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I have the one for the Atari 400... i attach a picture of it below for reference...


I am looking for the same design user's guide but for the ATARI 800...


It has 5 different languages... English, German, French, Spanish and Italian.


Anyone? UK Atarians?? :?


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I think I have that same 400 manual, maybe - it looks very familiar, I have so many of them. I'm not so sure I have an Atari 800 version though, thank you for sharing, it that yours?


Hello Curt. Yes, this is mine, it came with my earliest of purchases a boxed Atari 400 PAL i got from the UK about three years ago in my early days of collecting.


Now i recently got a nice boxed Atari 800 PAL from the UK which unfortunately did not come with any INT'L owner's guide.


So i am looking for one badly! :-)


But the thing is i have never seen a picture of an INT'L version of the Atari 800 owner's guide so i am not even sure it exhists... !?!?


Maybe you.. "THE" Atari historian... can help find out more about this matter!


BTW if you have more of this A400 one i could use a better shaped copy as mine is a lil bit "beaten" as you can see in the picture.



Edited by iratasan
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