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Help With Sprites & Assembly


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This is basically a re-telling of a question posed elsewhere because I'm just not getting responses there and I don't know if it's because people are forgetting to check that forum or because no one knows. Maybe this will get more attention from you Assembly wizards.


I need a way to efficiently assign any sprite to any player. The idea here is the ability to randomize levels and the types and numbers of enemies that appear in them. Currently, a single player's sprite is set (at least through bB's DPC+ kernel) like so:


   lda #<(playerpointers+2)
   sta DF0LOW
   lda #(>(playerpointers+2)) & $0F
   sta DF0HI
   LDX #<chop0
   LDA #((>chop0) & $0f) | (((>chop0) / 2) & $70)
   LDA #7
   STA player2height

   .byte  %00010000
   .byte  %00010000
   .byte  %00111001
   .byte  %00111001
   .byte  %01111111
   .byte  %01111111
   .byte  %00101000


This allows for some level of abstraction. The "<(playerpointers+2)" can be put in a data set and referenced by an index, as can "(>(playerpointers+2)) & $0F" and "#<chop0"


The problem comes with finding the high end of a sprite set. The "((>chop0) & $0f) | (((>chop0) / 2) & $70)" will not work in a data set, presumably due to the statement's complexity.


How can I set this up so that I can reference the player AND the sprite from an array, such as:


ldx temp1 ;the index of the player
ldy temp2 ;the index of the sprite

lda pointerlo, x
sta DF0LOW
lda ponterhi, x
sta DF0HI

LDX spritelo, y
LDA spritehi, y

LDA spriteheight, y
STA player2height, x

data pointerlo
<(playerpointers+2), <(playerpointers+4), <(playerpointers+6), <(playerpointers+, <(playerpointers+10)

data poniterhi
(>(playerpointers+2)) & $0F, (>(playerpointers+4)) & $0F, (>(playerpointers+6)) & $0F, (>(playerpointers+) & $0F, (>(playerpointers+10)) & $0F, 

data spritelo
<chop0, <tank0, <plane0

data spritehi

data spriteheight
7, 7, 7


How can this be done?

Edited by Cybearg
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The problem comes with finding the high end of a sprite set. The "((>chop0) & $0f) | (((>chop0) / 2) & $70)" will not work in a data set, presumably due to the statement's complexity.


Right. This complexity isn't supported by bB's data statement, which you appear to be using. If you substitute dasm .BYTE commands it will deal with that calculation just fine.




  .BYTE ((>chop0) & $0f) | (((>chop0) / 2) & $70)
  .BYTE ((>tank0) & $0f) | (((>tank0) / 2) & $70)
  .BYTE ((>plane0) & $0f) | (((>plane0) / 2) & $70)

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It doesn't seem to work correctly. I can make the ASM data sets with no problem, but referencing them gives me nothing but a black screen for a game. Even this:


temp1 = 0
temp2 = 0


   .BYTE <(playerpointers+2)

   .BYTE (>(playerpointers+2)) & $0F

   .BYTE <chop0

   .BYTE ((>chop0) & $0f) | (((>chop0) / 2) & $70)

   LDX temp1
   LDY temp2

   lda playerlo,x
   sta DF0LOW
   lda #(>(playerpointers+2)) & $0F
   sta DF0HI
   LDA #<chop0
   LDA #((>chop0) & $0f) | (((>chop0) / 2) & $70)
   LDA #7
   STA player2height,x


If I turn "lda playerlo,x" into "lda #<(playerpointers+2)" it works fine, but obviously then it isn't doing anything of what I need it to. What am I doing wrong, here?

Edited by Cybearg
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Stick your data outside of the code flow. What you've written will cause your data to be executed as opcodes.

Excellent! It seems to work so far, at least with that single sprite I was testing. Thank you!


So why was it interpreted differently when in the game loop versus being outside it?

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No problem.


Assembly is low-level and literal. The statement ".BYTE <(playerpointers+2)" says to store a byte in ROM with the value of whatever "<(playerpointers+2)" evaluates to.


So your previous version was trying to execute your data as assembly commands, causing some random-ish crash. Moving the data ouside of the code flow allowed the rest of your code to actually run.


This isn't a problem with bB data statements, because bB generates assembly commands in front of the data that tells the CPU to jump over them. Assembly language leaves that detail up to you.

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