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Why Can't You Leave Negative Feedback On eBay?


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Thanks to everyone for the information and your opinions on the problem I posted about. Very informative reading.


While I understand that there was a problem with Sellers leaving negative feedback, the solution that eBay took is not the right one, IMO. To me, this would be similar to a tenant being able to report a landlord to the BBB for not fixing apartment issues fast enough but the landlord not being able to to put a negative note in a credit report for a tenant skipping out while owing rent. Both sides may have issues and recourse needs to be open to both.


In the feedback I posted in my original message, you can see this buyer has multiple "No Pay" complaints on his record yet eBay continues to allow him access. This situation should not be allowed to happen.


I stopped using eBay several years ago because I didn't agree with several of their policies. And after finding out that a seller has no ability to leave a negative feedback on a buyer for any reason, makes me even more glad I stopped using it.


Final note... been 5 days now and buyer still hasn't responded to either the "Thank You for buying my item" message nor to the invoice sent. My son is fed up and declares he's done with using eBay.

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In the feedback I posted in my original message, you can see this buyer has multiple "No Pay" complaints on his record yet eBay continues to allow him access. This situation should not be allowed to happen.



Make sure you follow up with the unpaid item case. Most of those negative positive feedbacks (surprised eBay doesn't censor those too) has one thing in common; they didn't file a case. Once you file a case and they don't follow through and pay, feedback is disabled for the auction. At the very worst, you will at least get your fees back.


I swear the policy used to be "three strikes and you're out" on unpaid items, now the way it is stated is very open ended. To play the devil's advocate, I suppose if you are in a car wreck and fail to pay for three items you won around the same time before they finish putting you back together, it would suck to have your account closed. If it were me, I would be obsessing over every responsibility while I was laying there and get someone to take care of, but still. The bottom line is, the action is now discrectionary, so a phone call to customer service CAN help, if you happen to get one of the 50% of their reps that care. I have had to call them a nunber of times and it seems like I either get someone who is really good and cares or someone who can't even understand what I am trying to tell them.


I guess I have just led a charmed life when it comes to eBay (I would rather move that luck to another area of my life), but I think a lot of that may just be experience and low expectations. For what it is worth, almost every issue I have ever had with a buyer (including slow pays that turn out ok) has been on either video games or computer equipment.

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