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Genesis Shmups


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I was wondering what are some AFFORDABLE schmups out there for the genesis/32X/CD. This is my favorite type of game and I would like to have a few for my collection. I have phelios right now in my collection and rocket knight adventures. Looking for more, especially the flying ones. I know there are many out there, and would love to have some like musha, but I am looking for affordable ones.



Edited by metzger130
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Thunder Force II seems to be reasonabley common, a good lanch title, and omong the best shooters on the Genesis, regardless how much people praise the sequels, I think this one is the best just because it's probably the most possible to beat/get far, or maybe I played it the most so it seems the easiest, who knows?

Also, Steel Empire is not bad either, suffers from being by Flying Edge, but other than that pretty solid.


And if you have a Sega CD then you just burn whatever you want, and if you're into having the real thing then burn em to try em out to see what you like then you know what to buy.

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It depends on what you mean by "affordable".


Probably the least expensive and most commonly available two options are Grind Stormer and Thunder Force II. Both are pretty easy to find for under $5 if all you want is bare cart.


Old Genesis games aren't going to break the bank though. Even rare titles can be had for less than the price of a modern new release game. I recommend hunting down Thunder Force III or Lightening Force. Sagaia is also very good if you can find it.

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I don't think any are all that expensive. I know I never paid much for any of these, buying them as used cart-only games from used game stores. Here are my recommendations:

  • Gaiares - I pronounced it "Gary's", but I'm sure it is "guy-ress". Horizontal scroller. Nice visuals + static character cut scenes + nice music. This game has an interesting special weapon - you send it out and it 'reads' any enemy it locks onto, giving you a special power. It is fun to experiment with grabbing different enemies and seeing what you get.
  • Thunderforce 3 - my favorite TF game. Even better music than Gaiares and cool enemies/stages/bosses. My favorite TF game even though technically TF4 is 'better'.
  • Thunderforce IV "Lightening Force" - this one pushes the Genesis hardware as hard as possible! A must-own game, but I prefer it less than TF3 because (a) this one is more difficult and (b) the screen scrolls up and down a bit - you can't see the entire 'level' as you fly through it unless you fly up and scroll the screen up (or back down). But this is still a must-own - great game.
  • M.U.S.H.A. - this is probably my #1 favorite Genesis shmup. Vertical shmup. Fantastic action and strategies. I like the Japanese techno-feudal world.
  • Biohazard Battle - an early Genny title with awesome bass sound in its weird music - weird gooey biological enemies. You pick which of 4 insect-themed craft to use. 2-player simultaneous too, which is the only way I've ever beaten it. Like a cross of futuristic and prehistoric feel to it - if Jurassic Park had genetically created huge mutant centipedes and insects instead of dinosaurs.

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Thanks for the ideas but I do have a couple of questions.


I see that the sega CD will play burned games. Try before you buy type of thing. How do you burn them? Is there a place that you can find images and you burn like you would any other pc game?


2nd when looking at the ideas for games to get, I definitely want to get the Thunderforce series, they all look great. I did ask for affordable, right? cafeman, you must have a different definition of "affordable" then me. I would LOVE to own MUSHA, however, it's $150 - 200 for it. That's not affordable at all! I probably am going to try and find thunderforce series of games, biohazard battles, steel empire and gaiares for sure. I've seen those on "classic game room" and they look really good.

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Airbuster, not the most technically impressive thing ever on the SG, but a heck of a game that keeps real tight with its arcade parent


course I am a thunder force junkie


edit: maybe a lot less traditional for a SHMUP, target earth.. its really more like super contra as its a side scroller mainly stuck to the ground, but if your a fan of shoot em up its a good assult of constant bullets and oh crap, 3 lives doesnt help either

Edited by Osgeld
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MUSHA isn't worth $100 dollars, not Genesis game is. I think I paid like $12 for it at The Exchange - loose cart, sitting with 100 other Genny games.


While I agree w/ you about the price... in all fairness (my opinion) it's the best Genesis shooter. I was lucky enough to buy one at Toys r Us when it was new.


Speaking of outrageous prices. anybody check out the Mega Drive import scene? Mainly the shooter genre. Cripes! Someone mentioned Eliminate Down on here... wish I would've done more importing back then!

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edit: maybe a lot less traditional for a SHMUP, target earth.. its really more like super contra as its a side scroller mainly stuck to the ground, but if your a fan of shoot em up its a good assult of constant bullets and oh crap, 3 lives doesnt help either


You know, Target Earth is a game I thought I'd be totally into ever since I first saw ads for it in GamePro, but it's consistently failed to impress me over the years. It's just waaay too unforgiving, and what little I've managed to see of the game is clumsy, cumbersome and, well... not especially compelling. I'd much rather fire up Cybernator for some run-'n'-gun-ish mech action, and while that game has the obvious benefit of being developed years later, it's executed way better than Target Earth.


Anyway, to add a few more recommendations for Genesis shooty games of good value and reasonable quality, I'd say look into...


Atomic Runner - A bit of an oddball title and more than a little awkward, Atomic Runner is a forced scrolling platformer/shooter that's kind of neat. The control is a tad wonky at first, but there's some fun to be had.

Burning Force - It doesn't feature the intensity or pace of something like Space Harrier, but Burning Force is super smooth, good lookin' and highly playable.

Granada - Think of Granada like a game composed entirely of the overhead stages in TFII but without the fixed movement speed. It's pretty cool, I've only just been getting into this one and plan to play it further.

Hellfire - Its reputation as being tough-as-nails is well deserved, but Hellfire's a good'un. The diagonal firing formation selectable here is something I wish more shmups featured.

Raiden Trad - While it looks and sounds awfully bland, Raiden Trad still plays quite well and I've actually come to enjoy this port quite a bit.

Road Blasters - It's an arcade driving game, sure, but there's a whole lot of high speed shootin' going on in Road Blasters. I'd say this'll satisfy anyone's craving for something quick and action packed.

Space Harrier 2 - I have a soft spot for Space Harrier 2 despite the fact that the game itself isn't really anything special. Nostalgia goes a long way with this one for me, but the art direction is inspired and the overall vibe of the game has always appealed to me.

Sub-Terrania - So it's not really a shmup and more of a mission-based, thrust physics sort of thing, but there's some intense shooting action here if you can get a handle on how the game plays. I really love this game.

Truxton - This game's frustrating as balls, it keeps me coming back for more. Among my favourite vertical shmups on the console.

Viewpoint - You'd be hard pressed to find a shmup with more frustrating collision detection than Viewpoint, but once you get the hang of its isometric style, the game is a lot of fun. This port is far less snazzy than the Neo Geo original, clearly, but I think it's a more than solid effort and well worth a spin.

Whip Rush - Whenever anyone mentions Whip Rush it's usually a comment about how it's nothing special, but the control is incredibly responsive and there's a good bit of variety to the stages. The mechanic of being able to spin and fling your options around is actually quite unique, my only wish is that there be more variety and pizazz among the weapons available.


Also, as I see it's been mentioned already, I feel it's important to note that Grind Stormer features two completely distinct power-up systems selectable under Game Type on the options screen. When played as V Five, its Japanese counterpart, the upgrade method switches to something more Gradius-like and becomes, IMO, considerably more interesting and strategic as a result.


...oh yeah, and definitely check out Game Sack's episode on Genesis/Mega Drive Shmups, they cover 'em all in that one and provide some pleasant insights.



Edited by Drixxel
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While I agree w/ you about the price... in all fairness (my opinion) it's the best Genesis shooter. I was lucky enough to buy one at Toys r Us when it was new.


I'd agree that MUSHA is the best Genesis shooter. I've always thought so, but then again I like vertical shmups more. Since the OP also listed Sega CD in his request, don't forget the great sequel to MUSHA, also programmed by Compile - Robo Aleste! Awesome!

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While I don't have the CD/32X yet, I plan on getting it this weekend. Have 3 possible places and if the first 2 don't have it, the 3rd said they would sell the 32X and CD for $40 total with cables. I'll just have to buy a mini to mini (?) cable to hook my genesis 1 to the cd for full stereo sound. That's a pretty good deal in my book. also said they usually give 1 game for each system depending if they have anything available. The CD games I know I can copy and play for free til I can find it for real which is nice. Is the MUSHA sequel as hard to find as MUSHA or is it easier and cheaper since it's a CD?


Thanks again all, I appreciate all the help and if there is, somehow, anything that we forgot let me know. I look forward to more genesis fun.

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Is the MUSHA sequel as hard to find as MUSHA or is it easier and cheaper since it's a CD?


Robo Aleste was kind of pricey for a while. But apparrently the bottom has dropped out of Genesis collecting in recent months. I saw one not too long ago complete for $30, but when I double checked a few moments ago in a simple Google shopping search, a complete copy was ranging from $50 to $70.

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