resorting to flash drives. Have a 32GB and a 16GB drive to supplement the 250GB. If the rumors of a 500 GB drive are correct, people are going to constantly have to deal wtih erasing and installing two or three years down the road. Maybe that's the reason why it has the feature of being able to play while it's still installing to the hard drive.


But I'm not sure how things work if that XDK hasn't been updated. Completely digital audio output sounds great but there are a lot of people that don't I


Also, if that's the case, I'm curious about whether component output is supported. I record my gameplay via a Hauppauge HD-PVR. It's also how I record my Netflix movies. That ability to copy from component has always been a loophole that content providers have always wanted to close. The current HDMI recorders out there are seriously gimped because of copy protection.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kinda douchey but still not seeing how it can be implemented. Then again, who cares because basically majority rules when it comes to this stuff. I'm wondering if it's along the lines that a profile (online/offline) will need to be signed in to start a game or apps? That would make sense and work.

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I think the strategy here is to stretch the console life spans for as long as possible. Sory/M$ can let the PS4/Mandingo get a low adaoption rate due to asinine restrictions while it milks the current generation dry. Eventually everyone will lift their skirts acquiesce and take the new generation. All they have to do is wait and make money regardless.

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I think the strategy here is to stretch the console life spans for as long as possible. Sory/M$ can let the PS4/Mandingo get a low adaoption rate due to asinine restrictions while it milks the current generation dry. Eventually everyone will lift their skirts acquiesce and take the new generation. All they have to do is wait and make money regardless.


Totally true.


Doesn't surprise me with Microsoft been like that for decades, at some point somewhere in the middle of the Xbox 360's life....it went from a game machine to an subsription based advertisement box where I play games. Because that's what WE want.


Orthy can go screw himself.

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