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Disney puts the hammer to LucasArts :(

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Related article: LucasArts Employees Hold Wake


If the last paragraph is anything to go by Disney may not be through with the layoffs. Disney Interactive could be next.


That'll pretty much do it for the series for the Kingdom Hearts fans. They've been waiting for years with bated breath for KH3. If DIS shuts down, Square-Enix may end up calling it quits on the series (remember that BVG/DIS were a major partner studio for the series).

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Good riddance. Lucas Arts did some amazing stuff back in the early 90s on the PC. Outside that, they've recently done stinker after stinker. Unleashed was a horrible series, and if the graphics over gameplay approach was the same with 1313 I'm glad it got canned. They said they'd license the SW brand to other devs, which is what they already were doing. The best SW games recently haven't been done by Lucas Arts. They've been done by other developers. Old Republic MMO, Battlefront, Rogue Squadron, etc etc.


Games like 1313 were based on Lucas' vision of SW, which as of late... well... sucked. Disney not only has it's own game developers (so LA isn't needed), but most importantly has it's new movies going in a certain direction. I wouldn't want 1313 to come out and it contradict any story lines in the new trilogy, which face it, happened a lot in the prequels. R2 not remembering Yoda and Obiwan despite not having his mind wiped? Leia remembering her sad mom despite only seeing her for a grand total of 20 seconds after birth? Yeah, I don't want that crap to happen again.


I have full faith in Disney's decisions so far, and if you put your love for Lucas aside, you'll see you would have done the same thing if you were Disney in this situation.


Regarding the employees, Im sorry they lost their jobs.. truly I am. But they didn't make enough games to justify their own existence. Devs with much better and larger libraries in recent years have been shut down for worse reasons. I honestly feel that Lucas kept the company alive just because it was his baby. In the real business world, it was hardly successful, at least recently. Either way, the employees that made the games we actually miss from many, many years ago are probably not with LA anymore anyway.

Edited by DaytonaUSA
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Yeah,George himself had been slowly shuttering the operation since before or following the release of Ep. 3.He was slowly phasing Skywalker Ranch out in some spots altogether.


In the later days here,I think,George just used it to license and broker his SW ideas out to Rebellion and Krome Studios and such that were interested in doing an SW title for whatever reason.


I do think it is sad that it got killed off because it seems a bit like George is abandoning his SW past and fans for his retirement.If so,this is truly sad for all.Time will tell.


Also,in the end,I don't much like the fact that Disney (or had it been any other studio or holding company) bought up Lucasfilm Ltd/THX/Sprocket Systems/ILM/Matte World because,when a company or corparation sells out to another one,it usually spells doom for the stuff that is being absorbed by the buyer.They usually grab all the good IP stuff/employees/tech it offered them by buying it up and whatever was good about it in any way usually is destroyed when it is integrated in the new company owning it or formed to house the new operation they aquired.It happenens every day/every other day out there in the world and the U.S.I personally,don't care to see a new "Star Wars World" opening within Disneyland or Disney World out there.I'm thinking that Lucas will REALLY REGRET selling to Disney on this after a bit.I think,Disney will truly cheapen Stars Wars up with licensing and other crap by overkill in the end with the new movies and themed rides at the parks and new merchandising.If you thought Lucas was bad about managing his SW vision and IP,you ain't seen nothing yet.Watch it come to pass.Don't say I didn't warn you! ;) :) I sense a whole heap of bad crap brewing here on this......... :( :(

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Lucas got tired of everyone criticizing his every move. A lot of people who have followed him, written articles and books about him, and interviewed him have said so. He spent a ton of effort building up the extended Star Wars universe beyond just the movies that a lot of people don't appreciate. A lot of Star Wars fans somehow feel entitled. That Star Wars is theirs and Lucus is the one messing with their childhoods.


How do you do your thing when everyone is criticizing everything you do? writing petitions. writing hate letters. building up all the i hate lucas web sites.


selling SW was the hardest thing for him.


BusinessWeek wrote a great "last days" piece in the Star Wars sale:



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Lucas got tired of everyone criticizing his every move. A lot of people who have followed him, written articles and books about him, and interviewed him have said so. He spent a ton of effort building up the extended Star Wars universe beyond just the movies that a lot of people don't appreciate. A lot of Star Wars fans somehow feel entitled. That Star Wars is theirs and Lucus is the one messing with their childhoods.


How do you do your thing when everyone is criticizing everything you do? writing petitions. writing hate letters. building up all the i hate lucas web sites.


selling SW was the hardest thing for him.


BusinessWeek wrote a great "last days" piece in the Star Wars sale:




To be fair, when you make movies like I and II, you're going to get criticism. Any director/film maker who can't take feedback unless it's "omgz you're amazing, sign my baby" shouldn't be in the business in the first place.

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When you make anything that's either popular or unpopular, you're going to get criticism. The thing is, there will be fans of any story franchise who are not going to like what's being done in the latest installment of their franchise and want to act as if they have stock and leverage in the franchise to the point where anything the person in charge of the franchise does to the franchise has to be run through those particular fans. And all the while, they tend to forget that THEY ARE NOT GOD(S) OF THE FRANCHISE, that the only "ultimate power" they have is simply not to buy, watch, read, or listen to anything that the people in charge of the franchise put out if it doesn't meet their standards. Maybe those in charge of the franchise will listen to fan complaints and maybe they won't. But if those in charge of the franchise insist on doing things their way regardless of fan complaints and suggestions, given that they have to deal with the fact that fans aren't always in agreement with what they want in the franchise, then fans will have to remember their place and deal with it. As long as they don't pull something stupid like being Kathy Bates' character in the movie adaptation of Stephen King's Misery just because she didn't like the fact that the author of her favorite book series not only killed off her favorite character, but also ended the book series with the character's death because he wanted to move on to doing something else.

Edited by Vic George 2K3
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Lucas got tired of everyone criticizing his every move. A lot of people who have followed him, written articles and books about him, and interviewed him have said so. He spent a ton of effort building up the extended Star Wars universe beyond just the movies that a lot of people don't appreciate. A lot of Star Wars fans somehow feel entitled. That Star Wars is theirs and Lucus is the one messing with their childhoods.


How do you do your thing when everyone is criticizing everything you do? writing petitions. writing hate letters. building up all the i hate lucas web sites.


selling SW was the hardest thing for him.


BusinessWeek wrote a great "last days" piece in the Star Wars sale:



Thank you for that,man.Nice article.I never saw or read that one. :)


Well,I think,that George brought some stuff on himself in many ways,just like Michael Jackson did,as well.I'm not taking sides here! ;)


Being reclusive and eccentric in "Hollywood" or whatever isn't always good.It does sometimes get you noticed though! :) If you breed hate and discontent among folks out in the world,it usually gets you bit in the butt eventually.George's problems began back in the 1980s though,as I remember those days then.I remember the article in the Chicago Tribune that I read back then in 1984/85/86 (still have it,too!nice article,you should look it up),that stated he (George) had announced that new Star Wars movies were coming every 2 years for the next 20 years.They

never came.Well,to be fair,they sort of came in 1999,2002 and in 2005.Also,the animated Clone Wars series and movie arrived later on.Nice stuff in some ways and all,just not the 10 movies I

was told to expect those some 20 years before! :) ;) Am I or other fans out there being too picky?Possibly.Possibly.I'm also a man of my word,too.Just like George supposedly is.I'm told that

anyway. ;) I'm not a fanatical fan,but,I like people to keep their promises to me like others out there do.I'm not into hate sites or hate mail sites,either.I just sort of think George let me down all

those days ago in like 1985.I'll bet there are others that are fans and 49-ish like me that feel a little let down,too.I'm not trying to dump on George or take sides against him here.Enough said...

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Nice article by Ron Gilbert if he were to make another Monkey Island (his way):







"Sixteen - If I used Kickstarter, there would be no fancy videos of me trying to look charming (as if I could). No concept art or lofty promises or crazy stretch goals or ridiculous reward tiers. It would be raw and honest. It would be free of hype and distractions that keep me from making the best game I could. True, I wouldn't raise huge sums of money or break any records, but that's not what I want to do. I want to make a game."

Edited by cimerians
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Nice article by Ron Gilbert if he were to make another Monkey Island (his way):







"Sixteen - If I used Kickstarter, there would be no fancy videos of me trying to look charming (as if I could). No concept art or lofty promises or crazy stretch goals or ridiculous reward tiers. It would be raw and honest. It would be free of hype and distractions that keep me from making the best game I could. True, I wouldn't raise huge sums of money or break any records, but that's not what I want to do. I want to make a game."


Thanks so much for that link. I just found myself a signature under point 9:

"When Lua was in High School, SCUMM beat it up for lunch money"

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I just went and looked back at the first ten years of Lucasarts/Lucasfilm Games on this thing I'm working on. Also playing through "The Dig".


You can see it here.


I did some testing work for them years ago and I wrote up an entry in my blog about my experiences there. This also made their closure all the more poignant for me ("Oh my God! They killed LucasArts! You bastard!").

Edited by RARusk
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