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Atari XEGS: Console or Computer?

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As we all know (with possible exception to any n00bs who read this), the XEGS was essentially a repackaged Atari 65XE computer with a detachable keyboard. As such, the obvious answer to the topic is "computer." And yet, depending on your perspective, it could also be considered a game console -which it was of course marketed as- that expanded into a computer and was compatible with Atari 8-bit computer software and peripherals, including disk drives (take THAT, Nintendo!).


So from a collection standpoint, or even a utility standpoint, which is it to you?


In my collection, I have it filed under "game systems." And my reasoning for that is as utterly superficial as it is inconsistent. :-D For one thing, it's a system you'd probably have out sitting on your coffee table connected to a television in the living room rather than at a computer desk connected to a monitor. Although if you're using the keyboard, you'd probably want that...and the XG-1 doesn't work from further than than a few feet away, anyway!


And the cartridges even say "Video Game System" on the label. I'll use Donkey Kong as an example of how stupid I am with this: I consider XEGS Donkey Kong a "video game" cartridge, but I consider the older 400/800 Donkey Kong a "computer" cartridge, even though they're the exact same thing.


Finally, I guess I just like the idea of another Atari game console to collect for. So I'm calling the XEGS a 400/800/XL/XE-compatible game system. :-D





(Side note: has anyone ever tried using Atari 5200/15-pin extension cords with the XEGS keyboard?)

Edited by BassGuitari
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It's an odd question since it's an Atari 8-bit computer redesigned to be a console, and it can be used as a computer as well (just add disk drive). Then again, computers are used for playing video games so why can't it be both? :)

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Oddlly contrary to what Atari was trying to do by consolizing it, I can recall my Dad specifically got me an XE instead of a NES because a NES was "just a videogame" and the XE "was a computer" and I could therefore "learn something useful".


i think I programmed a seagull animation, once.

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I say console. Atari marketed it as a game console and I also go by what was planned for the 7800 under Atari Inc.


The Atari 7800 was supposed get a keyboard and computer software and that meant it was similar to the XEGS. Here is my proof: http://www.atarimuseum.com/videogames/consoles/7800/7800keyboard.html


Atari Inc. looked at the 7800 as a game console back in 1983/1984 and that meant the XEGS should be looked as a game console also.

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Probably in 1987 it was a computer that doubled as a game system to help clear out the warehouse in both areas.


Yet looking 26 years later it really isn't a productive computer on any level. And now it's basically just a game system that used computer addons. Disk drives data cassette drives.


I use it today as a video game system yet I still see it as what was a computer but being left behind compared to what the ST could do.

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Well, strictly speaking, they're all computers: with the exception of Pong and other dedicated systems, video game consoles are merely computers that are optimized for playing games. Classifying the XEGS is more difficult because it was marketed as a game console, but it was based on technology from the 400/800 computers, which were themselves originally supposed to be game consoles.


I say it really doesn't matter. Classify the XEGS according to how you use it, because it can be used equally well in both roles. Nowadays, I suspect that the XEGS (and most other vintage computers) are used primarily for games anyway.

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You could easily plug in what was needed to make it a computer, and when done, it is something that was designed as a computer...


That's a gutted computer, not a console.


Much moreso than the C64GS, which as I understand was tricky to make it a full C64. (No keyboard or disk drive plugs)



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So if I plug my 8-bit Donkey Kong into my XEGS I'm playing a game console but if I take the exact same cart and play it on my 800xl I'm playing on a computer?


Is this the same as multiple universes existing at the same time?


I wonder what would happen if I plug my xegs keyboard into my pasta maker. . .

Edited by AtariLeaf
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I wonder what would happen if I plug my xegs keyboard into my pasta maker. . .


You get Atari shaped pasta, which would be awesome.




While I get it was marketed as a console, it is still a fully-functional computer, just with different packaging and pastel colored buttons. Whereas the C64GS and the Amstrad GX whatever are different enough from their computer cousins to be seen as consoles.

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It basicly is a consolized computer. Like the c64 gamessystem and the amstrad gx4000. They are marketed as a console, so i would file it under console.


Yes, but the Atari 400/800 line (from which is issued the XE GS) was at start a Computerized console. (like the Amiga...).


So it is a re-consolized computerized console. :)

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Yes, but the Atari 400/800 line (from which is issued the XE GS) was at start a Computerized console. (like the Amiga...).

Okay, I'll bite. What was the console 400/800 (or amiga for that matter) was computerized from?

I'd say that the ADAM fits the 'computerized console' shoe a bit better.

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Okay, I'll bite. What was the console 400/800 (or amiga for that matter) was computerized from?

I'd say that the ADAM fits the 'computerized console' shoe a bit better.

Yeah, the Amiga was always being designed as a computer. At least by the core team.

It did look like their investors only wanted a console, but that didn't stop them from continuing to design in computer features.

That's why, when the console market died, it was so easy to "make it a computer." It already was.


I hadn't heard anything about the 400/800 line being consoles with computer stuff added on??



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Yes, but the Atari 400/800 line (from which is issued the XE GS) was at start a Computerized console. (like the Amiga...).


So it is a re-consolized computerized console. :)

The amiga cd32 also is a consolized computer. It's basicly a 1200 without keyboard, and the i/o ports. Just adding a keyboard and run any amiga 500 game from cd.

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Okay, I'll bite. What was the console 400/800 (or amiga for that matter) was computerized from?

I'd say that the ADAM fits the 'computerized console' shoe a bit better.


hardware of Atari 400/800 was intended to be the next generation console in order to replace the Atari 2600. Ray Kassar decided to try to compete with Apple and his Apple 2 , and the orginal Console hardware was taken and computerized.

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Yeah, the Amiga was always being designed as a computer. At least by the core team.


Pure Urban legend. ... still tenace nowadays :(... it was a marketting lie to give credibility to a machine. (hard to sell a machine as professionnal computer when it was been originally designed as a toy (back in time Console = toy)) . this legend is so hardly incrusted in mind than the legend serve as reference in the "history"....


the Amiga has been designed to be a console. the Fact it become a computer is just due to business constraint and opportunity.

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