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NEEDED: 7800 Commons for Upcoming Project


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I'm wanting to offer carts of a few projects and I'm in need of some 7800 commons. PM me if you can help out. I can pay cash, or I can discount your copy if you're interested in getting a cart of either of these games or another project I have planned. I'm wanting to offer these carts at a very affordable price, so I'd like to get the parts as inexpensively as possible.

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Oh my. I had a response typed out days ago, but apparently I never clicked submit. My apologies.


By far, the most common is Pole Position II.

There are also:


Dig Dug

Food Fight



Ms. Pac-Man

Robotron 2084




The above are all pretty common and make good donors for 32K games.


For games greater than 32K:

A great general purpose game is Jinks. It's also very common and the board is highly configurable.

There are also:

Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong Junior

Hat Trick

Realsports Baseball


I may be forgetting a few, but most of the other games with useful boards are harder to get for a good price.

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