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Wanted to Buy: Mattel Aquarius or (possibly) Atari 5200


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Now, there's a study in contrasts, eh? :)


I grew up with an Aquarius computer and am really thinking it's time the old thing came back into the fold. I think all I need is the computer itself and a RAM cart--4k is sufficient, more is better. (I don't think the RAM cart requires the Mini-Expander, does it? Never had the RAM carts when I was a kid, so I'm relying on my increasingly frail memory.) I'd love a Mini-Expander, don't get me wrong. But if a RAM cart can run without it, it isn't crucial. Don't really need any of the other peripherals. (I can record CSAVEs to a PC.)


The Atari is a maybe. I'm not really sold on buying one, but for the right price I might. I have a 7800 so don't need to worry about 2600 compatability; therefore it doesn't matter if it's a 2-port or 4-port. That weird RF switch/power device on the 4-port is...fascinating, but I don't necessarily need that, either, if you know what I'm saying. I guess I'd take a 2-port over a 4-port if the price was better. I really don't care which one it is, I suppose.


I'm not really set on that 5200, as you might be able to tell. Price matters. If you've got one being used as a doorstop and want to give it away, I'll take it if it works. :grin: But really, if you have one, let me know what you think and we'll see what happens.


I'm in Florida, BTW, for shipping purposes.

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I can hook you up with an Aquarius, and probably a RAM module and Mini Expander as well. I'm traveling this week, but when I return, I'll PM you with the details if you're interested.


In the meantime, you might also consider the Aquaricart, a compilation cartridge for the Aquarius that I released in late 2011:



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you might also consider the Aquaricart, a compilation cartridge for the Aquarius that I released in late 2011:




Jaybird3d, I know the Aquaricart well, actually. Your effort on it was probably the first retrocomputing thing I ran into a year or so back when I really started looking this stuff up. It's a wonderful thing and I will definitely consider it.


Interestingly, we're about to have our kitchen torn to pieces and probably won't be back home until sometime next week ourselves. We'll reconvene then. :-) PM me when you have a chance and we'll discuss the Aquarius. Thanks very much!

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I was getting ready to take pics of my Aquarius setup this weekend to sell.


I have:

- 1 great Aquarius, boxed, with all manuals

- 1 more Aquarius that I can't get carts to work with (haven't tried real hard though), boxed

- memory expander (I think it was the 4k one?)

- Aquarius cassette player

- Mini-Expander

- Aquaricart, deluxe version or whatever it was called

- a boxed cart or two , can't remember what they were offhand, one is sealed.


If you're interested in this package, let me know. I'm not interested in selling it piecemeal, only as a bundle. PM me and I can go take pics and send them.

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Hi Mirage, thanks for the heads-up on this. I think I'm going to wait for Jaybird3d to get back in town. If I bring too much of this stuff into the house at once, my wife will clip my head off and barbecue it. She's a sweet, kind soul, you know? :-) Thanks for the offer though.

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