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lynx screen too bright


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My 2 year old got to my Lynx a week back. Although I took it away and it did not look any worse for the wear, I did not have time to check it out. Last night I tried it out for the first time since and the games started up but the screen was so bright that most games were unplayable. Today, without doing anything, I can at least see the games but the brightness needs to be turned down to its minimum and I even have to look down at an angle from above the screen so it is not so bright.


Any ideas what could be wrong before I open her up to look for toddler drool, stray cheerios, or other assorted things they tend to leave behind?

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Presumably you are getting no brightness adjustment at all. If that is the case then it might just be that dripping it exposed a dry solder joint in the brightness control circuit resulting in the control value being held constantly at the value which results in the highest brightness, that or the potentiometer used for the brightness control has been broken with the same effect. I would think those are the most likely causes, but it depends on the exact circuit being used.

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