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60 fps video using SIDE 2


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3 hours ago, Peri Noid said:

But the sound is very quiet. I wonder, how loud it should be to make it audiable.

It differs per source, I usually experiment with the gain value of Sox on part of a video to find the best value before encoding a full video.

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If you replace the manual gain on the output with a norm filter it will auto adjust the gain to the highest it can without clipping.


I tried removing the input reduction to 1 channel with a remix to mono for the output but it didn't make any difference.


running "sox filename.ext -n stat" will give you the max volume before clipping

running "sox filename.ext -v <statvalue> output.wav" up's the volume but

running "sox filename.ext output.wav norm" sounds the same as the volume ramped version


so the best I could get was "sox infile -C 0.5 -c 1 -b 8 -r 15558 outfile.u8 norm"


fiddling with the compression didn't make any difference to the volume and the rest is required


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I'm trying to convert my beloved movie, which is Bladerunner. I tried to do something like this:

1. Use Audacity to normalize the sound to 0.0dB. Normalization of so long soundtrack is not always the best idea since there may be one or two places in the whole movie with loud sound, while others may be pretty low.

2. Additionality, increase volue by 8dB. Of course, it caused a lot of clippings - I just wanted to make it loud.

sox somplained then about volume a lot:

sox WARN wav: wave header missing extended part of fmt chunk 
sox WARN rate: rate clipped 13524 samples; decrease volume?
sox WARN dither: dither clipped 17500 samples; decrease volume?
sox WARN sox: `Bladerunner-pal.wav' input clipped 229735 samples

Anyway, it's still pretty quiet. If I stream it to YouTube (capture with a simple USB grabber), YT can amplify the sound and make it at normal level. Yet, I would like Atari to play it a bit louder. But maybe it should be this way?

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I can do Bladerunner movie for you, if you want.

14 minutes ago, Peri Noid said:

I'm trying to convert my beloved movie, which is Bladerunner. I tried to do something like this:

1. Use Audacity to normalize the sound to 0.0dB. Normalization of so long soundtrack is not always the best idea since there may be one or two places in the whole movie with loud sound, while others may be pretty low.

2. Additionality, increase volue by 8dB. Of course, it caused a lot of clippings - I just wanted to make it loud.

sox somplained then about volume a lot:


sox WARN wav: wave header missing extended part of fmt chunk 
sox WARN rate: rate clipped 13524 samples; decrease volume?
sox WARN dither: dither clipped 17500 samples; decrease volume?
sox WARN sox: `Bladerunner-pal.wav' input clipped 229735 samples


Anyway, it's still pretty quiet. If I stream it to YouTube (capture with a simple USB grabber), YT can amplify the sound and make it at normal level. Yet, I would like Atari to play it a bit louder. But maybe it should be this way?


Edited by Poison
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8 hours ago, Peri Noid said:

I'll try this way with Audacity. Trying is kind of a problem when you want to convert a 2 hour film. 

in audacity try compression followed by amplify. Audacity often (but not always) tries to pick the optimal value for the latter. Under View click on "show clipping"


I still cannot remember how to get audacity to export to unsigned 8-bit raw format with the correct sample rate. When I try this playback is much too slow.


For the time being I'm just exporting it back to a WAV file which I then feed back to sox.


good luck with your blade runner conversion.


I think my first feature video was Heavy Metal, animation

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55 minutes ago, Peri Noid said:

I just have a thought... Maybe what I get is normal? Maybe it should be this way? Is anyone willing to check? I can share "Monty Python and Holy Grail" if anyone's interrested ?

Hmm, I am going to have to try and convert Life of Brian.  Maybe Lotharek could distribute it with the Biggus Dickus.  ?

Edited by leech
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People will want DTS or ATMOS surround next :)


Bloody amazing use of tech but let's not forget the age of the stuff...


Watching a full movie on it, er nah.....Brilliant for what its doing but tech demo..Silica shop would have freaked if they saw this back then...

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  • 4 months later...

This weekend I have recompiled the video player, but for: KMK/JZ v1, IDEa, and IDEPlus. It recognizes IDEa with original bios, as well as APT from Flashjazzcat when detecting interface.

Binaries and source attached.


Under Altirra it works well with KMK/JŻ v1 and IDEPlus.


Among real hardware, I only have IDEa interface. Behaviour is at least strange.

With Sandisk Ultra 1GB it plays video flawlessly.

However when using Kingston 8GB "with flower", I can only see random pixels.

What intrigues me is that the same Kingston with the same content plays at acceptable level using SIDE (there are minor glitches, but all in all you can enjoy the movie).

Anyone has idea what might be the reason?


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  • 3 months later...
1 hour ago, Mazzspeed said:

I don't suppose there's any chance of Avery's movie player being ported to work with SIDE3? I'd love to give it a go.

Sorry, no port yet. I've had requests for doing so and have a SIDE3 cart but haven't had time to try. It needs a rewrite since the storage interface is completely different (SD vs CF/IDE). The hardware is well suited to it though, DMA engine makes it trivial compared to with raw IDE.


Edited by phaeron
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12 hours ago, flashjazzcat said:

What about a the polling for data tokens, etc? Is this not likely to cause gaps in playback?

Only if the transfer can't keep up on average. With DMA transfers it is possible to buffer multiple frames ahead and the frame can be 16 sectors instead of 17. Data rate for 320x192 is 480KB, so at peak rate the DMA engine can pull from the SD card at >3x rate.

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On 4/13/2021 at 12:48 PM, phaeron said:

Sorry, no port yet. I've had requests for doing so and have a SIDE3 cart but haven't had time to try. It needs a rewrite since the storage interface is completely different (SD vs CF/IDE). The hardware is well suited to it though, DMA engine makes it trivial compared to with raw IDE.


Oh well, perhaps one day phaeron?


I understand, life gets busy...

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  • 2 months later...
7 hours ago, Philsan said:

I am sorry, I remember this question has already been asked but if I am not wrong I didn't undertand the reply.


Why when playing videos with Side or AVGCart there's a background noise and volume is low?






regarding the whistling noise, me and Poison asked this before and this was phaeron's reply (post #230):


"It is the 15KHz carrier from the PWM technique used to generate the audio. Standard 4-bit volume encoding can be used instead, but the sound would be muffled at the high end instead.


PDM would have better quality, but there are currently not enough cycles in horizontal blank. Volume-only is LDA + STA, PWM is LDA + STA x 2, PDM requires LDA x 2 + STA x 2."


I am wondering if there is something (anything) we can do to avoid/remove this noise or make it less noticeable (more silent)..???  What would happen, if we used e.g. 11Khz or 22Khz, would it become better or worse ? Or would it just be impossible to use any other Khz range for audio in these videos ? Also, when starting any of the videos, there is a very loud "clicking noise", as if someone had turned up the keyclick to 60db - unsure where this "clicking noise" is coming from (most likely Pokey). Could this "clicking noise" be avoided somehow ?


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